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Joined: 21 Jul 2005
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:12 am   

Of mapping, and queue'd commands
I'm trying to map my mud, and have just gotten into this as a hobby. I've read all the helpfiles and the forums pertaining to the questions I have, and found no answer, so my question is thus:

Mud Room output:
[01234][The Oval Plaza Market Square][ !MOB OLC ]
The Oval Plaza is a broad market square of enormous size,
flattened out to slice into the hills that gently rise toward the
center of the great city of Caemlyn. The ground is covered in
rounded cobblestones of many shapes and sizes. To the southeast
and southwest of the plaza itself are stands of red oaks rising
magestically above a lush carpet of grass. Stretching north is a
broad boulevard of well-packed and rounded cobblestones, leading to
the sculpted and Ogier Built walls of the Old City. In the
southeastern portion of the Plaza itself is a small resting area.
Another boulevard runs off south of the plaza, leading toward the
Far Madding gate and beyond. The broad Rose Street runs off west
and east, well travelled by merchants and others with business
deeper within the bowels of the city. Northeast is the northern
branch of this street, added later by a few hundred years as the
sprawl expanded like a living thing.
[Obvious exits]
north - Old City Boulevard
east - Rose Street South
south - Far Madding Gate Boulevard
west - Rose Street West
northeast - Rose Street South, West
A colorful yet detailed street sign stands on a pole, directing the people.
A large round, fancifully sculpted, marble fountain.
An ancient oak tree with striated bark grows at the southeast edge of the Plaza.
An ornately carved marble bench is set here.

The mapper will map correctly the description and the exits, but fails miserably discerning the name. I fixed this with the expected trigger and #TAG commands, which then correctly assigns the name.

The problem occurs after I configure the mapper. The mapper creates the initial room with no problems, but after that, it sends all commands to the queue. I have the sinking suspision that this is due to the []'s in the first line, though my prompt is much more complicated and it has correctly identified it, so I don't think that it's recognizing the first line as a prompt.

Any help making these Queue'd commands actually create new rooms would be much appreciated.

As a side note: Where can one see the list of room flags assigned by #TAG flags? I can't seem to locate it in the Properties of the room...

As a second side note: #TAG vnum doesn't seem to work either, though I've read this has been a problem since the version 6's. Does anyone have a non-manual work-around?


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