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Joined: 28 Oct 2008
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:21 am   

crash as soon as log in
I can't figure why Zmud is crashing when I log into Aetolia. I have figured its something to do with the system I am making. However, everything was fine the last time I logged in. I know its a lot to look through, but I can't find the problem...so I'm going to post it here in case anyone is bored. Here it is.

#CLASS {System|Pueblo}
#CLASS {Weapons}
#CLASS {Weapons|targeting}
#CLASS {Weapons|attacking}
#CLASS {Movement}
#CLASS {Beetling}
#CLASS {Reanimation}
#ALIAS t {#var target %1} "Weapons|targeting"
#ALIAS g {get @target} "Weapons|attacking"
#ALIAS oca {get key from pack;unlock door nw;open door nw;nw;close door se;lock door se;put key in pack} "Movement"
#ALIAS ica {get key from pack;unlock door se;open door se;se;close door nw;lock door nw;put key in pack} "Movement"
#ALIAS amass {press pueri} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS amend {press orbis} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS ama {press orbis on arms} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS aml {press orbis on legs} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS ara {press jecis on arms} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS arl {press jecis on legs} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS acal {press fumeae} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS aepi {press oculi} "ZACS|SALVES"
#ALIAS dimm {stick calmative} "ZACS|ELIXERS"
#ALIAS dspeed {stick nervine} "ZACS|ELIXERS"
#ALIAS dlev {stick euphoric} "ZACS|ELIXERS"
#ALIAS dfrost {stick refrigerative} "ZACS|ELIXERS"
#ALIAS eash {outc bladder_slice;eat bladder_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS ebb {outc stomach_slice;eat stomach_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS ehaw {outc heart_slice;eat heart_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS egs {outc liver_slice;eat liver_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS ekelp {outc eyeball_slice;eat eyeball_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS elob {outc testis_slice;eat testis_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS egin {outc ovary_slice;eat ovary_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS ebell {outc castorite_slice;eat castorite_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS eblood {outc lung_slice;eat lung_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qeash {eat bladder_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qegs {eat liver_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qekelp {eat eyeball_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qelob {eat testis_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qegin {eat ovary_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qebell {eat castorite_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS qeblood {eat lung_slice} "ZACS|EATING"
#ALIAS fpipe {outc skullcap;outc elm;outc valerian;put skullcap in @scpipe;put elm in @elmpipe;put valerian in @valpipe} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#ALIAS lpipe {light @scpipe;light @elmpipe;light @valpipe} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#ALIAS selmpipe {smoke @elmpipe} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#ALIAS sscpipe {smoke @scpipe} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#ALIAS svalpipe {smoke @valpipe} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#ALIAS affcheck {lockcheck;priorcheck;cprone;eatcheck;smokecheck;salvecheck;elixcheck;misccheck} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS cprone {#IF (@balance = 1 AND @prone = 1) {stand}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS lockcheck {#IF {@anorexia=1 and @asthma=1 and @slickness=1 and @focus=1} {focus;ekelp;svalpipe;pb}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS priorcheck {#IF {@herbbalance=1} {priorcheck2} {eatcheck}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS priorcheck2 {#IF {@stupidity=1} {egs} {priorcheck3}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS priorcheck3 {#IF {@confusion=1} {eash} {priorcheck4}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS priorcheck4 {#IF {@asthma=1} {ekelp}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck {#IF {@herbbalance=1} {eatcheck2} {smokecheck}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck2 {#IF {@dementia=1 or @hallucinations=1 or @paranoia=1 or @hypersomnia=1 or @hatred=1} {ekelp} {eatcheck3}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck3 {#IF {@dizziness=1 or @shyness=1 or @epilepsy=1 or @impatience=1 or @indifference=1 AND @herbbalance=1} {egs} {eatcheck4}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck4 {#IF {@clumsiness=1 or @weariness=1 or @sensitivity=1 or @hypochondria=1} {ekelp} {eatcheck5}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck5 {#IF {@beserking=1 or @recklessness=1 or @masochism=1 or @agorophobia=1 or @loneliness=1 or @vertogo=1 or @claustrophobia=1} {elob} {eatcheck6}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck6 {#IF {@haemophilia=1 or @sunallergy=1 or @lethargy=1 or @vomiting=1 or @thinblood=1 or @addiction=1} {egin} {eatcheck7}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck7 {#IF {@pacifism=1 or @peace=1 or @lovers=1 or @justice=1 or @generosity=1} {ebell} {eatcheck8}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS eatcheck8 {#IF {@paralysis=1 or @slickness=1} {eblood}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS smokecheck {#IF {@slickness=1 or @disfigurement=1 or @hypochondria=1} {svalpipe} {smokecheck2}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS smokecheck2 {#IF {@aeon=1 or @hellsight=1 or @deadening=1} {selmpipe} {smokecheck3}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS smokecheck3 {#IF {@rebounding=0} {sscpipe}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck {#IF {@salvebalance=1} {salvecheck2} {elixcheck}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck2 {#IF {@leftleg1=1 or @rightleg1=1} {aml} {salvecheck3}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck3 {#IF {@leftarm1=1 or @rightarm1=1} {ama} {salvecheck4}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck4 {#IF {@fire=1} {amend} {salvecheck5}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck5 {#IF {@leftleg2=1 or @rightleg2=1} {arl} {salvecheck6}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck6 {#IF {@rightarm2=1 or @leftarm2=1} {ara} {salvecheck7}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck7 {#IF {@anorexia=1} {aepi} {salvecheck 8}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS salvecheck8 {#IF (@arm = 1) {press orbis}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS elixcheck {#IF {@elixbalance=1} {elixcheck2}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS elixcheck2 {#IF {@voyria=1} {dimm} {elixcheck3}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS elixcheck3 {#IF {@speed=0} {dspeed}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS misccheck {#IF {concentration=1} {concentrate;misccheck2} {misccheck3}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS misccheck2 {#IF {writhing=0} {misccheck3} {#ECHO STILL WRITHING}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS misccheck3 {#IF {@webbed=1 or @roped=1 or @impaled=1 or @transfixed=1 or @feeded=1} {writhe} {misccheck4}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS misccheck4 {#IF {@fear=1} {compose;compose}} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS ttree {touch tree;#var ttree 0;#wait 9500;#var ttreebal 1} "ZACS|CURING"
#ALIAS dmana {stick stimulant} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#ALIAS ekidney {outc kidney_slice;eat kidney_slice} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#ALIAS manal {outc red;outc 3 liver_slice;outc 3 ovary_slice;inca red to cauldron;inca 3 liver_slice to cauldron;inca 3 ovary_slice to cauldron;ferment cauldron;fill empty from cauldron} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS mstim {outc yellow;outc 3 lung_slice;outc 3 castorite_slice;inca yellow to cauldron;inca 3 castorite_slice to cauldron;inca 3 lung_slice to cauldron;ferment cauldron;fill empty from cauldron} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS mcalm {outc red;outc 3 bladder_slice;inca red to cauldron;inca 3 bladder_slice to cauldron;ferment cauldron;fill empty from cauldron} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss {#IF (@equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {diss1}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss1 {#IF (@liver=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect liver from @target;#var liver 0} {diss2}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss2 {#IF (@spleen=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect spleen from @target;#var spleen 0} {diss3}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss3 {#IF (@eyeball=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect eyeball from @target;#var eyeball 0} {diss4}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss4 {#IF (@castorite=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect castorite from @target;#var castorite 0} {diss5}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss5 {#IF (@pineal=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect pineal from @target;#var pineal 0} {diss6}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss6 {#IF (@heart=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect heart from @target;#var heart 0} {diss7}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss7 {#IF (@lung=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect lung from @target;#var lung 0} {diss8}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS diss8 {#IF (@bladder=1 AND @equilibrium = 1 AND @dissect = 1) {dissect bladder from @target;#var bladder 0}} "Reanimation"
#ALIAS auto {autopsy @target} "Reanimation"
#VAR target {beetle} {_nodef} "Weapons|targeting"
#VAR stunned {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR addiction {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR aeon {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR agoraphobia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR anorexia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR asthma {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR beserking {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR claustrophobia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR clumsiness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR concentration {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR confusion {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR deadening {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR dementia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR disfigurement {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR dizziness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR epilepsy {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR euphorbia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR fear {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR feeded {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR fire {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR generosity {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR hallucinations {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR haemophilia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR hatred {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR hellsight {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR hypersomnia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR hypochondria {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR impaled {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR impatience {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR indifference {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR justice {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR leftarm1 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR leftarm2 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR leftleg1 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR leftleg2 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR lethargy {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR loneliness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR lust {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR masochism {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR pacifism {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR paralysis {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR paranoia {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR peace {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR recklessness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR rightarm1 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR rightarm2 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR rightleg1 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR rightleg2 {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR roped {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR sensitivity {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR shyness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR slickness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR spiritw {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR stun {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR stupidity {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR stuttering {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR sunallergy {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR thinblood {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR transfixed {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR vertigo {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR vomiting {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR weariness {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR webbed {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR writhing {0} {0} "ZACS|AFFLICTED"
#VAR treebal {1} {1} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#VAR herbbalance {1} {_nodef} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#VAR salvebalance {1} {1} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#VAR elixbalance {1} {1} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#VAR drbal {1} {1} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#VAR illusion {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR deaf {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR clarity {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR selfishness {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR vigilance {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR deathsight {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR caloric {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR mass {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR speed {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR coated {0} {0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#VAR elmpipe {234567} {_nodef} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#VAR scpipe {123456} {_nodef} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#VAR valpipe {345678} {_nodef} "ZACS|SMOKING"
#VAR endurance {13} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR willpower {100} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR equilibrium {1} {1} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR balance {1} {1} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR cloaked {0} {0} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR blood {99} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR kidney {1} {1} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR curmana {2228} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR curhealth {4062} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR maxhealth {4062} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR maxmana {2428} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR percentmana {91} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR percenthealth {100} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR diag {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR illusions {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR health {3642} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR mana {2624} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR phase {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR deaf {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR blind {1} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR prone {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR sileris {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR cloaktattoo {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR sipbalance {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR diag {0} {_nodef} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#VAR illusions {0} {_nodef} "ZACS"
#VAR beetle {0} {_nodef} "Beetling"
#VAR balancecheck {1} {_nodef} "Beetling"
#VAR killed {0} {_nodef} "Beetling"
#VAR spleen {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR castorite {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR pineal {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR heart {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR lung {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR dissect {1} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR liver {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR bladder {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR experience {72} {_nodef} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#VAR eyeball {0} {_nodef} "Reanimation"
#VAR eyeballs {0}
#VAR arm {0}
#TRIGGER {^You are too stunned to be able to do anything.$} {#var stunned 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUNNED"
#TRIGGER {^With a soft hiss, (%w) launches (%w) at you} {#var stunned 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUNNED"
#TRIGGER {^You are no longer stunned.$} {#var stunned 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUNNED"
#TRIGGER {You reel as your mind is battered by a mental assault from} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stupidity 1;#var dizziness 1;#var epilepsy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS"
#TRIGGER {eyes on you. A weakness comes over you} {#var aeon 1;#T- CURING;selmpipe} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|AEON"
#TRIGGER {The curse of the Aeon wears off and you} {#var aeon 0;#T+ CURING;#var clumsiness 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|AEON"
#TRIGGER {your movement through the time stream is slowed.} {#var aeon 1;#T- CURING;selmpipe} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|AEON"
#TRIGGER {Terror descends upon you and} {#var agoraphobia 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|AGORAPHOBIA"
#TRIGGER {You can handle the idea of open spaces again.} {#var agoraphobia 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|AGORAPHOBIA"
#TRIGGER {You feel suddenly as if food is the} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var anorexia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ANOREXIA"
#TRIGGER {The thought of food revolts you all of a sudden.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var anorexia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ANOREXIA"
#TRIGGER {The idea of putting something in your} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var anorexia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ANOREXIA"
#TRIGGER {The idea of eating or drinking is suddenly repulsive to you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var anorexia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ANOREXIA"
#TRIGGER {Food is no longer repulsive to you.} {#var anorexia 0;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ANOREXIA"
#TRIGGER {Your lungs are far too constricted to smoke.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var asthma 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ASTHMA"
#TRIGGER {Your bronchial tubes open up and your asthma is cured.} {#var asthma 0;smokecheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ASTHMA"
#TRIGGER {There is a tightening sensation in your lungs suddenly.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var asthma 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|ASTHMA"
#TRIGGER {Small spaces no longer frighten you.} {#var claustrophobia 0;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CLAUSTROPHOBIA"
#TRIGGER {~"Don't get trapped now...~", the bubonis entity whispers to you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#VAR claustrophobia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CLAUSTROPHOBIA"
#TRIGGER {You lash out clumsily} {#var clumsiness 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CLUMSINESS"
#TRIGGER {You gasp as you feel your fine-tuned reflexes} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var clumsiness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CLUMSINESS"
#TRIGGER {Thank Varian, the Satus! Your clumsiness has been cured.} {#var clumsiness 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CLUMSINESS"
#TRIGGER {you are too confused to concentrate properly} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var confusion 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {Your mind feels suddenly confused and jumbled.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var confusion 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {Your head spins as your mind is drowned} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var confusion 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {You reel as the beam strikes, dazzled and confused.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var confusion 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {The confusion lifts from your mind and} {#var confusion 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {The bubonis entity strokes your forehead and} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var confusion 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {Your head spins as your mind is drowned in chaos and confusion.} {#VAR confusion1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|CONFUSION"
#TRIGGER {Sanity returns to you and you are no longer demented.} {#var dementia 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DEMENTIA"
#TRIGGER {You look about yourself, frenziedly, wild-eyed.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var dementia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DEMENTIA"
#TRIGGER {Your spirit writhes in torment as it achieves new depths of dishonour.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var disfigurement 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DISFIGUREMENT"
#TRIGGER {You stand in such dishonour that not even your loyal friends will help you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var disfigurement 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DISFIGUREMENT"
#TRIGGER {You no longer will inspire disloyalty among friends.} {#var disfigurement 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DISFIGUREMENT"
#TRIGGER {You feel ugliness radiating from you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var disfigurement 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DISFIGUREMENT"
#TRIGGER {Your mind swims as dizziness overtakes you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var dizziness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DIZZINESS"
#TRIGGER {Your head spins as a sudden fit of dizziness overwhelms you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var dizziness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DIZZINESS"
#TRIGGER {You are no longer dizzy.} {#var dizziness 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DIZZINESS"
#TRIGGER {You stagger, disoriented by the searing agony of the sunlight!} {#var dizziness 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DIZZINESS"
#TRIGGER {You feel light headed and dizzy} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var dizziness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DIZZINESS"
#TRIGGER {The ground seems to tilt and you fall with a thump.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var dizziness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|DIZZINESS"
#TRIGGER {Your nerves suddenly calm down.} {#var epilepsy 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|EPILEPSY"
#TRIGGER {Your nerves feel suddenly jangled.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var epilepsy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|EPILEPSY"
#TRIGGER {Your limbs begin to jerk and shake uncontrollably, and you begin to foam at the} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var epilepsy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|EPILEPSY"
#TRIGGER {Your stomach becalms itself.} {#var euphorbia 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|EUPHORBIA"
#TRIGGER {You cannot contain the convulsions in your stomach any longer and double} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var euphorbia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|EUPHORBIA"
#TRIGGER {A sense of extreme nausea washes over you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#VAR euphorbia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|EUPHORBIA"
#TRIGGER {fear strikes you deep in the heart} {#var fear 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {You rush about in a state of utter panic.} {#var fear 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {You look about yourself nervously.} {#var fear 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {There is nothing to fear but fear itself.} {#var fear 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {Strange terrifying voices begin to whisper through your mind.} {#var fear 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {A shiver of panic runs down} {#VAR fear 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {A wave of utter panic washes over you.} {#VAR fear 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FEAR"
#TRIGGER {You scream in agony as the horrific flames crackle over your melting flesh.} {#var fire 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FIRE"
#TRIGGER {You are scorched by the firewall as you pass through.} {#var fire 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FIRE"
#TRIGGER {You are engulfed in smoke from the inferno below.} {#var fire 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FIRE"
#TRIGGER {The raging fire about your skin goes out.} {#var fire 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FIRE"
#TRIGGER {Flames erupt over all over your body and begin to consume your flesh.} {#VAR fire 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FIRE"
#TRIGGER {Flames lick around you - you are on fire!} {amend} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|FIRE"
#TRIGGER {Your hallucinations cease to plague you.} {#var hallucinations 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|HALLUCINATIONS"
#TRIGGER {You are stunned by the sight of a massive pink bunny hopping by.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var hallucinations 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS"
#TRIGGER {You are stunned by a fleeting vision of Varian.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var hallucinations 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS"
#TRIGGER {Spiders are erupting from your mouth and nose!} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var hallucinations 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|HALLUCINATIONS"
#TRIGGER {Ooh look! A lovely lake. Perhaps you'll dive in!} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var hallucinations 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|HALLUCINATIONS"
#TRIGGER {Thankfully, the visions of Hell have left you.} {#var hellsight 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|HELLSIGHT"
#TRIGGER {An unspeakable, horrific image rises from the bowels of hell to plague you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var hellsight 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|HELLSIGHT"
#TRIGGER {set of scales appears above your head and one side of the scale quickly} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var justice 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|JUSTICE"
#TRIGGER {The curse of Lanos, Lord of Truth leaves you.} {#var justice 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|JUSTICE"
#TRIGGER {You feel your energy robbed from you as lethargy overtakes you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var lethargy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LETHARGY"
#TRIGGER {The lethargy evaporates, leaving you full of energy.} {#var lethargy 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LETHARGY"
#TRIGGER {Your left leg is greatly healed, but still damaged.} {#var rightarm2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {With horrifying precision, a rank ghoul latches both hands onto your arm} {#var arm 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {As both your arms are crippled, you cannot do that.} {#var rightarm1 1;#var leftarm1 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You feel your right leg mend.} {#var rightleg1 0;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You slowly hobble (%w).} {#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right leg snaps in two.} {#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right leg is greatly healed, but still damaged.} {#var rightleg2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right leg is fully healed!} {#var rightleg2 0;#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right leg breaks from all the damage.} {#var rightleg2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right arm snaps in two.} {#var rightarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right arm is fully healed!} {#var rightarm2 0;#var rightarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your right arm breaks from all the damage.} {#var rightarm2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left leg snaps in two.} {#var leftleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left leg is fully healed!} {#var leftleg2 0;#var leftleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left leg breaks from all the damage.} {#var leftleg2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left arm snaps in two.} {#var leftarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left arm is greatly healed, but still damaged.} {#var leftarm2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left arm is fully healed!} {#var leftarm2 0;#var leftarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {Your left arm breaks from all the damage.} {#var leftarm2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You watch, in horror, as your right leg shrivels} {#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You watch, in horror, as your left leg shrivels} {#var leftleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You watch, in horror, as your right arm shrivels} {#var rightarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You watch, in horror, as your left arm shrivels} {#var leftarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You stumble slightly as your left leg shrivels into a useless appendage.} {#var leftleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You stumble slightly as your right leg shrivels into a useless appendage.} {#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {To your horror, your left arm has been multilated} {#var leftarm2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {To your horror, your left leg has been multilated} {#var leftleg2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {To your horror, your right arm has been multilated} {#var rightarm2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {To your horror, your right leg has been multilated} {#var rightleg2 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The stings paralyse your left arm} {#var leftarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The stings paralyse your left leg} {#var leftleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The stings paralyse your right arm} {#var rightarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The stings paralyse your right leg} {#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The crone strokes your left arm} {#var leftarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The crone strokes your left leg} {#var leftleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The crone strokes your right arm} {#var rightarm1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The crone strokes your right leg} {#var rightleg1 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The bones in your left arm mend.} {#var leftarm1 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The bones in your left leg mend.} {#var leftleg1 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The bones in your right arm mend.} {#var rightarm1 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {The bones in your right leg mend.} {#var rightleg1 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LIMBS"
#TRIGGER {You realise that you have been left alone - you must find companionship!} {#var loneliness 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LONELINESS"
#TRIGGER {You glance nervously around the room.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var loneliness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LONELINESS"
#TRIGGER {The awful loneliness leaves you.} {#var loneliness 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LONELINESS"
#TRIGGER {gazes fondly at you, eyes shining with compassion and love} {#var lust 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LUST"
#TRIGGER {You shake your head, wondering what you ever saw in} {#var lust 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|LUST"
#TRIGGER {You use your right foot to stomp on your left as hard as possible.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var masochism 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|MASOCHISM"
#TRIGGER {You no longer enjoy pain.} {#var masochism 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|MASOCHISM"
#TRIGGER {You feel the urge to slash, cut, and bruise yourself.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var masochism 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|MASOCHISM"
#TRIGGER {You drive a clenched fist into your gut.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var masochism 1}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|MASOCHISM"
#TRIGGER {With the heel of your palm, you smack yourself upside the head.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var masochism 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|MASOCHISM"
#TRIGGER {An odd sensation descends upon you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var masochism 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|MASOCHISM"
#TRIGGER {You are feeling far too passive to do that.} {#var pacifism 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PACIFISM"
#TRIGGER {You are capable of offensive acts once more.} {#var pacifism 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PACIFISM"
#TRIGGER {The unnatural calm that filled you lifts abruptly from you.} {#var pacifism 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PACIFISM"
#TRIGGER {A sense of deep inner calm descends on you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#VAR pacifism 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PACIFISM"
#TRIGGER {{A|*}{*| }{*|p}{r|*}{*|i}{c|*}{k|*}{l|*}{y|*}{*|}{s|*}{t|*}{i|*}{n|*}{g|*}{i|*}{n|*}{g|*}{|*}{o|*}{v|*}{e|*}{r|*}{w|*}{h|*}{e|*}{l|*}{m|*}{s|*}{*|}{y|*}{o|*}{u|*}{r|*}{ |*}{b|*}{o|*}{d|*}{y|*}{,|*}{*|}{f|*}{a|*}{d|*}{i|*}{n|*}{g|*}{*| }{a|*}{w|*}{a|*}{y|*}{*|}{i|*}{n|*}{t|*}{o|*}{*| }{n|*}{u|*}{m|*}{b|*}{n|*}{e|*}{s|*}{s|*}.} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {reaches out with his mind and paralyses you} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {Your state of paralysis prevents you from doing that.} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {Your muscles stiffen and lock as a ghast brushes you with a finger.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {Your body stiffens rapidly with paralysis.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {You feel your limbs stiffen and lock in response to an unseen power} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed.} {#var paralysis 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {You are paralysed and cannot do that.} {#VAR paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {You are paralysed and unable to do that.} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {You are paralysed and unable to move.} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {The bees sting you into paralysis.} {#var paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {Frustratingly, your body won't respond} {#VAR paralysis 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARALYSIS"
#TRIGGER {Hatred burns in your eyes - you realise that your enemies are everywhere!} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var paranoia 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARANOIA"
#TRIGGER {Aaaahhh. No one is out to get you after all.} {#var paranoia 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|PARANOIA"
#TRIGGER {You realize that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var recklessness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|RECKLESSNESS"
#TRIGGER {You grit your teeth, resolving to battle on through the mightiest blows.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var recklessness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|RECKLESSNESS"
#TRIGGER {Prudence rules your psyche once again.} {#var recklessness 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|RECKLESSNESS"
#TRIGGER {Pain is something only the weak feel!} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var recklessness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|RECKLESSNESS"
#TRIGGER {None may stand in your way! You are invincible!} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var recklessness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|RECKLESSNESS"
#TRIGGER {A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var sensitivity 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SENSITIVITY"
#TRIGGER {The stinging feeling fades.} {#var sensitivity 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SENSITIVITY"
#TRIGGER {The bubonis entity cuts you slightly, and you become unbearably shy.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var shyness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SHYNESS"
#TRIGGER {Sudden, irrational fear fills your mind.} {#var shyness 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SHYNESS"
#TRIGGER {Heart thumping, you cannot bear the company of others and depart in terror.} {#var shyness 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SHYNESS"
#TRIGGER {Your shyness has been cured. You can now face the world boldly.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var shyness 0}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SHYNESS"
#TRIGGER {Your glands cease their oily secretion.} {#var slickness 0;salvecheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SLICKNESS"
#TRIGGER {With disgust, you notice that your sweat glands begin to rapidly secrete} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var slickness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SLICKNESS"
#TRIGGER {The salve just slides off your oily skin.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var slickness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SLICKNESS"
#TRIGGER {The bubonis entity secretes a foul, slick} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var slickness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SLICKNESS"
#TRIGGER {Your spirit writhes in torment under the glare of the angel} {#IF (@treebal=1) {ttree}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SPIRITWRACK"
#TRIGGER {casts a net of stupidity over your mind.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stupidity 1}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUPIDITY"
#TRIGGER {Your mind feels suddenly dulled and slow.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stupidity 1;apply restoration to head;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUPIDITY"
#TRIGGER {Your mind feels somewhat slower and more plodding.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stupidity 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUPIDITY"
#TRIGGER {Your mind feels slow and stupid suddenly.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stupidity 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUPIDITY"
#TRIGGER {You aren't such a complete idiot anymore.} {#var stupidity 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUPIDITY"
#TRIGGER {Hmmmm. Why is everything so difficult to figure out?} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stupidity 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUPIDITY"
#TRIGGER {The thought of speech seems difficult all of a sudden.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var stuttering 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUTTERING"
#TRIGGER {The sun has rendered you too weak to move a muscle.} {#var sunallergy 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SUNALLERGY"
#TRIGGER {Your vision is flooded with light, and your face suddenly reddens} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var sunallergy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SUNALLERGY"
#TRIGGER {Sunlight shines down upon you mercilessly, rippling across your skin like fire.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var sunallergy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SUNALLERGY"
#TRIGGER {No longer will the sunlight harm you.} {#var sunallergy 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SUNALLERGY"
#TRIGGER {You feel your allergy to the sun going into temporary remission.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var sunallergy 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|SUNALLERGY"
#TRIGGER {You swoon as you suffer a toxic relapse.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var thinblood 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|THINBLOOD"
#TRIGGER {You feel your blood thickening.} {#var thinblood 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|THINBLOOD"
#TRIGGER {Your fear of heights subsides.} {#var vertigo 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|VERTIGO"
#TRIGGER {You look downwards and the ground spins dizzily beneath you.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var vertigo 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|VERTIGO"
#TRIGGER {You are gripped with fear - you cannot leave the ground.} {#var vertigo 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|VERTIGO"
#TRIGGER {The thought of heights is more than you can bear.} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var vertigo 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|VERTIGO"
#TRIGGER {The idea of going up into the skies terrifies you too much.} {#var vertigo 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|VERTIGO"
#TRIGGER {Your limbs strengthen and you feel stronger.} {#var weariness 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WEARINESS"
#TRIGGER {Your limbs grow heavy and you groan feebly} {#if {@illusion=0} {#var weariness 1;affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WEARINESS"
#TRIGGER {You feel your strength seeping away.} {#var weariness 1;affcheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WEARINESS"
#TRIGGER {In a sensuously fluid motion, %1 reaches out and draws you} {#var feeded 1;misccheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You are impaled and must writhe off before you may do that.} {#var impaled 1;misccheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {Summoning your will, you writhe free of %1 agonizingly} {stand;#var writhing 0;#var feeded 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {%1 draws his blade back and plunges it deep into your} {#var impaled 1;misccheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You have writhed free of that which bound you.} {#var writhing 0;#var roped 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You have writhed free of your that which bound you.} {#var writhing 0;#var webbed 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You gurgle and choke as he withdraws his dripping} {#var writhing 0;#var impaled 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You begin to writhe helplessly, %0} {#variable roped 0;#var webbed 0;#var transfixed 0;#var impaled 0;#var feeded 0;#var writhing 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {the three feet of wicked steel that transfixes your gut} {#var transfixed 1;misccheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {as the flame transfixes your being.} {#var transfixed 1;misccheck;#var blind 0} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {Your legs are tangled in a mass of rope} {#if {@writhing=0} {#var roped 1;misccheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {Sticky strands of webbing spray out from %1 to cover you.} {#var webbed 1;misccheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {shoots an incredibly strong, sticky web at you} {#var webbed 1;misccheck} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You have writhed free of your state of transfixation.} {#var writhing 0;#var webbed 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You have writhed free of your entanglement by webs.} {#var writhing 0;#var webbed 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You have writhed free of your entanglement by ropes.} {#var writhing 0;#var roped 0;misccheck;#if {@webbed=0 and @roped=0 and @impaled=0 and @transfixed=0 and @feeded=0} {affcheck}} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You begin to trying to wrest your mind} {#var writhing 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You begin to struggle free of your entanglement.} {#var writhing 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|WRITHING"
#TRIGGER {You carefully light your treasured pipe until it is smoking nicely.} {#gag} "ZACS|GAGS"
#TRIGGER {You may consume another curative.} {#Var herbbalance 1;affcheck} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#TRIGGER {You are again able to absorb a poultice.} {#var salvebalance 1;affcheck} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#TRIGGER {You may use another affliction-healing serum.} {#var elixbalance 1;affcheck} "ZACS|BALANCES"
#TRIGGER {Tiny tremours spread through your body as the world seems to slow down.} {#var speed 1} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#TRIGGER {You stick yourself with a nervine serum.} {#var speed 1} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#TRIGGER {eyes upon you, and feel your sense of time slow to normal} {#var speed 0} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#TRIGGER {You feel your density return to normal.} {} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#TRIGGER {You have recovered balance on all limbs.} {} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#TRIGGER {You have recovered equilibrium.} {} "ZACS|DEFENCES"
#TRIGGER {eat stomach_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {eat lung_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {eat ovary_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {eat liver_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {eat heart_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {eat testis_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {eat eyeball_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {You are:} {#VAR diag 1} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {overcome by dizziness.} {#var dizziness 1} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {H:} {#VAR diag 0;#VAR illusions 0} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {Inspires disloyalty in those nearby.} {#if {@diag=1} {#VAR disfigurement 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {confused.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var confusion 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {unnaturally stupid.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var stupidity 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {reckless.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var recklessness 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {very lonely.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var loneliness 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {afflicted by fear.} {#if {@diag=1} {compose;compose}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {paranoid.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var paranoia 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {agoraphobic.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var agoraphobia 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {feeling unnaturally tranquil.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var peace 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {masochistic.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var masochism 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {demented.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var dementia 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {anorexic.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var anorexia 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {paralysed.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var paralysis 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {afflicted by a crippled left arm.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var leftarm1 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {afflicted by a crippled left leg.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var leftleg1 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {afflicted by a crippled right arm.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var rightarm1 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {afflicted by a crippled right leg.} {#if {@diag=1} {#var rightleg1 1}} "ZACS|DIAGNOSE"
#TRIGGER {Health: (%d)/(%d) Mana: (%d)/(%d)} {curhealth=%1;maxhealth=%2;curmana=%3;maxmana=%4} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#TRIGGER {H:(%d) M:(%d) E:(%d)~% W:(%d)~% B:(%d)~%~ ~[(*) (*)]} {curhealth=%1;curmana=%2;endurance=%3;willpower=%4;blood=%5;#IF %pos( d, %6) {#var deaf 1} {#var deaf 0};#IF %pos( b, %6) {#var blind 1} {#var blind 0};#IF %pos( c, %6) {#var cloaked 1} {#var cloaked 0};#IF %pos( s, %6) {#var coated 1} {#var coated 0};#IF %pos( p, %6) {#var prone 1} {#var prone 0};#IF %pos( e, %7) {#var equilibrium 1} {#var equilibrium 0};#IF %pos( b, %7) {#var balance 1} {#var balance 0};#MATH percenthealth {@curhealth*100/@maxhealth};#MATH percentmana {@curmana*100/@maxmana};#IF (@percenthealth<90 AND @drbal=1 AND @stunned=0) {stick analeptic;drbal=0};#IF (@percenthealth<75 AND @kidney=1 AND @stunned=0) {ekidney;kidney=0};#if (@percentmana<75 AND @drbal=1 AND @stunned=0) {dmana;drbal=0};#if (@percentmana<70 AND @drbal=1 AND @stunned=0) {dmana;drbal=0};affcheck} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP" {nocr|prompt}
#TRIGGER {You are again able to use a healing serum.} {#var drbal 1} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#TRIGGER {The kidney slice has cleared your system.} {#var kidney 1} "ZACS|CURING|AUTOSIP"
#TRIGGER {eat castorite_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {A carrion beetle trundles off into a dark corner and out of sight.} {#add beetle -1} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {You have slain a carrion beetle} {#add beetle -1;#var killed 1} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {You pick up the corpse of a carrion beetle.} {#if (@beetle) {frenzy beetle};#var killed 0} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {You have recovered balance} {#if (@killed < 1) {frenzy beetle} {take beetle};#var balancecheck 1} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {Mandibles clicking, a carrion beetle scuttles away to a safe crevice.} {#add beetle -1} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {The faint clicking of insect legs on stone a} {#add beetle 1;#if (@balancecheck) {frenzy beetle}} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {A carrion beetle enters, scavenging for flesh.} {#add beetle 1;#if (@balancecheck) {frenzy beetle}} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {A carrion beetle scuttles in, searching for food.} {#add beetle 1;#if (@balancecheck) {frenzy beetle}} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {With a low hiss, you launch yourself at a carrion beetle} {#var balancecheck 0} "Beetling"
#TRIGGER {A stout Dwarven man launches himself forcefully at you} {#var stunned 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUNNED"
#TRIGGER {You detect a pair of viable eyeballs to extract.} {#var eyeball 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You detect a viable liver to extract.} {#var liver 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You look over the corpse and} {#var dissect 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You detect a pair of viable lungs to extract.} {#var lung 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You detect a viable heart to extract.} {#var heart 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You detect a viable spleen to extract.} {#var spleen 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You detect a viable castorite to extract.} {#var castorite 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You detect a viable pineal to extract.} {#var pineal 1} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {You realise that the corpse has now been dissected too often to retrieve } {#var dissect 0;#var eyeballs 0;#var spleen 0;#var castorite 0;#var pineal 0;#var heart 0;#var lung 0} "Reanimation"
#TRIGGER {eat bladder_slice} {#var herbbalance 0} "ZACS|EATING"
#TRIGGER {You press an orbis poultice against your arms, rubbing it into your flesh.} {#var salvebalance 0} "ZACS|SALVES"
#TRIGGER {press orbis} {#var salvebalance 0} "ZACS|SALVES"
#TRIGGER {A flesh golem sentry lunges toward you, pushing hard against your chest with its} {#var stunned 1} "ZACS|AFFLICTIONS|STUNNED"
#KEY F1 {frenzy @target} "Weapons|attacking"
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