l33tsupah4x0r Beginner
Joined: 16 Sep 2003 Posts: 15 Location: Malaysia
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2003 11:16 am
New Pinger |
I've got this new trigger from my friend, but i have no idea to edit this to how i need it working
Basically, In my mud, 60 seconds tick have been removed, so now i have to be dependant on seconds. This pinger is based on the old ticker, and im wondering if anyone can help me change this in using %timer value to change ttr {tick to repop} lastrepop and time up in seconds or in minutes seconds/60.
Here's the stuff
#CLASS {Pinger} {enable}
#ALIAS mobadd {#ADDKEY pin_mobs %1 %1;#ADDKEY pin_state %1 Up;#ADDKEY pin_uptime %1 0;#ADDKEY pin_lastrep %1 -1;#ADDKEY pin_reptime %1 -1;gt Pinger Report -> %1 added to pinglist.}
#ALIAS mobdel {#DELKEY pin_mobs %1;#DELKEY pin_state %1;#DELKEY pin_uptime %1;#DELKEY pin_lastrep %1;#DELKEY pin_reptime %1;gt Pinger Report -> %1 removed from pinglist.;}
#ALIAS showmobs {grouptell Mob Name State TtR LstRep ReppTm;grouptell -------------------------- --------- ------- -------- --------;#LOOPDB @pin_mobs {#IF (%db( @pin_lastrep, %val) != -1) {#VA pin_lastrepop %eval(-%db( @pin_lastrep, %val))} {#VA pin_lastrepop %null};#VA pin_ttr %eval(%db( @pin_reptime, %val) - %db( @pin_lastrep, %val));#VA pin_repop %db( @pin_reptime, %val);#IF (%db( @pin_reptime, %val) = -1) {#VA pin_repop %null;#VA pin_ttr %null};#IF (@pin_lastrepop != %null AND @pin_repop != %null) {grouptell %format("&25s &4s:&2.0n &4.0n &5.0n &4.0n", %val, %db( @pin_state, %val), %db( @pin_uptime, %val) , @pin_ttr, @pin_lastrepop, @pin_repop)};#IF (@pin_lastrepop != %null AND @pin_repop = %null) {grouptell %format("&25s &4s:&2.0n &5.0n ", %val, %db( @pin_state, %val), %db( @pin_uptime, %val) ,@pin_lastrepop)};#IF (@pin_lastrepop = %null AND @pin_repop = %null) {grouptell %format("&25s &4s:&2.0n ", %val, %db( @pin_state, %val), %db( @pin_uptime, %val) ,@pin_lastrepop)}}}
#ALIAS checkmobs2 {#VA pin_pinged 0;#IF (@pin_curmob) {#VA pin_check 0} {#VA pin_check 1};#LOOPDB @pin_mobs { #IF (@pin_check = 1) {tell %key ping;#VA pin_pinged 1;#VA pin_check 0;#VA pin_curmob %key} { #IF (@pin_curmob = %key) {#VA pin_check 1}}};#IF (@pin_pinged = 0) {#VA pin_curmob ""}}
#ALIAS checkmobs {#VA pin_curmob "";checkmobs2}
#ALIAS updatemobs {#LOOPDB @pin_mobs {#ADDKEY pin_uptime %val %eval(%db( @pin_uptime, %val)+1)};#LOOPDB @pin_mobs {#IF (%db( @pin_lastrep, %val) > -1) {#ADDKEY pin_lastrep %val %eval(%db( @pin_lastrep, %val)+1)}}}
#VAR pin_state {}
#VAR pin_enabled {0}
#VAR pin_reptime {}
#VAR pin_uptime {}
#VAR pin_lastrep {}
#VAR pin_mobs {}
#VAR pin_check {1} {0}
#VAR pin_curmob {}
#VAR pin_pinged {0} {0}
#VAR pin_ttr {2}
#VAR pin_repop {41}
#VAR pin_lastrepop {-39}
#TRIGGER {No-one by that name here..} {#IF (@pin_curmob) {#IF (%db( @pin_state, @pin_curmob) = "Up") {#ADDKEY pin_uptime @pin_curmob 0};#ADDKEY pin_state @pin_curmob Down};checkmobs2}
#TRIGGER {You tell * 'ping'} {#IF (@pin_curmob) {#IF (%db( @pin_state, @pin_curmob) = "Down") {#ADDKEY pin_uptime @pin_curmob 0;#IF (%db( @pin_lastrep, @pin_curmob) > -1) {#ADDKEY pin_reptime @pin_curmob %db( @pin_lastrep, @pin_curmob)};#ADDKEY pin_lastrep @pin_curmob 0;gt Pinger Report -> @pin_curmob is up.};#ADDKEY pin_state @pin_curmob Up};checkmobs2}
#CLASS 0 |