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Joined: 26 Dec 2003
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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 12:33 am   

I am playing but can't see
Okay I have downloaded zmud and bought it. I upgraded to the beta, and then downgraded back to the 6.22 when I noticed that I could get into the game, but couldn't see anything, like I was online in the game, but my screen wasn't showing me anything, it was black. To test, I went to the games Java Client and loged in, if the same account is open twice in two different clients then the first one logged into will be auto logged off. So I went in, the logged in in the ZMUD client, and JAVA logged offf, so I am in the game in ZMUD, I just cant see anything. Presently I have v.6.22 again.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2000
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 2:08 am   
First of all, beta versions are TEST versions. Switching from a public version to a test version is not an upgrade. In fact, if you intend to be a beta tester you still need the public version so that when you find a problem, you can determine if it's something new. Problems which occur only with the beta version should be reported on the beta forum as probable bugs (after first checking that they haven't already been reported). Problems which occur with both versions are more likely to be errors on your part which should be reported here.

It's not entirely clear, but it sounds like you have the same problem with both the public and the beta version. There are many things which might be problems, I've listed the ones that occurred to me.

1. The most obvious possibility is that you might be using black as both your foreground and background color. This is changed in Preferences.
2. Another possibility is that you've set up a trigger to #GAG things you didn't want to see, and managed to make it work on everything. This is fixed by deleting (or fixing) the trigger.
3. You may have redirected the MUD output to a window which isn't visible (minimized or behind other windows). This would be fixed by deleting the setting with the #REDIRECT command.
4. You might have a terminal preference which is incompatible with your MUD. This is altered in Preferences, under Emulation.

It's quite possible that it's something else that I didn't think of.
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Joined: 26 Dec 2003
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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:07 am   
Okay I still cannot get see anything. I can long into my character but my screen wont show anything, I knwo for a fact though that I am logged on. For some reason it is only in that one game, Aetolia, every other game works fine.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:46 am   
If you have used #GAGON #GAGOFF it could just be the internal gag variable... i had an issue with this one in that my GAGON trigger fired more often theh the GAGOFF, and seeing how there is no way to directly affect this variable (that i could find) i just repeated the following line till i could see again:


Granted, if you dont use those commands this whole post is Irrelevant....
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Joined: 24 Mar 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:29 am   
Check in the menu Preferences / General somewhere to make sure that you have mud output turned on.
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