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Joined: 02 Jul 2004
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 5:13 pm   

Infinite Loop, but where..?
I wrote the following Script for the Discworld MUD which I am currently playing:

#CLASS {mystuff} {enable}
#VAR temp {225142}
#VAR temptwo {28637}
#VAR enemytype {vulture}

#CLASS {mystuff|Paths} {disable|menu}
#ALIAS drum2thieves {.s5eje2jn}
#ALIAS thieves2drum {.s2kwk5wn}
#BUTTON 30 {Back} {#T- Paths;#T+ Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {Right} {} {}

#CLASS {mystuff|menu} {enable}
#BUTTON 1 {Combat} {#T+ CombatClass;#T- Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 2 {Soul} {#T+ SoulPage1;#T- Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 3 {Sel. Tool Bar} {#T+ SelectionClass;#T- Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 4 {Draw Daggers} {drawweapon=@incr(@drawweapon);say I sense danger may be near..;draw elegant stiletto;draw elegant stiletto} {Sheathe} {sheathe elegant stiletto;sheathe elegant stiletto;say I feel peace..} {} {armed} {} {Size} {95} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 5 {Equip Lockpick} {get lockpick from utility belt;hold lockpick in left hand} {Hide Lockpick} {unhold lockpick;put lockpick in utility belt} {} {1} {} {Size} {94} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 6 {Equip Needle} {get needle from utility belt;hold needle in left hand} {Hide Needle} {unhold needle;put needle in utility belt} {} {1} {} {Size} {94} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 7 {Prepare to Swim} {swims=%eval( %number( @swims+1));#T- putinpack;remove all;drop all;get shorts from pack;get yellow stone ring;equip;#T+ putinpack} {Get dressed} {#T- putinpack;remove all;put shorts in pack;get all;equip;#T+ putinpack} {} {1} {} {Size} {95} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 8 {Armor Status} {cond all damaged} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 9 {Use Items} {} {Drink Healing Tea|Towel drying|Light|Check Quota} {get black bottle from pack;drink 1/100 from black bottle;put black bottle in pack|dry myself with towel|get yellow ring from utility belt;remove yellow ring;equip|palm thieves licence from black backpack;check quota;slip thieves licence into black backpack} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 93 {Help} {help here} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {1} {878} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 94 {Save + Quit} {save;quit} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {1} {945} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}

#CLASS {mystuff|General}
#VAR armed {0}
#VAR pock {0}
#VAR incr {%eval( %number( %1)+1)}
#VAR decr {%eval( %number( %1)-1)}
#VAR topackput {1}
#ALARM {*60} {score brief}
#TRIGGER "navcolors" {^You consult your map (*).$} {mapviews=@incr(@mapviews);#T+ ColorTrigger}
#COND {^You slip the exquisite vellum map to the black backpack.} {#T- ColorTrigger}
#TRIGGER {^A signpost is here.$} {signposts=@incr(@signposts);read signpost}
#TRIGGER {^~[(*)~] (*): (*)$} {#COLOR "11"} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER "putinpack" {^You get (&item) from (&location)$} {pock=0;#IF (@location<>"a pocket in the small satchel." and @location<>"a pocket in the black backpack." and @location<>"a pocket in the utility belt." and @location<>"the stiletto scabbard.") {pock=1};#IF (@topackput=1 and @pock=1) {put @item in pack}}
#TRIGGER {{It is}*{full with:}} {#CW "2"}
#TRIGGER "stealtopack" {^You steal (&item) from (&location)$} {stealsuccess=@incr(@stealsuccess);#IF (@topackput=1) {put @item in pack}}
#TRIGGER {^(*) corpse of kainer (*)$} {#T+ mycorpse}
#TRIGGER {score brief} {#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^There (*) obvious exit} {#IF (@enemies=0) {enemyinroom=none};#T- mycorpse;#T- cstattrigger;#T- artansroom;#T- KordaneClass} "" {disable}
#COND {^(&enemyinroom) [areis] standing here.$} {temp=%word( @enemyinroom, 1);#IF (%left( @temp, 1)="a") {enemies=1};#IF (@temp="two") {enemies=2};#IF (@temp="three") {enemies=3};#IF (@temp="four") {enemies=4};#IF (@temp="five") {enemies=5};#IF (@temp="six") {enemies=6};enemytype=%word( @enemyinroom, %numwords( @enemyinroom));counter=1} {disable}
#TRIGGER "containcolor" {{It contains:}} {#CW "2"}
#BUTTON 11 {Loot Myself} {get all from corpse;hold elegant stiletto in right hand;equip;#T- mycorpse} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {mycorpse}
#BUTTON 12 {Pay Artan} {pay artan} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {artansroom}

#CLASS {mystuff|ChatTrigger}
#TRIGGER {^(*)'s wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying: (*)$} {#GAG;#WINDOW Channel {~ * %ansi( darkgreen)<%1>: %ansi( white)%2}}
#TRIGGER {^(*)'s wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying that he (*)$} {#GAG;#WINDOW Channel {~ * %ansi( white)%1 %ansi( white)%2}}
#TRIGGER {^~(newbie~) (*): (*)$} {#GAG;#WINDOW Channel {%ansi( purple)~(newbie~) %ansi( white)%1: %ansi( white)%2}}
#TRIGGER {^(*)'s wispy voice comes from the small stick, saying that she (*)$} {#GAG;#WINDOW Channel {~ * %ansi( white)%1 %ansi( white)%2}}

#CLASS {mystuff|CombatClass} {disable|menu}
#BUTTON 68 {Tactics} {#T- CombatClass;#T+ TacticsClass} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 69 {Combat Monitor On} {combatmonitor=1;#IF (@enemies<>0) {#T+ cstattrigger};#SHOW Combat Monitor Enabled} {Combat Monitor Off} {combatmonitor=0;#T- cstattrigger;#SHOW Combat Monitor Disabled} {} {1} {} {Size} {103} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 70 {Designate Target} {enemyinroom=%selected} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {97} {23} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 71 {Backstabbing} {} {Prepare to Backstab|Backstab!} {l around;consider all;bright;#IF (@armed=0) {armed=1};#WAIT 1500;#SHOW Prepared.. time to BACKSTAB!|#IF (@armed=0) {#SHOW %ansi( red)WARNING! Backstabbing without Weapons.};#IF (@combatmonitor=1) {#T+ cstattrigger};temp=@xp;enemies=1;backstab @enemyinroom} {} {} {} {Size} {90} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 72 {Mainmenu} {#T- CombatClass;#T+ Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {1} {945} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}

#CLASS {mystuff|TacticsClass} {disable|menu}
#BUTTON 73 {Tactics Attitude} {} {Tactics Attitude Insane|Tactics Attitude Offensive|Tactics Attitude Neutral|Tactics Attitude Defensive|Tactics Attitude Wimp} {tactics attitude insane|tactics attitude offensive|tactics attitude neutral|tactics attitude defensive|tactics attitude wimp} {} {} {} {Size} {101} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 74 {Tactics Attack} {} {Tactics Attack Left|Tactics Attack Right|Tactics Attack Both} {tactics attack left|tactics attack right|tactics attack both} {} {} {} {Size} {98} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 75 {Tactics Response} {} {Tactics Response Dodge|Tactics Response Neutral|Tactics Response Parry} {tactics response dodge|tactics response neutral|tactics response parry} {} {} {} {Size} {113} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 76 {Tactics Parry} {} {Tactics Parry Left|Tactics Parry Right|Tactics Parry Both|Tactics Parry Unarmed} {tactics parry left|tactics parry right|tactics parry both|tactics parry unarmed} {} {} {} {Size} {95} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 77 {Tactics Focus} {} {Tactics Focus Upper Body|Tactics Focus Lower Body|Tactics Focus Head!|Tactics Focus Neck|Tactics Focus Chest|Tactics Focus Abdomen|Tactics Focus Arms|Tactics Focus Hands|Tactics Focus Legs|Tactics Focus Feet|Tactics Focus None} {tactics focus upper body|tactics focus lower body|tactics focus head|tactics focus neck|tactics focus chest|tactics focus abdomen|tactics focus arms|tactics focus hands|tactics focus legs|tactics focus feet|tactics focus none} {} {} {} {Size} {95} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 78 {Back to Combat} {#T- TacticsClass;#T+ CombatClass} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {84} {23} {Pos} {1} {929} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}

#CLASS {mystuff|KordaneClass} {disable|menu}
#BUTTON 79 {Leave on Absence} {} {Take leave|Return from leave} {say I would like to take a leave of absence, please. I will be back for duty soon.|say Our order shall reign, I have returned from leave.} {} {} {} {Size} {121} {23} {} {} {} {} {0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 80 {Cost Pri.} {cost primaries} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 81 {Adv. Steal} {advance} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 82 {Teach me} {say Would you please teach me, humble master of the Guild?} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 83 {Hi lvl Cmds} {say I would like you to tell me about higher level commands, please.} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}

#CLASS {mystuff|SoundTrigger}
#VAR opendoor {C:fileswavsdw.muddoor_open0.wav}
#VAR closedoor {C:fileswavsdw.mudclose_open0.wav}
#VAR squelch {C:fileswavsdw.mudSquelch.wav}
#VAR rain {C:fileswavsdw.mudrain.wav}
#VAR bury {C:fileswavsdw.mudbury.wav}
#VAR kill {C:fileswavsdw.mudkill.wav}
#VAR assbell {C:fileswavsdw.mudbelltoll.wav}
#TRIGGER {*open*door*} {doors=@incr(@doors);#PLAY @opendoor}
#TRIGGER {*close*door*} {#PLAY @closedoor}
#TRIGGER {Squelch.} {#PLAY @squelch}
#TRIGGER {*It is a*rain*} {#PLAY @rain}
#TRIGGER {^You bury*deep within the earth.$} {#PLAY @bury}
#TRIGGER {^You killed*} {#PLAY @kill}
#TRIGGER {*signifying another successful inhumation*} {#PLAY @assbell}

#CLASS {mystuff|SelectionClass} {disable|menu}
#BUTTON 84 {Look at} {look at %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 85 {Read} {read %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 86 {Peek} {peek %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 87 {Case} {case %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 88 {Scope} {scope %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 89 {Shoplift} {shoplift %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 90 {Steal coins} {steal coins from %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 91 {Get} {get %selected} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}
#BUTTON 92 {Mainmenu} {#T- SelectionClass;#T+ Menu} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Pos} {1} {945} {} {} {} {} "" {} {} {}

#CLASS {mystuff|Statistics}
#ALIAS getstats {#SHOW %ansi( yellow)Discworld Statistics;#SHOW %ansi( 10)You are @yourself.;#SHOW %ansi( green)You searched @searches different places, stole @stealsuccess items and fenced them for @dollar Dollar and @pence pence.;#SHOW %ansi( green)You drew your Stilettoes @drawweapon times, using them for Backstabbing in @bstabs attempts and destroying a total of @bodycount existences.;#SHOW %ansi( green)You are @daysold days, @hoursold hours, @minsold minutes and @secsold seconds old and have logged in @logins times.;#SHOW %ansi( green)Counting since:;#SHOW %ansi( green)You have been @resetday days and @resethour hours old.;#SHOW %ansi( green) the way, you were near @doors doors when they opened and hopefully enjoyed their task,;#SHOW %ansi( green) met @signposts of these fancy Signposts in the Terrain.}
#ALIAS resetstats {searches=0;stealsuccess=0;dollar=0;pence=0;bodycount=0;resetday=@daysold;resethour=@hoursold;#SHOW Your Discworld Statistics have been reset.}
#VAR stealsuccess {54}
#VAR bodycount {111}
#VAR searches {6}
#VAR resetday {4}
#VAR resethour {10}
#VAR doors {100}
#VAR bstabs {15}
#VAR drawweapon {8}
#VAR signposts {7}
#VAR mapviews {3}
#TRIGGER {^You start to search around.$} {searches=@incr(@searches)}
#TRIGGER {^You sneak around (*) without being spotted and manage to catch (*) by surprise.} {bstabs=@incr(@bstabs)} "" {color}
#TRIGGER {^You hear a satisfying click as you professionally pick the lock.$} {doorpicks=@incr(@doorpicks)}

#CLASS {mystuff|ThiefStuff}
#VAR fencer {Jim}
#VAR dollar {147}
#VAR pence {68}
#TRIGGER {Shifty Jim whispers to you: I'll give you (*) for (*), what do you think?$} {nod Jim;temp=%1;#CASE (%numwords( @temp)) {} {} {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)+%number( %word( @temp, 1)))} {} {} {} {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)+%number( %word( @temp, 5)));dollar=%eval( %number( @dollar)+%number( %word( @temp, 1)))};#IF (%number( @pence)>100) {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)-100);dollar=@incr(@dollar)}}
#TRIGGER {You sell (*) for (*).} {temp=%2;#CASE (%numwords( @temp)) {} {} {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)+%number( %word( @temp, 1)))} {} {} {} {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)+%number( %word( @temp, 5)));dollar=%eval( %number( @dollar)+%number( %word( @temp, 1)))};#IF (%number( @pence)>100) {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)-100);dollar=@incr(@dollar)}}
#TRIGGER {^Artan takes A~$(*) from you} {temp=%1;temp=%round( %number( @temp));guildtheft=%eval( %number( @guildtheft)+%number( @temp))}
#TRIGGER {*Shifty Jim *} {fencer=Jim}
#TRIGGER {*Sol *} {fencer=Sol}
#TRIGGER {Sol whispers to you: I'll give you (*) for (*), what do you think?$} {nod Sol;temp=%1;#CASE (%numwords( @temp)) {} {} {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)+%number( %word( @temp, 1)))} {} {} {} {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)+%number( %word( @temp, 5)));dollar=%eval( %number( @dollar)+%number( %word( @temp, 1)))};#IF (%number( @pence)>100) {pence=%eval( %number( @pence)-100);dollar=@incr(@dollar)}}

#CLASS {mystuff|StatusStuff}
#VAR yourself {Silent Kainer Iniquitous the Very Good Burglar}
#VAR guildlvl {56}
#VAR armed {1}
#VAR daysold {4}
#VAR comast {152}
#VAR comastbo {238}
#VAR hp {1061}
#VAR maxhp {1061}
#VAR gp {181}
#VAR maxgp {273}
#VAR xp {226525}
#VAR maxxp {1000000}
#VAR enemyinroom {a}
#VAR extension {lang.,fi.sp.we, craft}
#VAR qp {6}
#VAR maxqp {720}
#VAR sp {165}
#VAR maxsp {165}
#VAR hoursold {18}
#VAR minsold {44}
#VAR secsold {7}
#VAR logins {48}
#VAR special {a prowler}
#VAR rating {7368}
#VAR daystate {morning}
#TRIGGER {^| | stealing........ ([0-9]) ([0-9]) (*)} {comast=%1;comastbo=%2}
#TRIGGER {^Looking at yourself again?} {}
#COND {^You see (&yourself).} {#UNGAG}
#TRIGGER {^You have (&hp) ~((&maxhp)~) hit points, (&gp) ~((&maxgp)~) guild points, (&qp) ~((&maxqp)~) quest points and (&sp) ~((&maxsp)~) social points.$} {}
#COND {is (&rating).} {}
#TRIGGER {^Your current experience is (&xp) and you are level (&guildlvl) in the Thieves' Guild, specialised as (&special);} {}
#TRIGGER {^You are (&daysold) days, (&hoursold) hours, (&minsold) minutes and (&secsold) seconds old and have logged in (&logins) times.$} {}
#TRIGGER {%e[33mIt is (*).} {temp=%1;temptwo=1;#UNTIL (@temptwo=%numwords( @temp)) {#IF (%ismember( %word( @temp, @temptwo), "evening|night|morning|afternoon")<>0) {daystate=%word( @temp, @temptwo)};temptwo=@incr(@temptwo)}} "" {color}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-Q {#T- exptrigger}

#CLASS {mystuff|CombatStuff}
#VAR enemies {0}
#VAR location {the armoury.}
#VAR item {a}
#VAR combatmsg {0}
#VAR counter {1}
#VAR combatmonitor {0}
#TRIGGER {^(*) moves aggressively towards you!} {#COLOR "12";#SHOW You are attacked. Make a run for it!}
#TRIGGER {^You killed} {#COLOR "12";bodycount=@incr(@bodycount);enemies=@decr(@enemies);#IF (@enemies=0) {sfs;#SHOW V I C T O R Y ! You gained about %eval( @xp-@temp) XP.}} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {^Hp: (&hp) ~((&maxhp)~) Gp: (&gp) ~((&maxgp)~) Xp: (&xp)$} {#GAG;#IF (@combatmonitor=1) {counter=@incr(@counter);#IF (@counter=5) {#CLR CombatStatus;#WIN CombatStatus Number of Enemies: @enemies;health all}}}
#TRIGGER "cstattrigger" {^(&item) in (&location).$} {#IF (not %ismember( @location, "bad shape|good shape|very bad shape|slightly hurt")=0) {combatmsg=1};#IF (@combatmsg=1 and @location="good shape") {color=lightgreen};#IF (@combatmsg=1 and @location="slightly hurt") {color=darkblue};#IF (@combatmsg=1 and @location="bad shape") {color=darkyellow};#IF (@combatmsg=1 and @location="very bad shape") {color=darkred};#IF (@combatmsg=1 and @item="You are") {#CAP CombatStatus;#GAG} {#IF (@combatmsg=1 and @item<>"You are") {#CAP CombatStatus;#GAG}}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {health all} {#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You prepare to attack (&item) (*)$} {#COLOR "12";temp=@xp;enemyinroom=%2;#IF (@combatmonitor=1) {#T+ cstattrigger};#IF (%left( @item, 1)="a") {enemies=1};#IF (@item="two") {enemies=2};#IF (@item="three") {enemies=3};#IF (@item="four") {enemies=4};#IF (@item="five") {enemies=5};#IF (@item="six") {enemies=6}}
#TRIGGER {^Hp: (&hp)~(&maxhp~) Gp: (&gp)~((&maxgp)~) Xp: (&xp)$} {#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^(*) turns and slips away.$} {#COLOR "12";enemies=@decr(@enemies);#IF (@enemies=0) {sfs;#SHOW V I C T O R Y ! You gained about %eval( @xp-@temp) XP.}}
#TRIGGER {%e[53ml around} {} "" {color}
#COND {^(&enemyinroom) [areis] here.$} {#UNGAG} {color}
#TRIGGER {^You dealt the deathblow} {#COLOR "12";bodycount=@incr(@bodycount);enemies=@decr(@enemies);#IF (@enemies=0) {sfs;#SHOW V I C T O R Y ! You gained about %eval( @xp-@temp) XP.}} "" {case}

#CLASS {mystuff|Aliases}
#ALIAS ffp {get %1 from pack;fence %1 to @fencer}
#ALIAS fc {#IF (%len( %1)>1) {filch jewellery from %1} {filch jewellery from @enemyinroom}}
#ALIAS resetstatus {remtext self;remtext stats;rembar health;rembar guild;rembar exper;remtext daystate;remtext target;remtext ext;addtext self 1 1 %ansi( 10)@yourself;addtext stats 2 1 %ansi( 10)GLvl: @guildlvl Rating: @rating Age: @daysold d, @hoursold h.;addbarbig health 3 1 %ansi( 14)HP: hp %ansi( 15)It is @daystate.;addbarbig guild 4 1 %ansi( 14)GP: gp;addbarmed exper 5 1 %ansi( 14)XP: xp;addtext target 6 1 %ansi( 12)Target: @enemyinroom;addtext ext 7 1 %ansi( 12)@extension}
#ALIAS sd {#IF (%len( %1)>1) {steal dollars from %1} {steal dollars from @enemyinroom}}
#ALIAS gi {#IF (%len( %1)>1) {peek %1;case %1;consider %1} {peek @enemyinroom;case @enemyinroom;consider @enemyinroom}}
#ALIAS sfv {stop fight;enemies=0;combatmsg=0;#T- cstattrigger;#MAKEWINDOW CombatStatus close}
#ALIAS sx {syntax}
#ALIAS sfs {#T- cstattrigger;#MAKEWINDOW CombatStatus close}
#ALIAS mycmds {#SHOW Configured available Commands:;#SHOW sfs(Stop Fight short), sfv(Stop Fight Verbose), sd(Steal Dollars), sc(Steal Coins), gi(Getinfo);#SHOW fe(quickfence), ffp(fence from pack), sx(syntax), wsw, wsj(walkspeed), getstats}
#ALIAS wsj {options personal travel=journey}
#ALIAS sc {#IF (%len( %1)>1) {steal coins from %1} {steal coins from @enemyinroom}}
#ALIAS wsw {options personal travel=walk}
#ALIAS fe {fence %1 to @fencer}
#ALIAS ca {consider all}

#CLASS {mystuff|Macros}
#KEY CTRL-DIV {hide}
#KEY CTRL-DEC {skills;look at me;look around}
#KEY CTRL-MULT {sneak high}
#KEY DIV {inventory;exam pack;exam utility belt}
#KEY MULT {score}
#KEY CTRL-KEY5 {search}
#KEY SHIFT-CTRL-Y {say yes}
#KEY SHIFT-CTRL-T {say please, teach me the old ancient art of thievery.}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-K {kill all}
#KEY CTRL-SUB {sneak off;unhide}
#KEY CTRL-HOME {abscond north and hide}
#KEY CTRL-END {abscond south and hide}
#KEY CTRL-DEL {abscond west and hide}
#KEY CTRL-PGDN {abscond east and hide}
#KEY DEC {#IF (@daystate<>"night") {map};#IF (vellum=1) {palm vellum map from pack;consult map;slip vellum map into pack}}
#KEY CTRL-1 {#IF (%rightback( @enemytype, 1)="s") {enemytype=%leftback( @enemytype, 1)};enemyinroom=@enemytype" "@counter;counter=@incr(@counter);#IF (%number( @counter)>%number( @enemies)) {counter=1}}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-HOME {wade north}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-END {wade south}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-PGDN {wade east}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-DEL {wade west}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-L {get jewellery from corpse 1;get coins from corpse 1;bury corpse 1}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-O {bury all}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-D {enemyinroom=%selected}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-X {backstab @enemyinroom;#IF (@combatmonitor=1) {#T+ cstattrigger};temp=@xp;enemies=1}
#KEY ALT-CTRL-C {consider all}

The problem is when I enable the following Triggers zMUD will Infinite Loop some Commands.

#TRIGGER {^There (*) obvious exit} {#IF (@enemies=0) {enemyinroom=none};#T- mycorpse;#T- cstattrigger;#T- artansroom;#T- KordaneClass} "" {disable}
#COND {^(&enemyinroom) [areis] standing here.$} {temp=%word( @enemyinroom, 1);#IF (%left( @temp, 1)="a") {enemies=1};#IF (@temp="two") {enemies=2};#IF (@temp="three") {enemies=3};#IF (@temp="four") {enemies=4};#IF (@temp="five") {enemies=5};#IF (@temp="six") {enemies=6};enemytype=%word( @enemyinroom, %numwords( @enemyinroom));counter=1}

#KEY CTRL-1 {#IF (%rightback( @enemytype, 1)="s") {enemytype=%leftback( @enemytype, 1)};enemyinroom=@enemytype" "@counter;counter=@incr(@counter);#IF (%number( @counter)>%number( @enemies)) {counter=1}} {disable}

The only reason I know this is the flackering of the "Refresh" Button in the Settings
Window and the very heavy noticeable amount of general Slowdown in the GUI and of the PC.
I don't get any error messages though, except when closing zMUD it crashes with
an access violation, odd enough.
No output in any window is looped, too.
The responsible Triggers don't work as expected and meant, though.
They should enable me to change the strings like "two scary monsters" by
hitting a Macro to a string like "monster 1" and everytime I use the
same Macro again the number is increased.
To be more exact enabling the the Trigger alone doesn't lead to the Loop.
Enabling the key doesn't trigger the error, too.
But using the key actually lets this error occur.
Can anyone please do a little Scriptdigging and tell me what I am doing wrong..?
Greets MemMaker
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