dragonheart Beginner
Joined: 09 Jun 2002 Posts: 15 Location: Norway
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 10:19 pm
IF and conditional status |
I've got stuck in a little problem I've got when fighting. I do too many things without actually being able to. Which ends up with me doing all kinds of good commands without a single result in a fight because I tend to lose out on information.
One of the things that are crucial to me is equilibrium. I've got a nice little thing setting a variable called statequilibrium true or false, so so far so good. But now for the bigger problem. I would like to check if I'm allowed to do a command by checking this status first!
Here's an example of what I mean:
#IF (@statequilibrium=1) {
get arrow from quiver
nock arrow on bow
shoot arrow at target
{If I don't have equilibrium, I would like to wait until I get it and then do the arrowstuff}
It's that last part I can't handle.
Can you help me on this please?
I don't know how to fix this...
The statequilibrium status changes when I actually have equilibrium, so a prerequisite we can use is that this status is either 1 or 0 when we need to check anything...
Best regards
Dragonheart |
musishun00 Wanderer

Joined: 16 Dec 2003 Posts: 77 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 10:38 pm |
What I'd do is have a seperate variable for waiting to nock the arrow. Try this:
#ALIAS sh {
#IF (@statequilibrium=1) {
get arrow from quiver
nock arrow on bow
shoot arrow at %1
#VAR arrow_state 0} {
#VAR arrow_state 1
#VAR target %1}}
#ALIAS sh2 {
get arrow from quiver
nock arrow on bow
shoot arrow at @target}
#TRIGGER {You now have equilibrium.} {
#VAR stateequilibrium 1
#IF (@arrow_state=1) {
sh2} {}}
I think that should work for you. Give it a shot, and if something messes up, I'll try again.  |
dragonheart Beginner
Joined: 09 Jun 2002 Posts: 15 Location: Norway
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:40 pm |
Yes and no...
I like it that you check for equilibrium in a trigger,- but the problem is that I don't always want to shoot arrows at everything each time I get equilibrium.
In the MUD I play equilibrium and balance are essentials for actions,- so I can't trigger an action to getting equilibrium on it's own. Unless of course all I want to do is to shoot arrows :-)
Any other suggestion? Isn't there any way for me to wait for a condition to change in a variable, (in this case @statequilibrium) and then do an action?
Thanks again
Dragonheart |
Valint Wanderer
Joined: 12 Nov 2003 Posts: 70 Location: USA
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:42 pm |
If you have other triggers which change the statequilibrium variable as needed, you could use a #TEMP trigger, e.g.:
#ALIAS sh {#IF (@statequilibrium) {get arrow from quiver;nock arrow on bow;shoot arrow at %-1} {#SAY Waiting until you have equilibrium...;#TEMP {(@statequilibrium)} {get arrow from quiver;nock arrow on bow;shoot arrow at %-1} {} {exp}}} |
musishun00 Wanderer

Joined: 16 Dec 2003 Posts: 77 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 12:44 am |
Oh. I hadn't thought about #TEMP triggers. I don't use them much... and by much I mean that I haven't used them at all yet. :P
dragonheart Beginner
Joined: 09 Jun 2002 Posts: 15 Location: Norway
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 11:44 am |
Thanks folks...
Good suggestions and the one from Valint works the way I wanted it too...
When I tested it, I found out that my old trustworthy equilibrium trigger has something odd to it as well, so I need to finetune that. But the solution will now save me from losing due to not having the patience to wait :-)
One last question: What does the {exp} at the end?
Thank you very much
Dragonheart |
priit Beginner
Joined: 03 Feb 2004 Posts: 29 Location: Estonia
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 9:51 am |
quote: Originally posted by dragonheart
Yes and no...
I like it that you check for equilibrium in a trigger,- but the problem is that I don't always want to shoot arrows at everything each time I get equilibrium.
well... you could add then one variable to determine if you want or not to shoot arrows when you hit equilibrium. and maybe add a key to toggle the status.
#VAR wantshoot {0} {0}
#KEY KEY0 {#IF (@wantshoot=1) {#VAR wantshoot 0;#SHOW {* SHOOTING MODE OFF *}} {#VAR wantshoot 1;#SHOW {* SHOOTING MODE ON *}}}
#TRIGGER {You now have equilibrium.} {#VAR stateequilibrium 1;#IF (@wantshoot=1) {get arrow from quiver;nock arrow on bow;shoot arrow at target}} |