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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
Posts: 32
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:07 am   

coin counting script
Got another good question. I use the below script to fill information in a button telling me what money I have on me. Works wonderfully in ZMud. Made changes that I thought would make it work. It compiles, but, all that goes into the varible for the buttons is the copper values. Suggestions, and why don't it work?

copperk = "0"
copperl = "0"
copperd = "0"
#TEMP {&%*{kron} Kronars.} {
copk = "0"
broK = "0"
silk = "0"
golk = "0"
plak = "0"
kron = %replace( @Kron, "," , "|")
kron = %replace( @kron, "and ", "")
#FORALL @kron {
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= copper} {copk = %eval( %word( %i, 1))}
#echo @copk
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= bronze} {brok = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*10)}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= silver} {silk = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*100)}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= gold} {golk = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*1000)}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= platinum} {plak = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*10000)}
#MATH copperk (@copk + @brok + @silk + @golk + @PlaK)
#UNTR {No coins on you.}
#TEMP {&%*{liru} Lirums.} {
copperl = "0"
copl = "0"
brol = "0"
sill = "0"
goll = "0"
plal = "0"
liru = %replace( @liru, ", ", "|")
liru = %replace( @liru, "and ", "")
#FORALL @liru {
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= copper} {copl = %eval( %word( %i, 1))}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= bronze} {brol = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*10)}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= silver} {sill = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*100)}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= gold} {goll = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*1000)}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= platinum} {plal = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*10000)}
#MATH copperl (@copl + @brol + @sill + @goll + @Plal)
#UNTR {No coins on you.}
#TEMP {&%*{dok} Dokoras.} {
copperd = "0"
copd = "0"
brod = "0"
sild = "0"
gold = "0"
plad = "0"
dok = %replace( @dok, ", ", "|")
dok = %replace( @dok, "and ", "")
#FORALL @dok {
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= copper} {copd = %eval( %word( %i, 1))}{}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= bronze} {brod = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*10)}{}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= silver} {sild = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*100)}{}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= gold} {gold = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*1000)}{}
#IF {%word( %i, 2)= platinum} {plad = %eval( %word( %i, 1)*10000)}{}
#MATH copperd (@copd + @brod + @sild + @gold + @Plad)
#UNTR {No coins on you.}
#TEMP {No coins on you.} {
copperl = "0"
copperk = "0"
copperd = "0"
#UNTR {&%*{dok} Dokoras.}
#UNTR {&%*{kron} Kronars.}
#UNTR {&%*{liru} Lirums.}
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
Posts: 1269

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:02 am   
Remove all the "" from the variable assignments that are numeric, e.g. copperd = "0" should be copperd = 0. Otherwise copperd will be a string and not an integer.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
Posts: 32
Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 8:25 pm   
Sorry, I tried the removal of the " " It gives me the same behavior: only the coppers are counted. Example:

5 bronze, and 53 copper Kronars.

the varible Copperk becomes 53. Only the first if seems to be working.

Thanks for the answer though. I have tried putting in a the second part of the #If command as a {#noop} Same thing. Any other suggestions?

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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
Posts: 1269

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:30 pm   
This is a pretty complex script. I suggest you break it down into more manageable pieces until you isolate which part is not working. If you're still stuck at that point, it will be easier for us to help you.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:24 am   
#TR {(%d) bronze*({Kronars|Dokoras|Lirums}).} {#VAR bro%left(%2, 1) %1}
#TR {(%d) copper*({Kronars|Dokoras|Lirums}).} {#VAR cop%left(%2, 1) %1}
#TR {(%d) gold*({Kronars|Dokoras|Lirums}).} {#VAR gol%left(%2, 1) %1}
#TR {(%d) platinum*({Kronars|Dokoras|Lirums}).} {#VAR pla%left(%2, 1) %1}
#TR {(%d) silver*({Kronars|Dokoras|Lirums}).} {#VAR sil%left(%2, 1) %1}

#FUNC kronar {@copk + (@brok*10) + (@silk*100) + (@golk*1000) + (@plak*10000)}
#FUNC lirum {@copl + (@brol*10) + (@sill*100) + (@goll*1000) + (@plal*10000)}
#FUNC dokora {@copd + (@brod*10) + (@sild*100) + (@gold*1000) + (@plad*10000)}
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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