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Joined: 10 May 2003
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 5:27 pm   

#teleport and "noclear" option
I have read in the new features of zmud v7.03, that the #teleport command now has a "noclear" option that does not clear the map queue.

I have tested it out but I came up with it showing something like "direction (roomvnum of my previous location)" in the map queue and not being able to execute it on the map...
For instance, if I fled and immediately spammed east, a script I use would check where I ended and #teleport me to the room on the map with the "noclear" option toggled on, but then the map queue would show "e (8040)", where 8040 is the roomvnum of the room where I was before I fled...
In the end, the mapper would not take into account the additional direction spam.

Is the "noclear" option supposed to work like this or I am doing something wrong?
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:20 pm   
First it is unhealthy to spam directions before a flee command has finished. If your flee command lets you specify a direction to go then you should define those as part of your direction settings.

If it doesn't then you should try defining a direction setting for 'flee' with a map dir of none or other. This should at least put something in the mapper queue. It may still not work when you spam directions, but has a chance at success.
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Joined: 10 May 2003
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 10:35 pm   
In the pking mud I play, spamming 2 or 3 directions after a flee often makes the difference between life and death when you are try to get away from a big group chasing you.

Flees are random and you cannot specify which way you fled, that is why the script that teleports to the room where you fled is made for...

I have tried to solve this by capturing the directions spammed after a flee command, by toggling on a FleeSpamDirections folder, then executing them after the #teleport but it does not always work properly and I never figured out why...

Below is what it looks like:

#CLASS {FleeScript|FleeSpamDirections} {disable}
#VAR FleeDirections {} {}
#ONINPUT {^(%t)$} {
#VAR FleeDirections %additem( %literal( "%1"), %expand( @FleeDirections, 1))

I thought that with the new "noclear" option of #teleport I would be able to rely entirely on the #teleport command and forget that part which does not always work properly but it seems I can't.

Do you have any other suggestion how I could do that?
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Joined: 14 Jun 2003
Posts: 222
Location: Chile

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:27 pm   
ever tryed the #FIND command?
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