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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:07 am   

Help configuring automapper
I've been trying to configure my automapper for DuneMUD about as long as I have played MUDs. I feel I am so close now but something just isn't working. Let me show you what it looks like to travel around:

-[ ICTS TransitPad Chamber ]-
This is a small round chamber devoid of anything other than a
small silver circle on the floor in the center of the room.
A powerful glow emits from the ceiling above the circle.
This room marks the arrival point for ICTS Transit Pads.

One obvious exit: north.
HP:100% CP:100% >>
There is no exit leading west...
HP:100% CP:100% >>
-[ Meditation Room ]-
A meditation room specifically designed for the mental comfort of
IMG members. Just a place to come and exchange ideas or weapons.
If you use weapons from here, you are expected to leave similar in return.
IMG members have trust built in faith. Please do not misuse this.

Two obvious exits: south and east.
An IMG Newbies board [14 messages, last dated: Nov 14 05:52, 2010]
An Ixian Fuse-Adder Machine
HP:100% CP:100% >>
There is no exit leading north...
HP:100% CP:100% >>
What ?
HP:100% CP:100% >>
-[ Ixian Machine Guild ]-
The room is made of a metallic alloy that reflects available light.
Computers are built in four circular patterns located near the corners
of the room. In the center lies a huge holographic image of a complex
microchip. This is the mecca of artificial intelligence. This is the
birthplace of the ultimate thinking machines. For those who are
currently ghosts use `into' for going into the regeneration room.
There is a clock here, and a digital sign hangs beside it.
Available options here are:
join, leave, cost, replace, and guildinfo.

Seven obvious exits: up, down, north, south, west, east and into.
An Ixian Machine board [No messages]
An automatic bank teller machine
HP:100% CP:100% >>
-[ IMG Omni Viewer room ]-
Long ago, Ixian Machines were able to bridge the gap of time
and space viewing by controlling light energy in a tight helix.
This allows the bridging of vast distances for glances at the
location of known individuals. Viewing is instantaneous. In the
middle of this room is a large spiral of light that constantly
spins slowly. Simply steping into the light and thinking of the
person you want to view creates an image of that person. A message
cube sits near the door.
Command: view <person>

Two obvious exits: north and west.
Ixian Message Cube
HP:100% CP:100% >>
There is no exit leading east...
HP:100% CP:100% >>

Right now everything looks configured right when I check it while reconfiguring but my main problem is the mapper not registering my movement or not registering new rooms, sometimes a combination of both. I've been trying to figure this out but it's got me stomped. I don't know how to paste my tags on here in command line format but if you need to see them I'll make an attempt. Thanks!
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:43 pm   
Please note that this forum is intended for discussion of beta versions of Cmud. There is no beta version currently, so you really should be posting in the General forum.

The first thing you should check is what mode your mapper is in. Are you in Mapping mode or Follow mode? If in Follow mode, it will not create new rooms (though it should still follow into existing rooms).

If you do have Mapping mode on, it may mean that your configuration is not recognizing the rooms for some reason. Is the output format for these rooms different from the room that you did your configuration on? Try reconfiguring, then move out of the new room created by configuring, delete the new room, then move into the room again to see if it re-creates the room.

It is possible that you will need to explicitly #TAG room info to get the mapper to recognize it, but I don't see anything unusual about your room descriptions that I would expect to require that.

Oh, wait, your last paragraph implies that you are already using #TAG commands. Is that true? Did you reconfigure after making your tags? After editing #TAG triggers, it is important to reconfigure to let the mapper see the new output.

If you are using #TAG and still can't figure anything out from what I've said above, post your tag triggers. Follow this procedure:
In the Package Editor, select the trigger.
In the editor window on the right of the Package Editor, click the XML tab.
Highlight the entire XML content displayed, and click CTRL-C to copy it to the buffer.
In your reply to this thread, type:

Then type CTRL-V to paste your code.
Then type:
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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:38 pm   
My apologies I didn't realize there was no longer a Beta version.

<trigger priority="1800" id="180">
  <pattern>HP:*~% CP:*~% ~>~></pattern>
  <value>#TAG prompt %1</value>

<trigger priority="1790" id="179">
  <pattern>~-~[ (*) ~]~-</pattern>
  <value>#TAG name %1</value>

Those are my tags, I have double checked all of the standard stuff you are listing, I'm not a total newbie to the mapper, I can usually get it working on several other MUDs but this one is giving me a lot of trouble (LP MUDs generally do). My theory is that it has something to do with the room exits. I can't figure out how to properly use #TAG for these though so I use the standard exit configurations. I've done the basic stuff like reconfiguring after every change and stuff like that. I also notice that even if it makes a couple of rooms it won't register my movement if I try to go back into them.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 6:57 pm   
The only thing I notice right off is that your prompt trigger pattern is not capturing anything. You don't have any parentheses there to fill in the value of %1 for the trigger value. Check that, and I'll think about it some more.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:13 pm   
Would removing the %1 fix that? I don't really understand why I would need to capture that value as I am just tagging the prompt.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:50 pm   
Yes, changing the script to just "#TAG prompt" would work, since that tag does not require an argument. So this should not be causing the problem you are seeing.

Have you double-checked that your tag triggers are firing correctly? Maybe try putting a #PRINT command in the triggers to see whether they are firing. If the triggers are firing, and the captured room name is matching the saved room name, it should be recognizing the successful move.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:28 pm   
I added the #print and they both showed up fine. I think it might be the room names, is there a way to have it ignore checking room names before creating new rooms? Some of the rooms have the same name but then again it would be annoying to manually connect everything to rooms already made.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:48 pm   
So the tag triggers are firing but the mapper is not moving the location object? Odd. One thing you could try is adding an #OK into the tag trigger for the room name.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean about having the mapper ignore checking room names before creating new rooms. Are you suggesting that it create a new room every time? That's what would happen if it ignored existing room names. There is no problem with a map having multiple rooms with the same name. In normal movement, when the mapper detects a movement command, it figure out what room is in the direction you are moving, grabs the name of the room in that direction, and creates a trigger to match against that room name which sends an #OK. If you use a #TAG trigger, I believe that it sends an #OK when the #TAG name is sent. In either case, you can have multiple rooms on your map with the same name, as long as they aren't at the same coordinates.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2005
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:53 pm   
That must not be the problem then. I tried adding #OK and it's still giving me the same problem.

Also, when I do the reconfiguration it always maps the room perfectly. Room name, descriptions and exits. It's only when I start moving around does everything not work, I can sometimes move into mapped rooms and sometimes it doesn't register any movement and sometimes it will map in one direction.
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