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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:51 am   

Please help me with this script
OK here is my problem, from plevelgo it works great. However once it gets done and the push1 folder is closing the statement ( They aren't here. ) is the trigger for it to move to a new room and activate the next folder but it doesn't work all the folders turn on back to back after this statement. I have no idea how to fix this.


#CLASS {Plevel}
#ALIAS plevelgo {c gate vambit;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;s;s;s;e;e;e;push1on;push 5. w}
#ALIAS push1on {#t+ push1}
#ALIAS push2on {#t+ push2}
#ALIAS push3on {#t+ push3}
#ALIAS push4on {#t+ push4}
#ALIAS push5on {#t+ push5}
#ALIAS push6on {#t+ push6}
#ALIAS push7on {#t+ push7}
#ALIAS attack1on {#t+ attack1}
#ALIAS attack1off {#t- attack1}
#ALIAS push8on {#t+ push8}
#ALIAS push8off {#t- push8}
#ALIAS skin1on {#t+ skin1}
#ALIAS skin1off {#t- skin1}
#ALIAS skin2on {#t+ skin2}
#ALIAS skin2off {#t- skin2}
#ALIAS skin3on {#t+ skin3}
#ALIAS skin3off {#t- skin3}
#ALIAS skin4on {#t+ skin4}
#ALIAS skin4off {#t- skin4}
#ALIAS skin5on {#t+ skin5}
#ALIAS skin5off {#t- skin5}
#ALIAS regain1on {#t+ regain1}
#ALIAS regain1off {#t- regain1}
#ALIAS push2off {#t- push2}
#ALIAS push3off {#t- push3}
#ALIAS push4off {#t- push4}
#ALIAS push5off {#t- push5}
#ALIAS push6off {#t- push6}
#ALIAS push7off {#t- push7}
#ALIAS push1off {#t- push1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinning time'} {look;skin1on;attack1off;say skinbaby}
#TRIGGER {room1done} {#wa 100;w;w;push2on;push 5. e}
#TRIGGER {room2done} {#wa 100;n;n;push3on;push 5. s}
#TRIGGER {room3done} {#wa 100;n;push4on;push 5. e}
#TRIGGER {room4done} {#wa 100;e;push5on;push 5. s}
#TRIGGER {room5done} {#wa 100;w;push6on;push 5. s}
#TRIGGER {room6done} {#wa 100;s;push7on;push 5. s}
#TRIGGER {room7done} {#wa 100;w;push8on;push 5. w}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire away'} {attack1on;say fire fire fire}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin1done'} {skin2on;say skinbaby2}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin2done'} {skin3on;say skinbaby3}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin3done'} {skin4on;say skinbaby4}
#TRIGGER {} {}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'regaintime'} {c gate katy;res;sleep;#wa 50000;stan;regain1on;say ready}
#CLASS {Plevel|push1}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. w;push 1. w;push 1. w;push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room1done;push1off} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#CLASS {Plevel|push2}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room2done;push2off} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#CLASS {Plevel|push3}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room3done;push3off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push4}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room4done;push4off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push5}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room5done;push5off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push6}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room6done;push6off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push7}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room7done;push7off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push8}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say fire away;push8off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|attack1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire fire fire'} {c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 1;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 2;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 3;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 4;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 5;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 6;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say skinning time}
#CLASS {Plevel|regain1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'ready'} {plevelgo;regain1off}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin1}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin1off;say skin1done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin2}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin2off;say skin2done}
#TRIGGER {} {}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby2'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin3}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin3off;say skin3done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin4}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin4off;say regaintime}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|push1}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. w;push 1. w;push 1. w;push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room1done;push1off} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#CLASS {Plevel|push2}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room2done;push2off} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#CLASS {Plevel|push3}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room3done;push3off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push4}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room4done;push4off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push5}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room5done;push5off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push6}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room6done;push6off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push7}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say room7done;push7off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push8}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#wa 500;say fire away;push8off} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|attack1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire fire fire'} {c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 1;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 2;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 3;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 4;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 5;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 6;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say skinning time}
#CLASS {Plevel|regain1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'ready'} {plevelgo;regain1off}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin1}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin1off;say skin1done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin2}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin2off;say skin2done}
#TRIGGER {} {}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby2'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin3}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin3off;say skin3done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin4}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin4off;say regaintime}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#ALIAS plevelgo {c gate vambit;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;s;s;s;e;e;e;push1on;push 5. w} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push1on {#t+ push1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push2on {#t+ push2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push3on {#t+ push3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push4on {#t+ push4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push5on {#t+ push5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push6on {#t+ push6} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push7on {#t+ push7} "Plevel"
#ALIAS attack1on {#t+ attack1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS attack1off {#t- attack1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push8on {#t+ push8} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push8off {#t- push8} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin1on {#t+ skin1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin1off {#t- skin1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin2on {#t+ skin2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin2off {#t- skin2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin3on {#t+ skin3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin3off {#t- skin3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin4on {#t+ skin4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin4off {#t- skin4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin5on {#t+ skin5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin5off {#t- skin5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS regain1on {#t+ regain1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS regain1off {#t- regain1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push2off {#t- push2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push3off {#t- push3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push4off {#t- push4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push5off {#t- push5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push6off {#t- push6} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push7off {#t- push7} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push1off {#t- push1} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinning time'} {look;skin1on;attack1off;say skinbaby} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room1done} {#wa 100;w;w;push2on;push 5. e} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room2done} {#wa 100;n;n;push3on;push 5. s} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room3done} {#wa 100;n;push4on;push 5. e} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room4done} {#wa 100;e;push5on;push 5. s} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room5done} {#wa 100;w;push6on;push 5. s} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room6done} {#wa 100;s;push7on;push 5. s} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room7done} {#wa 100;w;push8on;push 5. w} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire away'} {attack1on;say fire fire fire} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin1done'} {skin2on;say skinbaby2} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin2done'} {skin3on;say skinbaby3} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin3done'} {skin4on;say skinbaby4} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'regaintime'} {c gate katy;res;sleep;#wa 50000;stan;regain1on;say ready} "Plevel"
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
Posts: 1876
Location: California

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:19 pm   
First of all, you shouldn't be using #wait triggers. Instead, you should be using #alarm. That is part of your problem there. #WAIT cancels all trigger actions until the specified time has been completed, so what's happening is you do the commands, but the triggers don't fire because of the #wait command. Changing it to #alarm should fix the problem for you. I don't see any other reason why it wouldn't work, though.


#CLASS {Plevel}
#ALIAS plevelgo {c gate vambit;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;s;s;s;e;e;e;push1on;push 5. w}
#ALIAS push1on {#t+ push1}
#ALIAS push2on {#t+ push2}
#ALIAS push3on {#t+ push3}
#ALIAS push4on {#t+ push4}
#ALIAS push5on {#t+ push5}
#ALIAS push6on {#t+ push6}
#ALIAS push7on {#t+ push7}
#ALIAS attack1on {#t+ attack1}
#ALIAS attack1off {#t- attack1}
#ALIAS push8on {#t+ push8}
#ALIAS push8off {#t- push8}
#ALIAS skin1on {#t+ skin1}
#ALIAS skin1off {#t- skin1}
#ALIAS skin2on {#t+ skin2}
#ALIAS skin2off {#t- skin2}
#ALIAS skin3on {#t+ skin3}
#ALIAS skin3off {#t- skin3}
#ALIAS skin4on {#t+ skin4}
#ALIAS skin4off {#t- skin4}
#ALIAS skin5on {#t+ skin5}
#ALIAS skin5off {#t- skin5}
#ALIAS regain1on {#t+ regain1}
#ALIAS regain1off {#t- regain1}
#ALIAS push2off {#t- push2}
#ALIAS push3off {#t- push3}
#ALIAS push4off {#t- push4}
#ALIAS push5off {#t- push5}
#ALIAS push6off {#t- push6}
#ALIAS push7off {#t- push7}
#ALIAS push1off {#t- push1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinning time'} {look;skin1on;attack1off;say skinbaby}
#TRIGGER {room1done} {#alarm +.5 {w;w;push2on;push 5. e}}
#TRIGGER {room2done} {#alarm +.5 {n;n;push3on;push 5. s}}
#TRIGGER {room3done} {#alarm +.5 {n;push4on;push 5. e}}
#TRIGGER {room4done} {#alarm +.5 {e;push5on;push 5. s}}
#TRIGGER {room5done} {#alarm +.5 {w;push6on;push 5. s}}
#TRIGGER {room6done} {#alarm +.5 {s;push7on;push 5. s}}
#TRIGGER {room7done} {#alarm +.5 {w;push8on;push 5. w}}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire away'} {attack1on;say fire fire fire}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin1done'} {skin2on;say skinbaby2}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin2done'} {skin3on;say skinbaby3}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin3done'} {skin4on;say skinbaby4}
#TRIGGER {} {}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'regaintime'} {c gate katy;res;sleep;#alarm +50 {stan;regain1on;say ready}}
#CLASS {Plevel|push1}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. w;push 1. w;push 1. w;push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room1done;push1off}} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#CLASS {Plevel|push2}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room2done;push2off}} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#CLASS {Plevel|push3}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room3done;push3off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push4}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room4done;push4off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push5}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room5done;push5off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push6}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room6done;push6off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push7}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room7done;push7off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push8}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say fire away;push8off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|attack1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire fire fire'} {c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 1;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 2;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 3;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 4;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 5;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 6;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say skinning time}
#CLASS {Plevel|regain1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'ready'} {plevelgo;regain1off}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin1}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin1off;say skin1done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin2}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin2off;say skin2done}
#TRIGGER {} {}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby2'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin3}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin3off;say skin3done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin4}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin4off;say regaintime}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|push1}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. w;push 1. w;push 1. w;push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room1done;push1off}} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#CLASS {Plevel|push2}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room2done;push2off}} "" {verbatim}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#CLASS {Plevel|push3}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room3done;push3off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push4}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. e;push 1. e;push 1. e;push 4. e}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room4done;push4off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push5}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room5done;push5off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push6}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room6done;push6off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push7}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say room7done;push7off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|push8}
#TRIGGER {You slam} {push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {contempt and ignores you.} {push 4. w}
#TRIGGER {You try to push yourself and end up looking like a LOSER!} {push 1. s;push 1. s;push 1. s;push 4. s}
#TRIGGER {They aren't here.} {#alarm +.5 {say fire away;push8off}} "" {verbatim}
#CLASS {Plevel|attack1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire fire fire'} {c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 1;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 2;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 3;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 4;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 5;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say 6;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;c 'ring of fire' crisis;say skinning time}
#CLASS {Plevel|regain1}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'ready'} {plevelgo;regain1off}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin1}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin1off;say skin1done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin2}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin2off;say skin2done}
#TRIGGER {} {}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby2'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin3}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin3off;say skin3done}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#CLASS {Plevel|skin4}
#TRIGGER {You mangle} {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You peel } {skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You cannot skin that corpse.} {sac corpse;skin corpse}
#TRIGGER {You can't find that.} {skin4off;say regaintime}
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinbaby3'} {skin corpse}
#ALIAS plevelgo {c gate vambit;s;s;s;s;w;w;w;s;s;s;e;e;e;push1on;push 5. w} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push1on {#t+ push1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push2on {#t+ push2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push3on {#t+ push3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push4on {#t+ push4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push5on {#t+ push5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push6on {#t+ push6} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push7on {#t+ push7} "Plevel"
#ALIAS attack1on {#t+ attack1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS attack1off {#t- attack1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push8on {#t+ push8} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push8off {#t- push8} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin1on {#t+ skin1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin1off {#t- skin1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin2on {#t+ skin2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin2off {#t- skin2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin3on {#t+ skin3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin3off {#t- skin3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin4on {#t+ skin4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin4off {#t- skin4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin5on {#t+ skin5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS skin5off {#t- skin5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS regain1on {#t+ regain1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS regain1off {#t- regain1} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push2off {#t- push2} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push3off {#t- push3} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push4off {#t- push4} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push5off {#t- push5} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push6off {#t- push6} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push7off {#t- push7} "Plevel"
#ALIAS push1off {#t- push1} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skinning time'} {look;skin1on;attack1off;say skinbaby} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room1done} {#alarm +.5 {w;w;push2on;push 5. e}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room2done} {#alarm +.5 {n;n;push3on;push 5. s}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room3done} {#alarm +.5 {n;push4on;push 5. e}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room4done} {#alarm +.5 {e;push5on;push 5. s}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room5done} {#alarm +.5 {w;push6on;push 5. s}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room6done} {#alarm +.5 {s;push7on;push 5. s}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {room7done} {#alarm +.5 {w;push8on;push 5. w}} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'fire away'} {attack1on;say fire fire fire} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin1done'} {skin2on;say skinbaby2} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin2done'} {skin3on;say skinbaby3} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'skin3done'} {skin4on;say skinbaby4} "Plevel"
#TRIGGER {[OC] You say 'regaintime'} {c gate katy;res;sleep;#alarm +50 {stan;regain1on;say ready}} "Plevel"

I do have a question - what are the #TRIGGER {} {} in your pattern for? They're null and void...

Also, be cautioned - this is a bot, and most MUDs do not allow bots to be used on their MUD. If you value your character, make sure you aren't breaking any rules using this script. I don't have zMUD in front of me, so I can't say for sure this will work, but let me know if it works out for you. When I can get to zMUD (probably this Saturday), I'll try it out to see if it works if I haven't heard a response from you.

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