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Joined: 20 Jun 2004
Posts: 20
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:42 pm   

stringlist help
I know there is a simple answer to this query but Im not able to find it on the forums in the context that Im looking for.

What I want to do is add a few cures to a stringlist called @cures, preaty simple I know. So I made the coresponding triggers to the text and put in #additem cures cureailiasname for the value.

This added the cures I wanted to @cures now to extract them I made an alias called cme "cure me."
Value = @cures
So of course all this did was put all my cure aliases in one long list seperated by piping ie: happenstance|conjecture|verbatum| exc...

Now in the alias I know I need to put in something like @cure,1 then #deleteitem @cure,1 Or some such.

Thing is this is my real query, lets say I have 5 cures on the stringlist how do I go through all the cures then make the alias stop? How do I notify the mud that I have 5 cures on a string or maybe only 2. I want to cure them all at once or resetup defenses based on this info then after there deleted make it stop and maybe say all @cures empty?

Hopefully this makes sense to someone out there I know Im on the right track and its probley preaty simple to a guru!

Thanks for any and all replies

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Joined: 30 Dec 2003
Posts: 226

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:42 pm   
#ALIAS cureall {#FORALL @cures {cast %i};#VAR cures {}}

This is a simple alias that will go through all the things in @cures, doing each one, then clear @cures. You can change the "cast %i" to whatever you need to do each cure. The %i is the variable calling the current item on the list.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2004
Posts: 20
Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:09 pm   
Thanks thats what I was lookin for, much appreciated!

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