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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
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Location: Chile

PostPosted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:35 pm   

Automapper won't work
I am playing Harshlands mud and I want to do some forest area mapping.

Problem is no matter what I do, Automapper won't work right. A few times it gets autoconfigured automatically and works likes a silk. But somewhat it doesn't and then it doesn't work again.

Also, problem is that you get an output when you walk and a delay between rooms.

Output from the mud looks like this:

Heru Road [NSw]
A crush of people try to make passage up and down this long road. Heru
Gate marks the north end of this road, which ends at Mangai Square to the
south. Merchants, farmers pulling carts, and travelers make their way to
and from the main market. Several small shops make their home along this
busy road.
A wooden door is set in the west wall.
A bronze bell hangs from a cast iron fist on the wall.
A foot soldier of the city watch strides by, searching the streets.
A well armed member of the town guard stands here, watching the crowd.

< Unhurt / ||||| >
You begin walking northward.

< Unhurt / ||||| >
Heru Gate Plaza [ESW]
A small crowd fills this small, cobblestone plaza, just inside Heru Gate.
Farmers and merchants rush to and from the market, which lies south and
west towards the center of town. Travelers, lost children, and loose
livestock wander aimlessly about, trying to find where they belong. Above
all of this, the loyal town guard observes, attempting to maintain as much
order as possible.
To the east, the plaza continues, and Heru Road runs south. Formela Way
travels west, past some of the wealthy villas and estates in town.

Any suggestions? help?
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 2:15 am   
Try it with this trigger and see what happens

#TR {^You begin walking %w.} {#NOMAP}
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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
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Location: Chile

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 9:25 pm   
I figured what was messing the Automappign function

My Mud displays Exits in this way:

"Kald & Castle" Tavern [EW]
The clientele of this tight little tavern makes quite a lot of noise,
something that can't be much popular among the neighbors. The people
crowd around the few round tables, cheering for their favorite man in
the beer drinking contests. Elon makes out the only staff, but he manages
in some way to both serve the drinks, and keep the furniture the way it
should be, just by staring at the crowd. Both local people and travelers
from far off places join here, sharing stories, and maybe some under-the
-table trade deals.
There aren't any women inside, but now and then some prostitute comes
looking for a good deal, something that Elon stops with a gentle fist.
A wooden swingdoor leads into Meselyne Street to the east.

Zmud captures the exits just fine (mapped a stretch of wilderness without problem)

However, if doors are closed, the mud shows them like this

"Kald & Castle" Tavern [ew]

And there, Zmud gets lost. Even if it's only one closed door (like Happy Room [NeSW]) Zmud won't map that room.

Any ideas?
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
Posts: 1644
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:08 am   
config-config settings-exits

*note your settings incase you have to go back*
uncheck ALL and erase the exits keyword box
check these - room exits, exits in room name
close settings and see if it works now
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
Posts: 1644
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:10 am   
IF that doesn't work someone might write you a complex trigger to format it and yadda yadda yadda yadda I would do it but pressed for time right now so if ya still have problems next time Im here Ill see what I Can do.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2004
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Location: Chile

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 4:49 pm   
I have the follwoing settings:

Room exits, Exits in room name, Short exits name. It works with or without 'Exist after Keyword' with keyword [

If I take off shor exits name it doesn't work at all.

I have the feeling the lowercase exits in the case of closed doors mess withe the mapper: if I open all the doors a room has, the mapper works.
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Joined: 26 Jul 2005
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:11 am   
Kalaron wrote:
I have the follwoing settings:

Room exits, Exits in room name, Short exits name. It works with or without 'Exist after Keyword' with keyword [

If I take off shor exits name it doesn't work at all.

I have the feeling the lowercase exits in the case of closed doors mess withe the mapper: if I open all the doors a room has, the mapper works.

I noticed this to, the lowercase letters in the exit line seem to be messing up the mapper.

A long time ago, I had used zuggs 16bit version of zmud and in the help files it gave some sample strings to use for exits. It worked great and I never had probs with the mapper. But now I have no idea what the string was, or which version had it :/

Could someone who has a bit of spare time maybe post up a trigger to help with this?
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Joined: 26 Jul 2005
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Location: Denmark

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:38 pm   Exits problem

Upon upgrading to the latest version recently - I have had quite a hard time getting the mapper to work properly.

I have never had these problems before upgrading so I suspect it to have something with that to do.

Usually it is enough to do a new configuration with default settings on the mud however now I am having qute some defficulties either getting the entire room description OR the exits right.

Some rooms are just right - but others may only have the 2 first lines of the description and the trouble is that there is no time delay from the mud - so that is not the problem.

If I get it to work most optimal and most is catured correctly I have to deal with another problem - namely that if the normal exit-names like south, north, east, west are present in the room desription then it will assume thats the only exit in the room and disregard the rest of the text.

Any thoughts on the matter - I would appreciate it a lot.

An example of a room desc. from the mud Genesis: (this is actually one of the ones mentioned above - "There is a open door leading west." appears second last in the roomdescription and the mapper will disregard the rest even though multiline exits are checked/unchecked)

You're standing on northwestern end of the palace road, and can see the town
square open out to your north. To your west you see the bottom of a row of huge
columns that flank the road, creating a corridor effect. They look so high that
you can't even see their tops! Behind the columns is one of the stables of
Gelan. The palace road continues southwards, where it leads to the drawbridge.
The road is also wide, extending eastwards up to the columns that flank the
other side of the gate. You see a map on the wall here.
There is a open door leading west.
There are six obvious exits: north, south, east, northwest, northeast and

Best Regards

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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:42 am   
Revril, your mud is relatively standard. It doesn't really have a room name, but that is not major simply uncheck that during configuration. The best way to do it is run through the configuration wizard, then edit the configuration to include the exit key of "obvious exit". You should check the "Exit line contains key" and enter it in the box nearby. Next run the wizard again, this second run through takes into account adjusted items and will correct other things based on those adjustments.

Karalon, I would suggest you use a trigger with #SUB to fix your problem. The best way I can think to handle this is use colors instead of case to indicate the doors. I do not know whylowercase in the exits would cause a problem, but it definitely is. Closest trigger I can do off the top of my as no testing has been done here.
#TRIGGER {* ~[(%t)~]$} {#PSUB {%subregex("%1","([news])",%concat(%ansi(bold,yellow),%upper(%%1),%ansi(default)))} %x1}
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Joined: 26 Jul 2005
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:39 am   
hrmm, I created a new trigger and cut and pasted that in there. But it's like removing the exits all together. I.E I normally see: [NEsW] and using the trigger above I now see: [ ]

I don't know if I just didn't do something right, or if maybe the trigger is a little off somewhere.
I pasted that into the triggers tab, and when I saw what was happening I pasted into the little scripts box on the automapper. But either way I get the same thing.
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