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Joined: 05 Jan 2002
Posts: 55
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:05 am   

trigger help please
I remember picking this off a forum a while back now and i have just got around to making it work for me.

Trigger is on: (%1) gives you (%2) (%3) coin

emote does not usually take money from strangers, but i'll toss you for it, lets gamble.
emote says heads you win tails you loose!
emote takes a coin from his pocket and casually flips it into the air.
#VAR gambler %1
#VAR bet %2
#var coin %3
#VAR results %case( %random( 2), "heads", "tails")
emote watches the coin land on @results
#IF (@results = heads) {
emote says you win!
give @bet @coin coins to @gambler
} {emote says you loose sorry...try again later!}

The problem i'm getting is when they win. It does not seem to be recognising my variables sending them back to the mud. I get the mesage:

Give what to who?
There is prolly some other char needed instead of the @.

If you can point me in the right direction i would appreciate it.


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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:01 pm   
Don't use %1..%n inside trigger patterns. This may lead to unexpected results. Instead, use the proper wildcard, like %w, %d, * or some other.

You didn't give the message from the MUD when someone gives you coins, but I'll assume that the pattern you need is:
(%w) gives you (%d) (%w) coin

Next, in the comparison, enclose heads in double quotes, since it is a string literal:
@results = "heads"

Finally, make sure that your variables are being assigned something. It is also possible that you changed the variable resolution character (normally @) to something else, so check for that in the Preferences, under Special Characters.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2002
Posts: 55
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:57 pm   
Ok I�m triggering on: give 1 gold coin to greyheart
I have now changed the trigger to: (%a) gives you (%b) (%c) coin

And updated the program to:

emote don't really take money from strangers, but i'll toss you for it, lets gamble.
emote says heads you win tails you loose!
emote takes a coin from his pocket and casually flips it into the air.
@gambler = %1
@bet = %2
@money = %3
#VAR results %case( %random( 2), "heads", "tails")
emote watches the coin land on @results
#IF (@results = "heads") {
emote says you win
give @bet@money coins to @gambler
} {emote says you loose sorry...try again later!}

my special character preferences definatley have the Variable Char @ enabled.

But it�s still not sending the: give @bet@money cons to @gambler

If I use #show give @bet@money coins to @gambler
I get:
give 1 gold coins to Greyheart
echo on the screen
my guess now is the mud has capitalised my char name and this is the problem but how do I change the 1st char to lower case in my variable?

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Joined: 05 Jan 2002
Posts: 55
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:22 pm   
ok got it %lower
works fine now
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