
Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:12 am
Hangs in v2.06 |
I guess I get to be the first person to report a hang in 2.06. It's one of those cases with 0% CPU used. In this case, it was caused by a background trigger running the #NOMAP command.
However, in 2.06, these trigger hangs can be aborted with the ESC Key. In this case, ESC worked. So, always report if the hang is causing 100% CPU or low CPU usage and whether pressing ESC works or not. |

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:45 pm |
I got one when connecting to Silverbridge.org 6666. This was a full CPU hang and hitting ESC didn't help matter. I have some events which I disabled but that didn't seem to help. I'll enable then disable my onConnect event again and see if it makes a difference.
[Edit] It seems to apply with the context of a specific package, because I've recreated the offending trigger in another session and it worked fine. I'll email you the file.
Do a "#SHOW @SC" variable and it should produce the error. |
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Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:19 pm |
I had 2 different hangs that I haven't been able to replicate.
One involved hitting ESC at the right time to get rid of the sessions window. It looked like it just confused the message queue, since a switch to another app and back corrected it. I haven't been able to do it again.
The other, which was very serious, seemed to be caused by editting a session then opening it before saving the edits. I only had this occur once, now matter how hard I tried to replicate it. The reason I say this one is quite serious is because it corrupted the sessions.db file. My next launch was unable to get past initializing the sessions. I wish I had held on to a copy of the damaged file, but I did not. |
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Thinjon100 Apprentice
Joined: 12 Jul 2004 Posts: 190 Location: Canada
Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:48 pm |
Sorry to say it, Zugg... but I'm still getting screen-hangs. Fortunately they recover with [Esc], but they're still occurring... and I hadn't changed my settings yet.
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Seb Wizard
Joined: 14 Aug 2004 Posts: 1269
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:30 pm |
Well, for me at least, the hangs appear to have gone in 2.06! I think mine were mostly (although not entirely) the package editor ones, so perhaps no surprise there. But, still, 2.06 is a lot more usable for me. We're definitely making progress on this and the other threading issues. I've not seen any weird substitutions either. Can't say I've tested it that thoroughly yet, but I have spent quite a lot of time connected to the mud.

Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:01 pm |
I think I'm getting the same ones as Thinjon. It happened to me again last night when I was playing. Once again it was a #NOMAP trigger, although I guess that most of the triggers that fire as I'm speedwalking are probably going to be #NOMAPs, so it's hard to tell if it's just a general timing issue with trigger threads, or if it's something else. I'm still hoping to catch it doing this again when I'm running within Delphi so that I can use the debugger to learn more.
Tech: On your hang with the SBCommon package that you sent me...does it hang after it sends your username/password, or does it hang just when connecting to the MUD? I tried your pkg and didn't get any hang when it connected to the MUD. |
Arde Enchanter
Joined: 09 Sep 2007 Posts: 605
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:23 am |
I had only 1 hang with 0%CPU usage for all time in 2.06 and hitting Esc key work fine. I think, it hangs on simple pattern trigger with single #COLOR command in its script.
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-Wrong Priority when copy-paste setting
-1 prompt trigger for Mapper, Session and General Options, not 3 different!
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:53 am |
Zugg it hung after most 1 or two commands.. So if I did a 'look' or moved in any direction a few steps I'd get the hang.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000 Posts: 23379 Location: Colorado, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:30 pm |
My question was whether or not I needed to be logged into the MUD (create an account). It's harder to test stuff when I need to log in, but I can try to do that and see what happens.
Also, is the SBCommon package the *only* package that I need? I noticed that it didn't have any Window objects (which caused some other bugs that I had to fix). So I'm just running with a plain window and loading SBCommon as another package. Are their any scripts/settings within the window object itself that I might also need to reproduce this? |

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:23 pm |
You will need to be logged in.
You can set one up or I can PM my char info if need be. It's the only package you need but it assumes it's being used with at least a main window (since you are pulling it from the package library.) There shouldn't be any other scripts needed, because I test it with a blank session and that package.
I'll also try to see if I can't reproduce it by #SHOWing the mud output on a blank session. |
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:58 am |
I had another weird hang tonight.. that I've been unable to reproduce outside of the initial session where I noticed it. After doing some testing with #GAUGE I was issuing the follow invalid command
Code: |
#CALL %btcol(HPG, black, blue) |
where HPG was the name of a gauge. It caused a hang which I was able to stop by hitting 'Esc'. I was able to do it consistently at that point. Interestingly enough doing a
Code: |
#NOOP %btcol(HPG, black, blue) |
didn't cause a hang.
In this situation the only button was a gauge, but when I added another button for further testing, the correct error (i.e. the parsing error) occurred. I could not recreate it in a blank session. |
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Fang Xianfu GURU

Joined: 26 Jan 2004 Posts: 5155 Location: United Kingdom
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:36 am |
I assume you mean %btncol, Tech, or did your test have the typo?

Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:09 am |
The test had the typo. I actually didn't realize I had typo until I added second button to do more testing and the parsing error was flagged.
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