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Joined: 26 Feb 2005
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:28 pm   

MERC Database Script Please
I know this has been addressed and I've searched thru the archives, but I'm finally tired of banging my head against the keyboard. I need a script to load my EQ and WEA databases in Dragon Swords.
Here is a typical output from the recite identify command for a piece of armor and a weapon:

Object: fur loincloth Type: armor
Flags: anti-nec magic bless anti-evil anti-mag anti-cle anti-kni anti-sag anti-dru anti-pri anti-psi oiled
Weight: 5 Value: 0 Level: 148
Armor class: 15
Location: take waist
Condition: [perfect]
Affects strength by 3
Affects intelligence by -3
Affects hp by 180
Affects damroll by 6
Affects hitroll by 10
Affects mana by 18
Affects damroll by 1
Affects ac by -16

Object: adamantite dragon sword Type: weapon
Flags glow magic oiled
Weight: 15 Value: 46666 Level: 108
Max Damage: 80
Average Damage: 54
Min Damage: 28
Proficiency: standard
Affects strength by 1
Affects dexterity by 1
Affects intelligence by 1
Affects wisdom by 1
Affects constitution by 1
Affects ac by -10
Affects mana by 200
Affects hp by 200
Affects hitroll by 30
Affects damroll by 30

Some specific questions are:
Should I have separate Armor and Weapon database?
For the example in zMUD where there are boxes to check for AntiClass, how do these work?

Thanks in advance for the help, I really appreciate it!!

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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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Location: Atlanta, USA

PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:50 pm   
You don't really need separate databases for them, I personally use a generic EQ database. The anti-Class options are defined because some muds have items that certain classes can't use. So if a mage couldn't use the adamantite dragon sword it would have a mage anti-class.

There may be some slight errors here, I'm doing off the top of my head base on my own triggers, but you should get the general idea

#CLASS {identify}
#ALIAS ADDtoDB {#DBLOAD Equipment;#IF (%query( (&Name==@CurItem.Name)&&(&Level==@CurItem.Level)&&(&Value==@CurItem.Value))) {#NOOP} {#NEW @CurItem.Kind {@CurItem}};#DBSAVE Equipment;#UNVAR CurItem}
#VAR AffectKey {hit rollHitdamage rollDamarmor classAChpHealthmanaManamovesMovessave vs spellSpellSavestrengthStrengthintelligenceIntelligencewisdomWisdom}
#VAR DBCompare {}
#VAR AlignList {good|neutral|evil|anti-good|anti-neutral|anti-evil}
#VAR FlagList {rare|magic|glow|hum|nodisarm|nodrop}
#VAR FlagsKey {nosacNo SacrificenolootNo Lootno_auctionNo AuctionnodisarmNo DisarmnosaveNo SavenodropNo Drop}
#VAR CurItem {} {}
#TRIGGER "identify" {You recite Scroll of Identify.} {#VAR CurItem "" {} identify}
#COND {Object: (*) Type: (%w)} {#ADDKEY CurItem Name {%1};#ADDKEY CurItem Kind {%2};}
#COND {Flags: (*)$} { #IF (%trim( %3) <> "none") {#FORALL %replace( %3, " ", "|") {#IF (%ismember( %i, @AlignList)) {#ADDITEM Align %i} {#IF (%ismember( %i, @FlagList)) {#ADDITEM Flags %i} {#ADDITEM Flags %db( @FlagsKey, "%i")}}};#ADDKEY CurItem Alignment %replace( @Align, "|", ",");#ADDKEY CurItem Flags %replace( @Flags, "|", ",");#UNVAR Align;#UNVAR Flags} }
#COND {^Weight: (%d), Value: (%d), Level: (%d)} {#ADDKEY CurITem Weight %1;#ADDKEY CurItem Value %2;#ADDKEY CurItem Level %3;#T+ AffectsCheck;#T+ WeaponCheck; #T+ ArmorCheck}

#TRIGGER "ArmorCheck" {Armor class: (%d)} {#ADDKEY CurItem Armor %1}
#COND {Location: (*)} {#ADDKEY CurItem Wear {%replace( "%1", ".", "")}}
#COND {Condition: ~[(*)~]} {#ADDKEY CurItem Wear {%1}}

#TRIGGER "WeaponCheck" {Max Damage: (%d)} {#ADDKEY CurItem MaxDamage %1}
#COND {Average Damage: (%d)} {#ADDKEY CurItem AvgDamage %1}
#COND {Min Damage: (%d)} {#ADDKEY CurItem MinDamage %1}
#COND {Proficiency: (*)} {#ADDKEY CurItem Proficiency %1}

#TRIGGER {$} {#T- AffectsCheck;#T- ArmorCheck;#T- WeaponCheck;#IF (@Debug) {#STWIN + %expanddb( @CurItem, %cr, ": ");#STWIN + @align l;#STWIN + @flags l};ADDToDB;#CLASS identify 0;#STATE identify 0}
#TRIGGER {^{You do not have that scroll.|You lost your concentration.}} {#STATE identify 0;#CLASS identify 0}

#TRIGGER "AffectsCheck" {Affects (*) by (%n)} {#ADDKEY CurItem %db( @AffectKey, "%1") %2} "" {disable}

This should get you 95% of the way there.
Couple of notes...
- I put the location for Armor into the 'Wear' field.
- I do a lookup in the Affects variable to get the proper name for what you are affected by
- I left my AddToDB alias that checks first to see if you have the equipment already in the DB before you add it.

I hope that helps. (and forgive whatever typos there may be)
Asati di tempari!
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