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Joined: 10 Jul 2007
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:57 am   

Walker Script + Mapper
So, I've been trying to design a script using the #walk command to follow along in larger areas. It 'mostly' works and I'm looking to do more improvements but it has some slight bugs.

First, a class folder for the mobs/items/players I'm looking for. Each mob has a trigger and the commands are:
mobs = 1
mobfound = [color=orange]|mob id|[/color]
#T- [color=orange]|MOB Class|[/color]

Second, the mud prompt. Its in it's own class folder to make it easier for an on/off switch.
#wait 500
#IF (@items = 1 and @players = 0) {getall}
#IF (!@mobs or @players) {nextroom}
#IF (@mobs and !@players) {kill @mobfound}
#T- prompt
#T- roomtrig

Third, the trigger that designates that I've made it to the room. (roomtrig)
players = 0
items = 0
mobs = 0
mapstep = %roomnum
#IF (@currentstep == @mapstep) {#T+ prompt}
#T+ [color=orange]|MOB CLASS|[/color]
#ECHO @currentstep
#ECHO @nextstep
#echo @mapstep

Next, the nextroom alias:
#T+ roomtrig
#walk @nextstep
currentstep = @nextstep
nextstep = (@currentstep +1)

To use:
    Mark your spot on the mapper
    Set the currentstep variable to the value of %roomnum
    Set the nextstep variable to the value of %roomnum + 1
    Use the nextroom alias.
    Kill the mob/Get the items
    Use the nextroom alias

It works... mostly but it does see to randomly stop too much or not stop enough. Please feel free to provide any feedback.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:31 am   
One possible problem is the #WAIT in your prompt trigger. That puts the trigger into a new thread. If for some reason you get another prompt before that #WAIT finishes, it will trigger again, and create yet another thread. You could end up with several of these threads sitting around and trying to send the nextroom or kill commands. That can mess you up.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2007
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:35 am   
It did the same thing before the wait was added. the wait was added per advice when i was having the same problem.
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