Ziah Novice
Joined: 11 Mar 2005 Posts: 40
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:18 pm
Translation from JMC to zMUD |
Hi again... I was just wondering/hoping (if) someone could help me 'translate' some code from the JMC stuff to zMUD stuff...
It's for 'Nodeka', a reroller script.
Code: |
#multiaction off
#multihighlight off
#presub on
#echo off
#ignore off
#speedwalk on
#togglesubs off
#verbat off
#alias {statroll} {#var done 0;#var rollcheck %1} {stat}
#action {(%1) [ %2 ] [ %3 ] [ %4 ] [ %5 ] [ %6 ] [ %7 ] [ %8 ] [ %9 ]} {#math {curroll}{%2+%3+%4+%5+%6+%7+%8+%9};#if {$curroll>$rollcheck}{#showme Number %1 Matches your criteria.;#bell;#math done 1;#killall}} {5} {stat}
#action {^[ Pick row (1-5) or hit the enter key to reroll ]: } {#if {$done=0} { }} {5} {default}
#variable {done} {0}
#variable {rollcheck} {130}
#group local default
#group local stat
#ticksize 60
#showme *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
#showme Thanks for using the Stat Roller Script. Use the command 'statroll <enter number>' to set your desired roll total.
#showme *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
If anyone could help, they'd be.... really... awesome |
TonDiening GURU

Joined: 26 Jul 2001 Posts: 1958 Location: Canada
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:30 am |
It would be much simpler and accurate if you gave all the mud output for that stat roller to build triggers from.
Ziah Novice
Joined: 11 Mar 2005 Posts: 40
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:14 pm |
actually, im sorry to do this, but i can just use jmc for rerolling then play on zmud
Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:17 pm |
That is just plain funny. For the most part what you posted is readily convertible, but some of the commands presented are very client specific and have no equivalent in zMud. This is likely because the written by the producers of that mud used both zMud and Tintin as baselines and simply added thier own mud specific items. For the most part that script will directly import in zMud.
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