Ryntrax Wanderer
Joined: 15 Mar 2004 Posts: 55 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:41 pm
#alarm issues |
Alarm will stop firing for no reason after say more than 10 minutes or what not. The alarm is still there and enabled but not firing. I am not recieveing an error. I have all current updates. I have taken all the normal steps to trouble shoot. This is one of the scripts that it stops on. Is the problem in my code.
#CLASS {cpkGuard}
#ALIAS alertcpkG {#forall @whereResults {#IF (%ismember( %i, @whereResultsOld)) {#noop {%i no changes}} {#emotea {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)%i%ansi( white)~] %ansi( bold, blue)ENTERED %ansi( white)where.%ansi( bold, grey)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}}};#forall @whereResultsOld {#IF (%ismember( %i, @whereResults)) {} {#emotea {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)%i%ansi( white)~] %ansi( bold, red)LEFT %ansi( white)where.%ansi( bold, grey)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}}};#var whereResultsOld @whereResults}
#ALIAS cpkG {#VARIABLE cpkOption 1;#IF %1="enable" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 2};#IF %1="disable" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 3};#IF %1="reset" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 4};#IF %1="log" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 5};#IF %1="chatlog" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 6};#if %1="focus" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 7};#IF %1="" {#VARIABLE cpkOption 1};#CASE @cpkOption {#SHOW {%ansi( green)~/--------------------------2PSCRIPTING.COM---------------------------~>};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( white)" "-- CPK Guard 1.10} --" ";#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( cyan)This script allows you to safely monitor the location of everyone};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( cyan)in your vicinity with the where interval of your choice.};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( yellow)This script may return unexpected results when used};#show {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( yellow)" "with where results that are multiple pages.};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( yellow)Use the page ~# command to fix this for large where tracking.};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( yellow)See %ansi( bold, white)help page %ansi( yellow)for details.};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, red)Commands:};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg ? %ansi( bold, yellow)" "- This screen};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg enable ~# %ansi( bold, yellow)- Turn ON 2P CPK Guard 1.10, where ~# equals interval};#show {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, yellow)" "in seconds ~(1~-99~) between where updates};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg disable %ansi( bold, yellow) - Turn OFF 2P CPK Guard 1.10};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg focus %ansi( bold, yellow)" "- Toggle the reporting of location changes};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg reset %ansi( bold, yellow)" "- Reset the Where History};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg log %ansi( bold, yellow)" "- Display the Where History};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~|%ansi( bold, white)cpkg chatlog %ansi( bold, yellow) - Chat the Where History over ZChat};#SHOW {%ansi( green)~----------------------Admin~@2PScripting.com-------------------------~>}} {#T+ cpkGTrigs;#VARIABLE cpkGInterval {%2};#EMOTEALL {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)CPK GUARD%ansi( white)~] %ansi( bold, blue)ENABLED %ansi( white)with %ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, cyan)@cpkGinterval%ansi( white)~] %ansi( bold, white)sec interval %ansi( bold, grey)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}} {#T- cpkGTrigs;#EMOTEALL {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)CPK GUARD%ansi( white)~] %ansi( red)DISABLED %ansi( bold, gray)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}} {#RESET cpkGuard;#delclass cpkGuard|cpkgVars} {#FORALL @whereResultsLog {#SHOW {%ansi( cyan)%i}}} {#EMOTEALL {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)CPK GUARD%ansi( white)~] where history %ansi( white)~[%ansi( cyan)%replace( @whereResultsLog, "|", ", ")%ansi( white)~] %ansi( bold, gray)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}} {#if @cpkgFocus {#var cpkgFocus 0;#emoteall {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)CPK GUARD%ansi( white)~]%ansi( bold, cyan) FOCUS %ansi( bold, blue)DISABLED %ansi( bold, grey)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}} {#var cpkgFocus 1;#emoteall {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)CPK GUARD%ansi( white)~]%ansi( bold, cyan) FOCUS %ansi( bold, blue)ENBLED %ansi( bold, grey)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}}}}
#VAR whereResults {Trilok|Jurok|Saicon|Gims|Aimonsorcio|Trixtax|Kirius|Sully|Lycon|Clovis|Gusmo|Derketo|Overon|Aermac|Illun|Maethos|Wallkier|Zyclone|Cronje|Schlee|Dorguar|Ariakus|Hycon|Chronicon|Dayde} {}
#VAR whereResultsOld {Trilok|Jurok|Saicon|Gims|Aimonsorcio|Trixtax|Kirius|Sully|Lycon|Clovis|Gusmo|Derketo|Overon|Aermac|Illun|Maethos|Wallkier|Zyclone|Cronje|Schlee|Dorguar|Ariakus|Hycon|Chronicon|Dayde} {}
#VAR whereResultsLog {Schlee|Ariakus|Niryk|Kirius|Dorguar|Jurok|Aimonsorcio|Lycon|Gusmo|Overon|Illun|Zyclone|Hycon|Chronicon|Dayde|Trilok|Saicon|Gims|Trixtax|Sully|Clovis|Derketo|Aermac|Maethos|Wallkier|Cronje} {}
#VAR cpkOption {3}
#VAR cpkGInterval {8}
#VAR cpkgFocus {1}
#CLASS {cpkGuard|cpkGTrigs}
#TRIGGER {Players in your vicinity:} {#var whereResultsOld {};#var whereResultsOld @whereResults;#var whereResults {};#t+ wheretoggle;#wait 300;#show {CPK Guard powered by 2P}}
#TRIGGER {CPK Guard powered by 2P} {#GAG;AlertcpkG;#T- wheretoggle}
#ALARM {-:*@cpkGInterval} {#send {where}}
#CLASS {cpkGuard|cpkGTrigs|wheretoggle}
#TRIGGER {~[%1* ~]} {#additem whereResults {%1};#additem whereResultsLog {%1}}
#COND {~[(%w)* ~] ~- %2} {#wait 200;#if @cpkgfocus {#if @cpkgnew_%1 {#var cpkgold_%1 {@cpkgnew_%1} {} {cpkGuard|cpkgVars}} {};#var cpkgnew_%1 {%2} {} {cpkGuard|cpkgVars};#if (@cpkgnew_%1!=@cpkgold_%1) {#if @cpkgold_%1 {#emoteall {%ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, yellow)%1%ansi( white)~]%ansi( bold, grey) NOW AT %ansi( white)~[%ansi( bold, blue)@cpkgNew_%1%ansi( white)~] %ansi( bold, grey)~[%ansi( grey)2P%ansi( bold, grey)~]}} {}} {}} {}} {reparse}
#CLASS {cpkGuard|cpkgVars}
#VAR cpkgnew_Ariakus {Lurking about} {}
#CLASS 0 |