mj_cole Wanderer
Joined: 19 Apr 2001 Posts: 59 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:56 pm
Multi-State trigger Question |
I am trying to make a trigger to capture the equipment that I am wearing. I thought that a multi-state trigger would be the best method to capture the items. However, I could not quite figure it out.
I could make this using a class, enabling it on the "You are using:" pattern, and then dissabling on the first blank line. But wanted to know if you guys know a better way.
The main problem that I can't figure out how to handle, is that the number of worn items is not constant, so I cant use a loop on the second condition (with a set number of loops that is)
Code: |
H:253 M:250 V:262 T:5833 > eq
You are using:
<Worn on body> Something.
<Worn on back> Something.
<Worn on right arm> A dark grey sleeve (brand new) (shadowy)
<Worn on left arm> A dark grey sleeve (brand new) (shadowy)
<Worn on right wrist> A dark grey bracer (brand new) (shadowy)
<Worn on left wrist> A dark grey bracer (brand new) (shadowy)
<Worn on right hand> A dark grey glove (like new) (shadowy)
<Worn on left hand> A dark grey glove (excellent) (shadowy)
<Right ring finger> A dark grey band (brand new) (shadowy)
<Left ring finger> A dark grey band (like new) (shadowy)
<Worn around waist> A small quiver (excellent)
<Held in right hand> A large bag woven from grey moss (opened)
<Held in left hand> An aluminum dart (brand new)
H:253 M:250 V:262 T:5833 > camp
You stop and set up a poorly made camp.
TonDiening GURU

Joined: 26 Jul 2001 Posts: 1958 Location: Canada
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 3:47 pm |
I'd do something similar to the reseting trigger example. Looping 99 lines and have a temporary trigger to set the state back to 0.
#TRIGGER InvTrig {You are using:} {#VAR Inv "";#TEMP {^$} {#STATE InvTrig 0}}
#COND {} {#ADDITEM Inv %line} {LoopLines|Param=99}
Format the "#ADDITEM Inv %line" to something meaningful to you. |
mj_cole Wanderer
Joined: 19 Apr 2001 Posts: 59 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:11 pm |
Looks like it's working, excelent.
I will have to do a full test tonight
Regards |