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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:40 pm   

Update to 2.3 = broken stuff...
Two things I've noticed.

1: on the MUD I play at the login screen where you'd type character name/password you can enter 'u' to list who is currently online. When the mapper is open and set to follow (only condition I've tried) it crashes the program. There is no error report prompt. Only way to close is to kill it with ctrl alt delete or right click on the task bar, click close, and end now.

2: I have several lists of enemies triggered to be different colors... most of those are broken, but I've had no time to troubleshoot that.

If anyone has had similar occurrences please lemme know :)
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:41 pm   
Does the crash happen any time you type u, or just at the login screen? What exactly do you mean by crash, anyway - is the program hung and unresponsive, or is there some kind of exception message? What you've given isn't a lot to go on.

We'll need to see some script and some example text to be able to help with the enemy list. XML for the triggers and variables and stuff in question is best.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:45 am   
Well, 'u' is the 'up' direction on the mapper, so it probably thinks you are trying to move up on the map. I don't know why there wouldn't be an error report, but post the *exact* error message that you get.

On your triggers, as Fang mentioned, we would need to see the exact trigger script that you are using.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:41 am   
no error message at all :)
program freezes
and yes it has to do with the mapper thinking I'm trying to go up. It doesn't occur with the mapper closed. Just got home and tested.
Not a big deal for me to close the map, check who's on, and reopen it, but just so you know, I can pretty much confirm. 3 times with map open = crash 4 times with it closed no problem.


I'm just using variables like so... @goodenemies @Underdarkenemies @neutrals @House @sig
and triggering them like so
#cw bold,white
#cw bold,red
#cw 95

<trigger priority="3940" case="true" id="394">
<value>#cw bold,yellow</value>

Last edited by Hellfyre02 on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:56 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:51 am   
Oh, I also use buttons to change those on the fly

<button autosize="false" width="89" left="129" transparent="false" color="black" textcolor="lime" gaugebackcol="silver" priority="3" id="543">
<value>#prompt sig "Please enter the name of your allies (case sensitive, big capital letter) separated by '|'"</value>

0000 STR 'sig'
0012 LITERAL "Please enter the name of your allies (case sensitive, big capital letter) separated by '|'"
0112 CMD prompt (2)
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:17 pm   
So are you saying that CMUD only freezes when the mapper is open? If so, can you right-click on the room that is currently active (had the blue dot in it) in the mapper and select Properties and go to the Exits tab and tell me what exists are defined for that room. I'm especially interested in any exit link for the "up" direction that it might be trying to load. It's possible that you have a corrupted exit in that room that it is trying to follow.

On the trigger problems, I just tried your triggers and buttons and they worked fine here. Can you show some sample output from the MUD where they fail to fire? If you can show me the exact contents of your @sig (or other) variables along with the text that didn't get colored, then maybe we can figure out what is happening.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:24 pm   
the exit in that room is actually OUT but to go in that room you must go down. I have the room set so that it thinks its a locked door with the door being out but I press up and it sends out instead. Worked well pre 2.3 I'll test that as soon as I get a chance. Hope that feature isn't broken because this particular MUD sorta likes lots of tricky syntax in quests and caverns.

As for what isn't getting colored... it is only certain variables. Members of my house color correctly others do not.

Or, enter your current characters name

Your choice [F,G,M,N,U,Q,O,<name>]: u
Here is a list of the people currently playing Final Realms:
Artmas, Cyphax, Elros, Finkle, Jalandhara, Khoren, Roland, Rzen, Samael, Shiruk, Silbago, Tzoris
Your choice [F,G,M,N,U,Q,O,<name>]:

ok there Roland and Shiruk are colored... the rest should be in the good guy enemies. Roland falls under sig and Shiruk under Underdark enemies.

> Avengers of Darkness: Mainroom [n,nw,ne,u,s,se,w,e,d].
Bulletin board [ 10 notes ].
A Sign of power.
> who

-------------------------======] Final Realms [======-------------------------
Sat Jul 12 00:21:08 2008
----------------------------------] Immortals [---------------------------------
Silbago the Alchemist, Put your faith in the Lord, because your ass belongs
to me
-----------------------------------] Mortals [----------------------------------
Artmas (Newbie) the male dwarf
Cyphax the male human <-- didn't color (good)
Elros (Newbie) the male half-elf
Finkle Frome the male gnome <-- didn't color (good)
Gares Darkfell the male duergar <-- myself, colored correctly (sig)
Jalandhara TanakaSan the female troll <-- Didn't color (neutral or unknown) ** all those people ARE found in the proper variable
Khoren Nevermore the male human <-- didn't color (good)
Roland DesChain the male human (Idle: 7) <--- Roland, colored correctly (sig)
Rzen the male sea-elf <-- didn't color (good)
Samael the male human <--- didn't color (good)
Shiruk D'lakten the male drow (Idle: 11) <--- colored correctly (UD enemy)
Tzoris the female goblin <-- didn't color (neutral or unknown)
-------> There are one immortal and twelve mortals on Final Realms MUD. <-------

I'll test and look through things more once I get home from work.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:35 pm   
Like I said, you need to print out your *exact* contents of the @sig (or whatever) variable so that we can try it. My guess is that there is a typo since there isn't any reason it would work for some names and not others. I can't get it to fail here.

Go to the XML tab for your variable and copy/paste it into the forums. Use the [code] tag on the forum to preserve your spacing.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2008
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:16 am   
I'm not seeing an XML tab for the variables themselves. Only for the triggers they relate to. The variable is simply a long numbered list. Some of my variables have the option... but not these.


okay okay instead I exported them to xml files

this one works

======> its way over there :)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <cmud>
  <var name="sig">Dredge|Mackloti|Sherrif|Xar|Gax|Raxeri|Dlam|Czar|Natal|Panthea|Merentariel|Vyrae|Xanthraz|Dillenger|Rackham|Pennywise|Azeroth|Steejans|Larz|Quinthyll|Giton|Jeredrif|Geldriia|Fitch|Kuja|Saren|Tybalt|Treiga|Andrak|Ire|Masque|Iksar|Stigmata|Sienna|Crestlix|Anubis|Deception|Gog|Fandral|Ausen|Mares|Luthic|Bagheraa|Darkblade|Dryl|Drenth|Hizzt|Kohl|Limdul|Lodana|Lotus|Noehmi|Orthanos|Teliv|Xevious|Zandranil|Jester|Letha|Vmprtcmp|Dacuwan|Hadrhune|Jiri|Malcolm|Olishuu|Ryles|Spazm|Vaz|Bhaal|Kiaransalee|Mastic|Ormus|Saturninus|Tempest|Venti|Zith|Damion|Bythnara|Deepstahl|Desperado|Coco|Hexum|Jaws|Kitane|Klezmer|Morgan|Minute|Rapture|Scurvey|Senger|Tonic|Vertigo|Vlashnia|Zith|Zeruel|Akron|Cruella|Eternal|Ammon|Naemy|Relzzun|Skornn|Valance|Hayden|Prophecy|Tribby|Darklotus|Scagren|Naphtali|Gophoriia|Larzilla|Leflion|Telexia|Obsidianna|Trykk|Blur|Solith|Irrafein|Jaks|Rabid|Mackloti|Fruba|Veoran|Helmut|Seito|Phillies|Chokobo|Tonk|Amula|Imotep|Lynxazenox|Tamori|Wynd|Wryn|Draino|Asphyxiia|Xandrella|Gorlist|Hacu|Camthallion|Ulysses|Antisiphia|Kushana|Ming|Mobley|Zsuzsi|Brutal|Sarendipity|Scorned|Camthalion|Smirnoff|Tungsten|Persephanie|Aquamini|Kabonga|Kelixia|Nandakal|Santino|Mischa|Drifter|Thyris|Grimblood|Cobler|Teasya|Klopp|Astra|Plundah|Qythe|Gradoct|Jigga|Milenko|Toxic|Tepheroth|Ghundt|Simo|Sviil|Shimmalin|Vengence|Vegeta|Rebel|Kallisto|Phobum|Lethal|Blazed|Zoloz|Tolwyn|Veela|Roland|Aramoro|Ever|Chicane|Instill|Monique|Frascati|Romsan|Gares|Brynn|Gwedalin|Zellis</var>

This one does not

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <cmud>
  <var name="Goodenemies">Pinefur|Marael|Pilsipher|Elora|Bacfire|Gravaleera|Sagan|Vertumnus|Swift|Dvneil|Aurin|Ballbreaker|Korpetit|Merician|Shane|Yuna|Akabar|Asper|Favio|Xira|Takish|Eowithran|Linus|Durito|Essianias|Borka|Berilac|Quigon|Leierana|Maraiachi|Poppy|Xarb|Cortez|Vlcchrss|Jett|Laierana|Solidus|Useless|Phoney|Tulkas|Afonso|Glumli|Quintall|Tyro|Clovert|Kingar|Llanowar|Nylan|Ramthakarn|Tazman|Myzrin|Kristmar|Blyss|Syonara|Maragrim|Sarakiel|Yalenia|Cavage|Sypher|Vlegar|Lowland|Prothall|Connie|Wrooom|Arphaxad|Ogami|Quelolmol|Sinsamillia|Slagbjoedn|Waldemar|Lumos|Eureka|Mumrik|Uteial|Wrablos|Taz|Nartax|Rakanichu|Amaranda|Herfindahl|Jason|Lunita|Longbeard|Lethe|Stubby|Pirch|Benomi||Beinterra|Kragh|Miller|Merudoc|Nayth|Alpharetta|Firefist|Flanker|Kharnix|Kyara|Elwe|Suzereon|Izzo|Chilli|Ainge|Babur|Alandrielle|Uhyre|Haldamir|Cabal|Rabosa|bel|Tikva|Orbital|Dirken|Alexandra|Godiva|Kandar|Pharazon|Raelin|Nagorr|Niwis|Campeon|Aki|Cyphax|Luossa|Nienna|Xanadue|Zoath|Kawira|Wasslo|Troubadour|Domingo|Morsmordre|Sophia|Lezeddicus|Antione|Slycer|Theodred|Sledge|Casillas|Reuxa|Silvan|Zomorrog|Urrasao|Brave|Alnath|Beleg|Yavenar|Sacra|Manhammer|Trundle|Dak|Astirax|Bayonar|Alexandria|Maynard|Zardith|Selveste|Fonkin|Momento|Garmip|Aesir|Woodsman|Eleuthero|Kerang|Phelan|Rhiana|Purpur|Orrin|Confessor|Aerandir|Alendria|Mindtweak|Zhaoyun|Gnuen|Alexiez|Rolando|Adkins|Anderan|Tempus|Schnappi|Relg|Beuwolf|Archlight|Johannus|Gwwlonna|Varmluft||Midgard|Labrania|Fafner|Urijah|Krux|Belith|Tremmu|Ileliramien|Zook|Druwyn|Meditron|Dillenger|Tilu|Luciano|Warlam|Faithless|Myrvia|Feykaar|Bayonar|Lynawar|Massak|Elaril|Cyrus|Hugo|Ravastine|Voolin|Hedwinkle|Baby|Carsik|Gargan|Jailer|Zodde|Davido|Osric|Niska|Oneida|Kalandel|Kazadorn|Sarabian|Strike|Gilitia|Jalag|Reyn|Ronan|Ebaessi|Elabena|Yuna|Badix|Arnon|Kudreaux|Jalandhara|Kira|Zandor|Xoarvith|Elvin|Banger|Arkham|Govan|Kiaya|Zalmunda|Gnav|Alzar|Bethias|Cytax|Warazeth|Paul|Turin|Samael|Roscambo|Lumen|Alvarion|Hynda|Kavinaugh|Apollo|Cartof|Alysandra|Ariel|Battlehawk|Illimar|Jubjub|Mhain|Trajan|Modric|Flint|Galahad|Rizanno|Tomine|Maven|Morphelle|Brand|Darcy|Thorer|Finkle|Yhlew|Lana|Awol|Callamares|Belzedar|Darlic|Keron|Jerv|Alqualonde|Jirooka|Tigresse|Proof|Morganja|Aglaia|Werdna|Xavros|Ichigo|Thyric|Morg|Nyctassa|Xinthea|Nils|Darklore|Pravota|Alasalynn|Kilpa|Jazael|Liguria|Tyv|Elmhurst|Naltia|Tintin|Cassouile|Sippa|Valla|Acerbus|Urquhart|Zolof|Stratus|Tanthalas|Shadowbane|Elimass|Larien|Aeiownu|Mesuinu|Rzen|Anoril|Ridire|Firalin|Lahal|Aerlon|Selidac|Eilsaadi|Dargoin|Haba|Decado|Algorind|Rackham|Trip|Zoloz|Bounto|Greylock|Dave|Sudji|Winnie|Vimes|Sarim|Flalii|Kjeks|Ironfist|Sparrowhawk|Rzen|Aerandir|Damordar|Domingo|Samael|Zheltan</var>
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:29 am   
For future reference, right-clicking on the variable name in the Tree view on the left and selecting Copy will also copy the XML data into the clipboard. Sorry I didn't mention that.

I still couldn't get it to fail with using your exact variables, so maybe I still don't have the triggers correct. I guess we are going to need to get more serious and have you click on your class or window that contains the variables and triggers and then go to the XML tab and copy/paste your entire script so that we can try it.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:31 am   
Ehh, no idea. That was the variable and trigger. I can't do much at all now since the command bar decided to go away. Right clicking and enable/disable, re-enable is yielding nothing.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:26 pm   
Run CMUD and hold down the SHIFT Key and click on the Open Offline action for your session. That will rebuild your screen layout and should give you the command line back.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:08 am   
Something is a bit screwed here. I've changed something somewhere thats causing trigger spam or something. I'm gonna delete my packages and get another copy from someone that isn't having trouble. Thanks for taking the time to try to solve my problem.
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