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Joined: 30 Oct 2004
Posts: 127

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:05 pm   

Error in GMCP....I think
So, this is from when I get blacked out and I call a bashing script. I can't see what the issue is, so I hope you guys can see it.

H:5060 M:6044 E:99% W:99% B:100% Spark:89% Stance:Scorpion XP:74% [cdb e- --]
Pulling his fist back behind his head, an enraged male villager suddenly throws a strong punch into your face!
You sidestep the attack, letting the strike go wide.
[] <<<<-----------hides the prompt because of blackout
You have recovered balance on your legs.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
Damage done: 551, blunt.
Damage done: 210, blunt.
Damage done: 210, blunt.
Your senses return to you as the blackout ends.
You have cured blackout.
H:5060 M:6044 E:99% W:99% B:100% Spark:89% Stance:Scorpion XP:74% [cdb e- --]

0.0007 | TalonnbS | Telnet: ^Char.Vitals ~{
0.0005 | c TalonnbS | exec : Telnet "Sipper" : ResetMultistates $tosip="" $safemana=%g...
0.0195 | a TalonnbS |
0.0046 | a TalonnbS |******* [TAS]: BALANCE AND EQUILIBRIUM REGAINED!!!
0.0083 | a TalonnbS |**********************************COMBO*********************************
0.0122 | j TalonnbS >combo villager sdk ucp ucp
0.0077 | a TalonnbS ]ÉChar.Vitals { "hp": "5060", "maxhp": "5060", "mp": "6050", "maxmp": "6050", "ep": "21900", "maxep": "21900", "wp": "26400", "maxwp": "26400", "nl": "74", "xp": "2978591", "maxxp": "4011170", "blood": "100", "bleeding": "0", "blind": "1", "deaf": "1", "prone": "0", "cloak": "1", "fangbarrier": "0", "flying": "0", "status": "living", "balance": "1", "equilibrium": "1", "left_arm": "1", "right_arm": "1", "spark": "89", "stance": "scorpion", "shortstance": "scs", "string": "H:-/5060 M:-/6050 E:21900/21900 W:26400/26400 NL:74/100 " }[]
0.0959 | a TalonnbS #Telnet 201: Char.Vitals { "hp": "5060", "maxhp": "5060", "mp": "6050", "maxmp": "6050", "ep": "21855", "maxep": "21900", "wp": "26400", "maxwp": "26400", "nl": "74", "xp": "2978591", "maxxp": "4011170", "blood": "100", "bleeding": "0", "blind": "1", "deaf": "1", "prone": "0", "cloak": "1", "fangbarrier": "0", "flying": "0", "status": "living", "balance": "0", "equilibrium": "1", "left_arm": "0", "right_arm": "0", "spark": "89", "stance": "scorpion", "shortstance": "scs", "string": "H:-/5060 M:-/6050 E:21855/21900 W:26400/26400 NL:74/100 " }
0.0006 | f TalonnbS | Telnet: ^Char.Vitals ~{
0.0005 | c TalonnbS | exec : Telnet "Sipper" : ResetMultistates $tosip="" $safemana=%g...
0.0165 | a TalonnbS |ÉChar.Vitals { "hp": "5060", "maxhp": "5060", "mp": "6050", "maxmp": "6050", "ep": "21900", "maxep": "21900", "wp": "26400", "maxwp": "26400", "nl": "74", "xp": "2978591", "maxxp": "4011170", "blood": "100", "bleeding": "0", "blind": "1", "deaf": "1", "prone": "0", "cloak": "1", "fangbarrier": "0", "flying": "0", "status": "living", "balance": "1", "equilibrium": "1", "left_arm": "1", "right_arm": "1", "spark": "89", "stance": "scorpion", "shortstance": "scs", "string": "H:-/5060 M:-/6050 E:21900/21900 W:26400/26400 NL:74/100 " }[]

so uh, I have no idea why the system does this EChar.Vitals thing, but I believe that's what's causing the issue. The only things called here, is a trigger off Char.Vitals, an alias to bash with, and a trigger that fires off the []. Any input would be appreciated.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:55 pm   
You should give us the code for those triggers and aliases.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2004
Posts: 127

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:17 pm   
Rahab wrote:
You should give us the code for those triggers and aliases.

Alias "AA" which does the bashing
#if (@programs.bashing = 1) {#echo **********************************COMBO*********************************}
#if (@afflictions.limiter = 0) {#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.stance = "none" or %gmcp.char.vitals.stance="None") {scs;ucp @tar;ucp @tar} {combo @tar sdk ucp ucp}}

[] trigger
#if (@balances.vialbal=1 and @afflictions.anorexia=0) {#var balances.vialbal 0;drink health}
#if (@afflictions.mendleftarm=0 or @afflictions.mendrightarm=0) {#if (@balances.mossbal = 1 and @general.mosseating = 1) {#var balances.mossbal 0;outc moss;eat moss}}
***blackout eating and drinking of health as a safety pre-caution

This one is a little big ^Char.vitals telnet 201 trig

$safemana=%gmcp.char.vitals.maxmp - %int( %gmcp.char.vitals.maxmp*0.40)
#var safemana $safemana
$safehealth=%gmcp.char.vitals.maxhp - %int( %gmcp.char.vitals.maxhp*0.60)
$maxhealth=%gmcp.char.vitals.maxhp - %int( %gmcp.char.vitals.maxhp*0.07)
$maxmana=%gmcp.char.vitals.maxmp - %int( %gmcp.char.vitals.maxmp*0.07)
#if (@balances.clotbal = 1 and %gmcp.char.vitals.bleeding > 10) {#call @TasMain()}
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.prone=1 and @balances.standingbal=1) {
#var balances.standingbal 0
#T+ StandReset
#var general.dokipup 1
#call @Standing()
#if (@general.systemup = 1 and @general.trigsup = 1) {
//Sipper section
#if (@balances.mossbal = 1 and @general.mosseating = 1) {
#if (@afflictions.mendleftarm=0 or @afflictions.mendrightarm=0) {
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.hp < $maxhealth or %gmcp.char.vitals.mp < $maxmana or @afflictions.recklessness = 1) {
#var balances.mossbal 0
#var general.currentplant 15
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.status="living") {#send {outc moss}} {#send {outc kidney slice}}
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.status="living") {#send {eat moss}} {#Send {eat kidney slice}}
#T+ MossReset
#if (@balances.vialbal = 1) {
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.hp < $safehealth or @afflictions.recklessness = 1) {$tosip="health"} {#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.mp < $safemana) {$tosip="mana"} {#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.hp < $maxhealth) {$tosip="health"} {#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.mp < $maxmana) {$tosip="mana"}}}}
#if ($tosip="health") {
#var balances.vialbal 0
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.status="living") {#send {drink health}} {#Send {stick Analeptic}}
#T+ VialReset
#if ($tosip="mana") {
#var balances.vialbal 0
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.status="living") {#send {drink mana}} {#Send {stick Stimulant}}
#T+ VialReset
//end of sipper section
#if (%gmcp.char.vitals.equilibrium = 0 and @general.equilbal = 1) {#var general.equilbal 0;concentrate}
#if (@general.gotnewbal = 1 and %gmcp.char.vitals.equilibrium=1 and %gmcp.char.vitals.balance=1 and %gmcp.char.vitals.left_arm=1 and %gmcp.char.vitals.right_arm=1) {
#call @HandleBalance( )
#var general.gotnewbal 0
#if (@general.gotafflict = 1 or @general.doingdiag = 1) {
#var general.gotafflict 0
#var general.doingdiag 0
#Call @TasMain()
#if (@general.gothidden = 1) {
#var general.gothidden 0
#call @FigureOutHidden( )
#if (@programs.caughtmindnet = 1 and @programs.mindnetecho = 1) {
#if (%len( @mindnetentered) > 0) {
wt @mindnetentered entered the area
#var mindnetentered ""
#if (%len( @mindnetleft) > 0) {
wt @mindnetleft left the area
#var mindnetleft ""
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