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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:10 pm   

CMUD vs CMUD Pro - purchasing question
The only description I could find giving any information on the difference between these 2 is the following line "CMUD PRO includes all features of the regular CMUD product, and adds SSH and advanced mapper scripting support."

I'm not sure what I would need SSH for (I assume this is only for specific muds), but the "advanced mapper scripting support" sounds like it might be interesting. Where can i find more information on what this means so I can decide on which version of CMUD to purchase?

Also, if I go with the Pro, since I downloaded and am running the trial of the basic CMUD, will I need to uninstall and reinstall the pro, or will entering the reg key for the pro version unlock all the features?
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:22 pm   
You'll need to uninstall and redownload the Pro installer.

SSH is mostly used for people who're using an SSH shell as a proxy, or for people who're using CMUD as a server administration tool (because a lot of its features are good for that, too). The advanced mapper features aren't actually in CMUD Pro yet - the mapper will be rewritten to use a newer, better database format some time soonish, which'll then necessitate a new version of the zMapper program, which also uses that format. This new version of zMapper will probably be called CMapper.

What happens when you have zMapper and zMUD (or, currently, CMUD) installed is that zMapper makes a lot more map manipulation options available through a COM object. I'm not sure where this interface is documented, but I'm sure it is somewhere. Basically, when CMapper is released, CMUD Pro will be upgraded, and will allow you to use this advanced COM interface without buying the separate CMapper product and having to keep it installed.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:11 pm   
Revitalizing this post because the actual documentation is pretty uninformative. Could Mike Potter please give us a breakdown, or show us a link to the definitive breakdown of what is different between cMud and cMud Pro? I'm going to purchase one of them, but I want to know if Pro offers anything that actually enhances my user experience outside of SSH. I'm assuming that since this is an old post, that there must be updated info by now. Thanks!
Dark and Shattered Lands
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:12 pm   
if you build it they will come, assuming that they have not already come to build it
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Joined: 01 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:15 pm   
Thank you Hadar!

As per the link above, I have determined that cMud Pro is the right choice for me. SHould anyone else come across this search looking for similar answers, please use the above listed link for answers best fitted for you.
Dark and Shattered Lands
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