Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:40 pm
[2.06] Settings not removed from Window when moved |
Yet another settings shell game. In this one the settings hang around where they shouldn't.
1. Launch CMud
2. Close Sessions Window (ESC)
3. Enter "#Class testy;#VAR abc 1;#CLASS 0" at the command line without the quotes
4. Open Package Editor (CTRL-G)
5. Select File|New in the Pakcage Editor menu
6. Give your package a name, and wait for it to display
7. Hit Convert to Window, to change your new package's module into a window
8. Click on the 'untitled' tab in the Package Editor
9. Drag the 'testy' class to your new package's tab
10. Enter "#CLASS;#VAR" in the untitled window's command line without the quotes. |
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:46 am |
Bug reports like ever confirm your status as Guru. Are you a software engineer or do quality management by any chance? |
_________________ Asati di tempari! |
Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:16 am |
Actually this one was found while trying to replicate the settings not existing bug from a clean launch. Something looked a little wierd so I hunted it down. The devil is in the details. The bugs are found in the details. Faulty logic, the devil is a bug that must be squashed.
I am just a hobbyist programmer, and have been for over 25 years. Quality management for me means, can I step back at the end of a job and look over everything involved and feel happy with the work done on that job. If I am not happy then someone else paying for it probably won't be happy either. If I am happy then probably someone else working on it is not happy. Make of it what you will. |
_________________ The only good questions are the ones we have never answered before.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:36 pm |
Confirmed and fixed for 2.07. Converting a Module to a Window wasn't resetting the "External" flag from the Module, so the InScope routines were returning true because the settings were still in an external module.window. I fixed the Convert to Window routine, and I also changes the InScope routine to also check to see if something is a window instead of just checking the external flag.
And yeah, I think I share the same philosophy as Vijilante and I can sum it up as "Nobody is ever happy"  |