steelemikal Newbie
Joined: 26 Apr 2010 Posts: 5 Location: Springfield
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:20 pm
Mapper noob, help please |
Sorry for what is most likely a rather redundant question, but I am having an issue with the mapper. I have for a few
hours tried reconfiguring it so that it will detect the exits, but I just cannot seem to figure it out. It gets the room name
and room description down just fine, but unless a "mobile" or "object" is in the room it does not. This is because it keeps
flagging the mob or object as the exit. Now the mud, GizmoMud, uses a format for its exits that I think might be the issue.
Here is an example of what I mean:
Heroes' Square
Heroes' Square is breathtaking. It is paved with fine slate flagstones
and is marked by four tall obelisks at each corner. To the east is the
marvelous hall of Venzu the Ancient, the most honored bard in the world. To
the north is a glorious garden where only great heroes are allowed to enter.
It is said to be full of wonders but the guardian will only let those honored
by Venzu inside.
Obvious Exits: [north] [east] [south] [west]
Sirrin guards the gate to the garden letting only heroes enter.
......Sirrin the Warder glows with a bright light!
......Sirrin the Warder is surrounded by a powerful sphere!
I understand its most likely a simple thing I am doing, but I have tried for hours now and a little help
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4734 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:59 pm |
try adding a tag trigger to help tell the mapper
#TR {Obvious exit} {#TAG Exit}
you may need to configure again |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
steelemikal Newbie
Joined: 26 Apr 2010 Posts: 5 Location: Springfield
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:21 pm |
Yeah I tried that like you said, but it still does the exact same thing. And for some reason now even my triggers wont work (after getting a bit flustered I went to coin gather). Enable triggers is checked and on, and I did #ignore to make sure and they are on, and when I go to test them they dont match up, but they worked perfectly fine before I tried the mapper. If push comes to shove, whats the best way to reboot CMud so it goes back to all of its original settings, so I can try what you suggested again?
Rahab Wizard
Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 2320
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:33 pm |
Did you reconfigure the mapper after making your #TAG trigger? If you don't it won't recognize it correctly. Any time you make a change in your triggers affecting mapping, you need to reconfigure. But what you describe is a bit confusing, because a simple configure of the map should have no trouble with the kind of text you posted, even without #TAG commands to help. That's a very common style that the mapper should recognize.
Can you explain in more detail what you mean by "my triggers wont work"? Have you tried a simple trigger to just "#say Hello World" or something? |
steelemikal Newbie
Joined: 26 Apr 2010 Posts: 5 Location: Springfield
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:41 pm |
Yes, after doing the trigger to make that tag I tried the auto configuration again, and it had the same results. And as for the triggers refusing to work, they are very simple, nothing complex. You pummel, should cause it to react with a pum (short for pummel) so that during the length of the battle my character will continue to pummel.
steelemikal Newbie
Joined: 26 Apr 2010 Posts: 5 Location: Springfield
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:49 pm |
Alright just incase my replies are lacking in information, I will explain a bit further in detail. Before I used the mapper, I had triggers like stated before, that were very simple. Now I used the package editor instead of the #trigger command. I am an old wintin vet and know the basics of doing things like that but with a new client I figured using the editor was a safer way to go about it. The command phrase was You pummel, or You try to pummel, and the reaction would be pum. They were working just fine, same with the autoloot and autosplit triggers because the mud does not inherently have those functions. After enabling the mapper however, and playing with the room exits configurations for a while, the triggers ceased functioning. I then checked to make sure the triggers were enabled and they were, but they were simply refusing to work. I hope that clarifies things a bit, I am no coder so I can get a bit lost with these things. If you require more information, please, by all means ask and I will do my best to give you what I can. I should note however that my original copy and paste of the room....it didnt put the three spaces in front of Obvious Exits, could that be messing with it as well?
steelemikal Newbie
Joined: 26 Apr 2010 Posts: 5 Location: Springfield
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:42 pm |
After tinkering and toying for a while again I got everything up and running just fine, thanks for the responses though, they set me in the right direction.
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