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Joined: 12 May 2007
Posts: 59

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:13 am   

[2.30] menu shortcuts randomly not overriden.
I have no idea where this problem is stemming from, but once in a while, a macro does not override the menu shortcuts. For example, in my MUD, I use Crtl+F very often, but once in a while, it brings up the find window.

Also another related problem. Once in a while, the command line loses focus suddenly. Whence, I can't issue any macros or type any commands until I manually refocus the command line by clicking on it or on the MUD display.

It does not seem to be a keyboard issue, as I've tried with other keyboards, I've also scaned for viruses using Avast! and spyware with Ad-Aware and my system is clean.

Lastly I did not notice this issue occuring in previous versions of CMUD. So is anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions on how to fix it?
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:20 pm   
If the command line loses focus, then your macros won't work, so I think the problems are related. I have no idea how your command line would be losing focus, but you might keep the Script Debugger open to see if you can catch it happening. Maybe it's a background trigger that is running a script that causes this somehow. It might also depend upon what other windows you have open, like the package editor or mapper or something like that.
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Joined: 16 Jul 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:06 am   
I had this problem with the F7 key which would incorrectly launch a spell check. The only other window open was the mapper.

I clicked on the command prompt repeatedly, to make sure it had focus. The problem remained. However, once I clicked on the map window, and then back on the command prompt, the problem went away. This has happened a couple times, and both times the solution was similar.
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Joined: 12 May 2007
Posts: 59

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 4:35 am   
The below might not be the cause of the problem, but why does the highlighted lines below appear?

0.0029 | a Forsaken |<824hp 460m 400mv .6hr>
0.0034 | f Forsaken | Pattern: ~.(%d)hr : (%1=6)
0.0024 | c Forsaken | exec : Pattern "~.(%d)hr" : #IF (%mod( %1, 2)=0) {#CW steelblue}...
0.0167 | g Forsaken =<824hp 460m 400mv .6hr>
0.7312 | ---
0.0019 | c Forsaken | [1] ForsakenLandsZMud1.mud Comline : start :
0.0071 | a Forsaken |co tree
0.0038 | j Forsaken >co tree
0.0026 | d Forsaken | [1] ForsakenLandsZMud1.mud Comline : stopped
0.4436 | a Forsaken |Your body twists and forms into the shape of a tree.
0.0037 | a Forsaken |
0.0025 | a Forsaken |<824hp 360m 400mv .6hr>
0.0017 | f Forsaken | Pattern: ~.(%d)hr : (%1=6)
0.0030 | c Forsaken | exec : Pattern "~.(%d)hr" : #IF (%mod( %1, 2)=0) {#CW steelblue}...
0.0042 | g Forsaken =<824hp 360m 400mv .6hr>
0.9773 | ---
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:18 pm   
No, your script debugger output looks normal. The "co tree" command was either typed on the command line (starting the ComLine thread), or executed by some script in the background. That is normal.

If the F7 key is causing a problem, please show me what macro you have assigned to this key so I can test it here. I can't get it to fail.
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