Istroath Novice
Joined: 11 Feb 2005 Posts: 39
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:56 am
Help with mapper please! |
ok so i have spent all week trying to get this mapper to configure properly, reading, searching and even trying to use #Tag but it keeps bugging out in one way or another i realy realy need some help here please.
i have copied and well past what a room looks like in both brief and verbose but i can not have both at the same time and only the room name appears in brief witch i prefer to play in anyway
You open the north door.
A cheery home(s)
A brand (burned out)
A toddler
A puppy
A young mother
You close the south door.
HP:230 EP:230
You open the north door.
This one-room house is simply but nicely furnished. The room is large
enough that it can be--and has been--divided into two living areas. To
the left of the door a bed, crib and chest serve as the sleeping area. To
the right a table, simple cupboard and hearth mark the family and cooking
area. The owners of this home are not wealthy, but they seem to have all
that they need to live a happy, simple life.
The south door is open.
The only obvious exit is south.
A brand (burned out)
A toddler
A puppy
A young mother
You close the south door.
HP:230 EP:230
also please note that if you look at your charactor info the text looks like the room name in brief this is the trigger i was trying to set the room tag with and the prompt tag with
#TRIGGER {^(*)~((*)~)*} {#TAG name,exit {%1} {%2}}
#TRIGGER {^*HP:(%d) EP:(%d)*$} {#TAG prmpt}
now i also should point out that for rooms that have a exit for swiming the brief mode room looks like this
A cheery home(s) [n and sw]
were the swiming dirs are in [] and walking dir in () but you well only see the [] when it is possible to swim and honestly i dont care about the mapper auto mapping those swiming ones i just need it to load the room and exits in brief with out bugging out when it sees something else in the room like the above A brand (burned out) and i also seem to be haveing a problem with it discovering my prompt and the doors bug out too sigh
any help at all is most welcome |
Maelstrom Apprentice
Joined: 10 Feb 2005 Posts: 158
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:41 am |
Yeah I can see how that could be buggy... Your likely to fire multiple times on the room name trigger. Luckily a conditional should fix it right up to keep it from firing multiple times.
#TRIGGER {^(*)~((*)~)*$} {#TAG name,exit {%1} {%2}} {notrig}
#COND {^HP:(%d) EP:(%d)$} {#TAG prompt} {case|notrig}
Hopefully that will solve most of the issues... |
Maelstrom Apprentice
Joined: 10 Feb 2005 Posts: 158
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:58 am |
Oh yeah forgot to ask. Does your mud have settings for coloring different items? If possible (to make the triggers bullet proof) it would help to have the mud color the room name a certain color and make it an ANSI trigger in addition to whats already there.