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Joined: 31 Oct 2006
Posts: 22

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:40 pm   

help w/ triggers
So I'm trying to make a script to continuously kill mobs in this zone, I only want it to kill if there are at least 3 mobs in the room, if not I want it to go a direction (i make it go west everytime right now just for testing purposes, because I cant even get it right now). Currently it seems like whenever mobs fly in or leave it doesnt add/subtract the variable correctly, because it always ends up trying to go west too early, and sometimes it doesn't reset the variable correctly when I change rooms, and it will attack in rooms with less than 3 mobs. Please help me revise/fix this, and if you think you have a better method of going about this PLEASE let me know. Here are some of the lines of text from the mud:
A Blue Fairy flies in from the north.
A Wood Nymph walks in from the north.
A Wood Nymph walks north.
The Cluricaun is DEAD!!

Fairy Forest
[Exits: north east]
( 3) A fragrant plant lies here.
( 2) A musical instrument lies here.
Some leaves lie here.
Some wild thyme lies here.
The cluricaun wanders about drunkly.
A beautiful nymph stands here.

And here is what I have so far:

#CLASS {botcity}
#VAR mobsinroom {0} {0}
#TRIGGER {A beautiful nymph stands here.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {The Fairy Field} {
#wa 200
#if (@mobsinroom > 2) {
stance mongoose
c gas
#if (@mobsinroom <= 2) {
#var mobsinroom 0
#TRIGGER {Fairy Forest} {
#wa 200
#if (@mobsinroom > 2) {
stance mongoose
c gas
#if (@mobsinroom <= 2) {
#var mobsinroom 0
#TRIGGER {flies (%w)} {
#if (%1 = south or north or west or east) {#add mobsinroom -1}
#if (%1 = in) {
#add mobsinroom 1
c gas
#TRIGGER {walks (%w)} {
#if (%1 = south or north or west or east) {#add mobsinroom -1}
#if (%1 = in) {
#add mobsinroom 1
c gas
#TRIGGER {Outskirts of Fields} {
#wa 200
#if (@mobsinroom > 2) {
stance mongoose
c gas
#if (@mobsinroom <= 2) {
#var mobsinroom 0
#TRIGGER {is DEAD!!} {
#add mobsinroom -1
#if (@mobsinroom <= 0) {
#var mobsinroom 0
#TRIGGER {The banshee wails, fortelling death.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {The cluricaun wanders about drunkly.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {A thestral snorts and stamps his hooves.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {A lovely butterfly flutters by.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {A small blue fairy flutters his wings and grins.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {The unicorn shakes her mane and blinks.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {A satyr stands here looking for a female companion.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {A tiny pink fairy flutters her wings prettily.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {The brownie looks about for household work to be done.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {The old leprechaun looks at you and dances a jig.} {#add mobsinroom 1}
#TRIGGER {Entrance to the Fairy Realm} {
#var mobsinroom 0
#TRIGGER {} {}
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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
Posts: 99
Location: Solvang, CA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:17 am   
Well this is untested.. and some of this could definitely be written much better in perl... but just as a quick throw-together...

#CLASS {botcity}
#va MobsInRoom 0 0 {botcity}
#va MobLongDescs {A beautiful nymph stands here.|The banshee wails, fortelling death.|The cluricaun wanders about drunkly.|A thestral snorts and stamps his hooves.|A lovely butterfly flutters by.|A small blue fairy flutters his wings and grins.|The unicorn shakes her mane and blinks.|A satyr stands here looking for a female companion.|A tiny pink fairy flutters her wings prettily.|The brownie looks about for household work to be done.|The old leprechaun looks at you and dances a jig.}
#va RoomsToKillIn {The Fairy Field|Fairy Forest|Outskirts of Fields|Entrance to the Fairy Realm}
#ac {^* {flies|walks}{( in from the| )}%t$} {#if %1=" in from the" {#ad mobsinroom 1} {#ad mobsinroom -1}}
#ac {^{@MobLongDescs}$} {#ad MobsInRoom 1}
#ac {^{@RoomsToKillIn}} {
  #alarm RoomCheck +0.2 {
    #if (@mobsinroom>2) {
      stance mongoose
      c gas
      } {
 #TRIGGER {^* is DEAD!!} {
  #add mobsinroom -1
  #if (@mobsinroom<=0) {

Main problem seemed to be simple {} positioning... but also had a lot of extra triggers/ifs that aren't super needed *shrug*
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