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Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 15
Location: Uh... KS?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:29 pm   

Reply-tell script.
The mud I am playing has a weird reply feature.
When you hit reply it sends a tell to the last person who sent you a tell, which is normal, but not when you send a tell to someone else.

Example: A sends me a tell, I hit reply and it replies to A.
Then I send a tell to B, I hit reply and it still replies to A.
I'm used to when I hit reply it will send a tell to the last person I sent a tell to.
This mud's method is not good as I tend to mischan a lot with it =/

I was wondering if anyone could come up with a script so that when I hit reply it will send a tell to the last person I sent a tell to.

Here is what it looks like when they send me tells:
someone tells you 'hi'
When I send them tells:
You tell someone 'hi'

Also they have a tell-catching feature so that when you are afk, it will be saved on a tell buffer and you just hit replay to see all of them.
Receive: Someone just sent you a tell.
Send: You tell someone 'hmm'
Someone is catching tells.

Then when you hit replay it shows the log time it was sent.
18 Nov 13:41 - Someone tells you 'hey'

So basically:
I hit tell someone. Sends them a tell.
I hit reply. It sends a tell to the last person I sent a tell to OR the last person that sends me a tell, which ever comes last.

Thanks. ^^;
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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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Location: California

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 9:31 pm   
Try this:
#TRIGGER {You tell %1 '*'} {#var reply {%1}}

Then put this as an alias
#ALIAS {reply} {tell @reply}

That should work. The only thing is, with this one you won't be able to reply to anyone else until you send them a tell.

If you're looking for one to base it off the replay log, that'll take a bit more information. Try giving all information from the time you type replay until the log is finished. That way, we can see where to go from there.

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Joined: 19 May 2003
Posts: 15
Location: Uh... KS?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:15 am   
Oh... I completely forgot conflicting factors like pretitles (titles set by PCs to add before their name) and that clan talk, friend talk, and other channels also include the You tell '*'.
The difference is the colors.
My apologies, but it did work very well until it tried to send a tell to an NPC.
It works great when I toggle seeing pretitles.
Thank you much! :)
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Joined: 29 Jul 2002
Posts: 105

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:14 pm   
you need to give examples of how the tells look.. give a titled pc, a clan talk, friend talk, any other channels with tell, and also a plain persons name would probably be nice.
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