Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:53 am
[2.04] Crash on something triggered |
I was trying to fiddle around with some more of Thinjon's problems and came up with this crash.
1. Launch CMud
2. Press ESC to close Sessions window
3. Paste
Code: |
#TRIGGER {Fired} {#SHOW Hello};#TRIGGER {Hello} {#THREAD;#SAY Made it};#THREAD;#SHOW Fired |
into the command line.
4. Press and hold the ENTER key so it repeats the above commands until a crash.
The crash I got consistently is
Code: |
date/time : 2007-09-29, 00:59:23, 21ms
operating system : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language : English
system up time : 10 days 18 hours
program up time : 5 minutes 1 second
processor : AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
physical memory : 153/383 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 14.19 GB
display mode : 1024x768, 32 bit
process id : $758
allocated memory : 26.54 MB
executable : cMUD.exe
exec. date/time : 2007-09-28 15:38
version :
madExcept version : 3.0b
callstack crc : $7ec919cb, $53e2f1da, $53e2f1da
count : 2
exception number : 1
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 00CBA363 in module 'cMUD.exe'. Read of address 00000000.
Main ($aec):
00cba363 +2617 cMUD.exe MAIN 16306 +372 HandleCase
00cc26e7 +007f cMUD.exe MAIN 17697 +11 TMUDForm.ExecCommand
00c48aaf +0023 cMUD.exe CodeThread 962 +1 TRunCodeThread.DoExecCommand
0047d901 +0101 cMUD.exe Classes 9339 +22 CheckSynchronize
00c47fb2 +0166 cMUD.exe CodeThread 423 +35 MsgWaitForSingleObject
00c48014 +0024 cMUD.exe CodeThread 452 +4 WaitForThread
00c94126 +0122 cMUD.exe MAIN 5778 +34 TMUDForm.ExecThread
00c94a9b +03eb cMUD.exe MAIN 5951 +44 TMUDForm.NewProcessStr
00c93dc6 +0026 cMUD.exe MAIN 5693 +2 TMUDForm.ProcessStr
00c938a2 +004a cMUD.exe MAIN 5568 +12 TMUDForm.ParseCommand
00ca1c1b +0223 cMUD.exe MAIN 10823 +34 TMUDForm.Command
00ca2f20 +0250 cMUD.exe MAIN 11170 +37 TMUDForm.FormKeyDown
00cc98e2 +0012 cMUD.exe MAIN 19572 +1 TMUDForm.UserInKeyDown
0050b5a0 +0030 cMUD.exe Controls 7026 +1 TWinControl.KeyDown
009a9446 +0012 cMUD.exe RVScroll 548 +1 TRVScroller.KeyDown
0095804d +0011 cMUD.exe RichView 1842 +1 TCustomRichView.KeyDown
00934624 +0090 cMUD.exe RVEdit 1625 +14 TCustomRichViewEdit.KeyDown
0050b618 +006c cMUD.exe Controls 7043 +10 TWinControl.DoKeyDown
0050b646 +0012 cMUD.exe Controls 7052 +1 TWinControl.WMKeyDown
009344fd +01d5 cMUD.exe RVEdit 1591 +36 TCustomRichViewEdit.WMKeyDown
00505c9e +0036 cMUD.exe Controls 4552 +5 TControl.Perform
0050c3c9 +00dd cMUD.exe Controls 7471 +18 TWinControl.CNKeyDown
00505f93 +01df cMUD.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
00509cc2 +018e cMUD.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
00509894 +0034 cMUD.exe Controls 6237 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047fef8 +0014 cMUD.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77d4bcc7 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
00c47e1e +00b6 cMUD.exe CodeThread 366 +13 ProcessMessage
00c47f26 +00da cMUD.exe CodeThread 411 +23 MsgWaitForSingleObject
00c48014 +0024 cMUD.exe CodeThread 452 +4 WaitForThread
00c94389 +0175 cMUD.exe MAIN 5833 +32 TMUDForm.ExecThread
00c9a435 +0455 cMUD.exe MAIN 7922 +87 TMUDForm.ExecTrig
00c982cb +0e5f cMUD.exe MAIN 7184 +282 TMUDForm.HandleTrigger
00c96f68 +000c cMUD.exe MAIN 6733 +1 TMUDForm.UserOutNewLine
00a1bd25 +0039 cMUD.exe term 8395 +3 TTerm.DoTriggerLine
00a1a876 +020a cMUD.exe term 7980 +33 HandleNewLine
00a1b01c +06a4 cMUD.exe term 8099 +100 TTerm.PutText
00a1b591 +0049 cMUD.exe term 8203 +2 TTerm.Add
00c843b5 +00b1 cMUD.exe MAIN 1381 +8 TMUDForm.OutputStr
00c84651 +009d cMUD.exe MAIN 1450 +15 TMUDForm.NextMUDLine
00c84a71 +0019 cMUD.exe MAIN 1520 +4 TMUDForm.DoNextLine
00ccacdd +0039 cMUD.exe MAIN 20077 +3 TMUDForm.ProcessMUDNow
00cc26e7 +007f cMUD.exe MAIN 17697 +11 TMUDForm.ExecCommand
00c48aaf +0023 cMUD.exe CodeThread 962 +1 TRunCodeThread.DoExecCommand
0047d901 +0101 cMUD.exe Classes 9339 +22 CheckSynchronize
0052e6f3 +06df cMUD.exe Forms 6671 +144 TApplication.WndProc
0047fef8 +0014 cMUD.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77d4bcc7 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
00c47e1e +00b6 cMUD.exe CodeThread 366 +13 ProcessMessage
00c47f26 +00da cMUD.exe CodeThread 411 +23 MsgWaitForSingleObject
00c48014 +0024 cMUD.exe CodeThread 452 +4 WaitForThread
00c94126 +0122 cMUD.exe MAIN 5778 +34 TMUDForm.ExecThread
00c94a9b +03eb cMUD.exe MAIN 5951 +44 TMUDForm.NewProcessStr
00c93dc6 +0026 cMUD.exe MAIN 5693 +2 TMUDForm.ProcessStr
00c938a2 +004a cMUD.exe MAIN 5568 +12 TMUDForm.ParseCommand
00ca1c1b +0223 cMUD.exe MAIN 10823 +34 TMUDForm.Command
00ca2f20 +0250 cMUD.exe MAIN 11170 +37 TMUDForm.FormKeyDown
00cc98e2 +0012 cMUD.exe MAIN 19572 +1 TMUDForm.UserInKeyDown
0050b5a0 +0030 cMUD.exe Controls 7026 +1 TWinControl.KeyDown
009a9446 +0012 cMUD.exe RVScroll 548 +1 TRVScroller.KeyDown
0095804d +0011 cMUD.exe RichView 1842 +1 TCustomRichView.KeyDown
00934624 +0090 cMUD.exe RVEdit 1625 +14 TCustomRichViewEdit.KeyDown
0050b618 +006c cMUD.exe Controls 7043 +10 TWinControl.DoKeyDown
0050b646 +0012 cMUD.exe Controls 7052 +1 TWinControl.WMKeyDown
009344fd +01d5 cMUD.exe RVEdit 1591 +36 TCustomRichViewEdit.WMKeyDown
00505c9e +0036 cMUD.exe Controls 4552 +5 TControl.Perform
0050c3c9 +00dd cMUD.exe Controls 7471 +18 TWinControl.CNKeyDown
00505f93 +01df cMUD.exe Controls 4645 +53 TControl.WndProc
00509cc2 +018e cMUD.exe Controls 6342 +33 TWinControl.WndProc
00509894 +0034 cMUD.exe Controls 6237 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047fef8 +0014 cMUD.exe Classes 10966 +8 StdWndProc
77d4bcc7 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
0052ee48 +00ac cMUD.exe Forms 6873 +13 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0052ee8f +000f cMUD.exe Forms 6892 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0052f12a +00a6 cMUD.exe Forms 6976 +16 TApplication.Run
00db65c0 +0088 cMUD.exe CMUD 343 +18 initialization
7c91312f +0069 ntdll.dll RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
7c812907 +00b6 kernel32.dll GetVersionExA |
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000 Posts: 2733 Location: Atlanta, USA
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:12 am |
Confirmed. Although my error looked a little different (it may be because i also have CMUD Pro installed.). I submitted the bug report.
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