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Joined: 03 May 2008
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:13 pm   

Lag when sending a command till it is actually sent to the Mud.
I've noticed with any thing I try to send to the mud that is over 80 characters I'll type what I need and then hit enter. Then I wait anywhere from 15 to 60 seconds for it to actually be sent to the Mud. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Zmud and it also happens on Cmud. Anyone have any idea what might be causing this lag?
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:37 pm   
Any oninput triggers? If you have several of those, that might cause lag as it would have to process each word to make sure it wasn't part of an oninput, especially if you have something like #ONINPUT {(*)} {#IF (%1="blah blah blah") {blah blah} {#IF (%1="blah blah blah") {blah blah blah}}} etc.

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