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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:58 pm   

CMUD and CMUDPro v2.05 Beta released
I have released the 2.05 BETA version of CMUD. I have also released the 2.05 BETA version of CMUDPro (CMUD with SSH support).

This version fixes several of the threading bugs in v2.04. Please see the Version History for details on the bugs that were fixed. In particular, it should fix a lot of the thread problems and screen blanking problems that were making it hard for people to use previous versions.

As always, be sure to CREATE A NEW POST to report a bug in this version. Be sure to put the version number in your post subject, like [2.05] and be sure to mention what version of Windows you are using. Please give as much information about the bug as possible. The easier it is to reproduce, the quicker it will get fixed. If you get a crash, be sure and send the crash dump report so that I can collect as much information on crashes as possible.

CMUDPro is a completely separate download, and also has a separate license. It has it's own 30-day free trial. I am offering a good discount for a limited time for existing CMUD users. If you bought CMUD and want to upgrade to CMUD Pro, log into your store account at https://www.zuggsoft.com/store (If you forgot your password, use the Recover Password link on that page). Once you are logged in, simply add CMUDPro to your shopping cart. It should show a discount of $30 with a total price of $9.95.

You can also buy CMUDPro separately for $39.95 if you don't already have CMUD. The price of CMUDPro (and the upgrade) will increase when the public version is released. So take advantage of this discount while you can.

To Repeat: YOUR CMUD LICENSE WILL NOT WORK FOR CMUDPRO! You need a separate CMUD Pro license. The reason it's a separate product is to keep the price of the regular version of CMUD low for people who don't care about SSH support. SSH support is more of a business feature. Once CMUDPro SSH has been fully tested and the public version of CMUDPro is released, then I'll also release a business-oriented Telnet/SSH product called TeSSH that will be less expensive than CMUDPro but will strip out all of the MUD-related stuff (mapper, MUD list, speedwalking, etc).

In addition to the SSH Support, CMUDPro also enables the zMapper COM-based scripting plugin, even if you don't own zMapper. This allows you to view zMapper-enhanced maps within CMUDPro without zMapper, and allows you to use all of the COM-based scripting that is documented in the zMapper help file.

We are going to use the same forums for both CMUD and CMUDPro. So if you report a bug that is specific to the SSH part of CMUDPro, be sure and put CMUDPro in the subject of the post.

Last edited by Zugg on Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:32 pm   
I just uploaded a new version of 2.05 that fixes the command line clock and tick timer issue. Sorry about that. Just download CMUD again if you want these problems fixed for the weekend of testing.
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