Eyeless Wanderer
Joined: 02 Dec 2001 Posts: 80 Location: Canada
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:44 am
GSL codes |
Dragonrealms, anyone have a list of all the possible GSL codes one can use? Also if you could define them so I actually know what they do. (I know the basic ones like l m and the ones involved with round time)
Also Im trying to get this GSL trigger to work, to no avail
#TRIGGER {P} {#IF (%ismember( N, %gsl( P))) {#VAR stalk 1} {#VAR stalk 0} "" {gsl}
The variable stalk is always 0 for some reason... the following is as much information as I can give you:
When I hide the value of N is added to GSL code P which always contains K (so hidden, the value of GSL (P)= KN) in general the trigger works because if I chage the value of the false statement that is always returned.
I tried this: #TRIGGER {P} {#IF (%gsl( P)= "KN") {#VAR stalk 1} {#VAR stalk 0}} "" {gsl}
as an alternative and it didnt work. However if I #SHOW %gsl(P) I get value KN returned |
Eyeless Wanderer
Joined: 02 Dec 2001 Posts: 80 Location: Canada
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:19 am |
Just to save you some time GSL codes I know are as follows:
B: Character name
I: Room Description
j: valid compass exits
M: Mob present (I think) This could be really nice if I could figure out how it counts the presence of more than 1 of same mob.
Q and q: some sort of RT and Real time counter.
l: what you're holding in left hand.
m: what you're holding in right hand.
p: brief description of present room. |
Valint Wanderer
Joined: 12 Nov 2003 Posts: 70 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:14 am |
%ismember is for items in lists, not portions of strings. You want %pos, e.g.,
#TRIGGER {P} {#IF (%pos( N, %gsl( P))) {#VAR stalk 1} {#VAR stalk 0}} "" {gsl|case}
There's a fairly comprehensive list of gsl codes posted in the forum; you should be able to find it by searching. If you just want to see what the values are, a good start is:
#LOOP 65,122 {#IF (%gsl(%char(%i))) {#SAY {%char(%i) -- %gsl(%char(%i))}}} |