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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 9:10 pm   

The Annual Report ,keeping track of all the kills Ver.2.1
Revised 3-15-05
Ok I created this script from an idea I got from Racolon, He had asked the forum if there was away to keep count of all the mob kills by date week month and year.

So on a whim I created this for all of you who would want to do the same

I'd like to note that this script has been tested as best to date and may have a bug or two.Hopefully none

I'd also like to state it was made for Realms of Despair,that said here you go...

Fixed a lot of bugs, added some stuff and cut out the week part

Fixed some more bugs, added some stuff and cut out some broken stuff


#CLASS {AnnualReport}

#CLASS {AnnualReport|ARchecklist}
#TRIGGER {I see nothing like that in the corpse.} {ARSecondCkeck=1}
#TRIGGER {I see nothing in the corpse.} {ARSecondCkeck=1}
#TRIGGER {You get (*) from the corpse of @ARmob.} {ARSecondCkeck=1}
#TRIGGER {You can't carry that much weight.} {ARSecondCkeck=1}
#TRIGGER {The corpse of @ARmob holds:} {ARSecondCkeck=1}
#TRIGGER {You get %d gold coins from the corpse of @ARmob.} {ARSecondCkeck=1}

#CLASS {AnnualReport|ARstorage}
#VAR ARSecondCkeck {0}
#VAR ARmob {}
#VAR ARlog {0} {0}
#VAR ARday {0}
#VAR ARmonth {0}
#VAR ARyear {0}
#VAR ARtotal {0}
#VAR ARtime {3|17|05}
#VAR ARlastime {3|17|05}
#VAR AnnualReportPromptString {ARIpromptscript}

#CLASS {AnnualReport|ARengine}
#ALIAS ARProceed {ARtime=%time(m|d|y)
#add ARlog 1
#if %item(@ARtime,1)<>%item(@ARlastime,1) {ARmonth=0;ARday=0;%replaceitem(%time(m),1,@ARlastime);%replaceitem(%time(d),2,@ARlastime)} {#add ARmonth 1}
#if %item(@ARtime,2)<>%item(@ARlastime,2) {ARday=0;%replaceitem(%time(d),2,@ARlastime)} {#add ARday 1}
#if %item(@ARtime,3)<>%item(@ARlastime,3) {ARyear=0;Armonth=0;Arday=0;ARlastime=%time(m|d|y)} {#add ARyear 1}
#add ARtotal 1
#MXP <color blue><send AnnualReport>Annual Report</send></color>;ARSecondCkeck=0}
#ALIAS AnnualReport {ARtime=%time(m|d|y);#if %item(@ARtime,1)<>%item(@ARlastime,1) {ARmonth=0;ARday=0;%replaceitem(%time(m),1,@ARlastime);%replaceitem(%time(d),2,@ARlastime)};#if %item(@ARtime,2)<>%item(@ARlastime,2) {ARday=0;%replaceitem(%time(d),2,@ARlastime)};#if %item(@ARtime,3)<>%item(@ARlastime,3) {ARyear=0;ARmonth=0;ARday=0;ARlastime=%time(m|d|y)};#show %ansi(high,blue)The Annual Report;#show %ansi(high,green)Confirmed Mobs %ansi(high,blue)@ARlog %ansi(high,green)Log %ansi(high,blue)@Arday %ansi(high,green)today %ansi(high,blue)@armonth %ansi(high,green)month %ansi(high,blue)@ARyear %ansi(high,green)Year;#show %ansi(high,green)Total confirmed mobs %ansi(high,blue)@ARtotal}
#ALIAS ARstartprocess {ARlastime=%time(m|d|y);ARmonth=0;ARday=0;ARyear=0;ARtotal=0;#show %ansi(high,blue)The Annual Report has been started}
#ALIAS ARIpromptscript {#if @ARSecondCkeck=1 {ARProceed};#T- ARchecklist}
#TRIGGER {^(*) is DEAD!!$} {ARmob=%1;ARSecondCkeck=0;#T+ ARchecklist}
#TRIGGER {%dhp %dm>%dmv %dwt %dmxwt %nex *>} {ARIpromptscript}

#CLASS {AnnualReport|ARinstall}
#ALIAS ARIprompt {#yesno "Do you have a Prompt Trigger already?" {yes:AnnualReportPromptString} {no:ARnewprompt} {?:ARquestionPrompt}}
#ALIAS ARquestionPrompt {#yesno "A prompt is usually the line sent with your hit points, Example- 23HP 43MP>"%crlf"Do you need to make one or do you have one?" {Make one:ARnewprompt} {Have one:AnnualReportPromptString}}
#ALIAS ARstart {ARquestionPrompt}
#ALIAS ARnewprompt {#yesno "Do you need help in creating a prompt trigger?" {ARpromptcreate} {AnnualReportPromptString}}
#ALIAS ARpromptcreate {#mxp <a "http://www.zuggsoft.com" "Zugg Software">Click here to access the web for further help</a>}
#ALIAS AnnualReportPromptString {#Prompt AnnualReportPromptString "Place this into You the Prompt TRIGGER you already have"}

#CLASS {AnnualReport|ARtoolbox}
#ALIAS ARreset {#yesno "RESET will permanently erase all records, Do you want to proceed?" {Yes:ARresetall}}
#ALIAS ARresetall {ARSecondCkeck=0;ARmob="";ARlog="";ARday="";ARmonth="";ARyear="";ARlastime=%time(m|d|y);ARtotal=""}
#ALIAS reportall {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(cyan)@ARlog This log.;#echo %ansi(high,green)@ARday Today.;#echo %ansi(gray)@ARmonth This month.;#echo %ansi(high,red)@ARyear This year.;#echo @ARtotal In all;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________}
#ALIAS reportdate {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,blue)@ARday Today.;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________}
#ALIAS reportmonth {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,blue)@ARmonth This Month.;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________}
#ALIAS reportyear {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,blue)@ARyear This year.;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________}
#ALIAS reportlog {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,blue)@ARlog This Log.;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________}
#ALIAS reporttotal {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,blue)@ARtotal In all.;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________}
#ALIAS repstart {#echo The start time is set for~: @Arlastime}
#ALIAS delrepall {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do this?" {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,red)Your report records have been permanently deleted;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#var ARlog 0;#var ARdate 0;#var ARmonth 0;#var ARyear 0;#var ARtotal}}
#ALIAS delrepdt {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do this?" {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,red)Your report date records have been permanently deleted;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#var ARdate 0}}
#ALIAS delrepmth {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do this?" {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,red)Your report Month records have been permanently deleted;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#var ARmonth 0}}
#ALIAS delrepyr {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do this?" {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,red)Your report year records have been permanently deleted;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#var ARyear 0}}
#ALIAS delreplog {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do this?" {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,red)Your report log records have been permanently deleted;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#var ARlog 0}}
#ALIAS delreptotal {#yesno "Are you sure you want to do this?" {#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#echo %ansi(high,red)Your Total Report records have been permanently deleted;#echo %ansi(white)_______________________________________________________________________________________________;#var ARtotal 0}}
#ALIAS startdate {#show The start time is set for: %time(m|d|y);ARlastime=%time(m|d|y)}
#ALIAS ARhelp {#echo %ansi(white)________________________________________________________________________________________;#mxp <color yellow><send reportall>reportall</send></color> <color greenyellow>Will show you everything.</color>;#mxp <color yellow><send AnnualReport>AnnualReport</send></color> <color greenyellow>Will show you everything in a new way.</color>;#mxp <color yellow><send reportdate>reportdate</send></color> <color greenyellow>Will show you the mob kills for today.</color>;#mxp <color yellow><send reportmonth>reportmonth</send></color> <color greenyellow>Will show you the mob kills for this month.</color>;#mxp <color yellow><send reportyear>reportyear</send></color> <color greenyellow>  Will show you the mob kills for the whole year.</color>;#mxp <color yellow><send reportlog>reportlog</send></color> <color greenyellow> Will show you the Annual Report log.</color>;#mxp <color yellow><send reportlog>reportlog<send></color> <color greenyellow>Will show you the whole total</color>;#echo %ansi(magenta)_____________________________________________________________________________________;#mxp <color magenta><send delrepall>delrepall</send></color> <color yellow>Will permanently delete all the report records.</color>;#mxp <color magenta><send delrepdt>delrepdt</send></color> <color yellow>Will permanently delete todays kills.</color>;#mxp <color magenta><send delrepmth>delrepmth</send></color> <color yellow>Will delete the monthly report kills.</color>;#mxp <color magenta><send delrepyr>delrepyr</send></color> <color yellow>Will delete the whole years report thus far.</color>;#mxp <color magenta><send delreptotal>delreptotal</send></color> <color red>Will totally delete the grand total</color>;#mxp <color magenta><send delreplog>delreplog</send></color> <color red>Will permanently destroy your Annual Report Log!!!</color>;#echo %ansi(magenta)_____________________________________________________________________________________;#mxp <color cyan><send startdate>startdate</send></color> <color white>Will set a new date and time for the records</color>;#mxp <color cyan><send report>report</send></color> <color green>Will give you the report thus far this year.</color>;#mxp <color cyan><send Arhelp>Arhelp</send></color> <color green>Will allow you to see this help file again :)</color>;#echo %ansi(white)________________________________________________________________________________________}

#alarm +5 {startdate;#t- ARchecklist;ARstart}

You must Import this into your character, If you place this into the command line It will break on load!!!

Have fun kiddies let me know of any bugs or if you need tailored to your game...

megamog75 Smile

Last edited by megamog75 on Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2003 6:20 pm   
OH by the way this program works like this:

When you get a comfirmed mob kill with these two triggers:
1) A * is dead!!
2) you recieve %d experience points.

the program will record the kill in several variabls.

By typing report in the command line you can see the Report for that:
log on
week (sunday to sunday)

when the year is done the program will automatically store the total into a record for safe keeping and reset all the variables and start a new year.

and ofcorse there is a grand total.

Keeper of the only printable help files for Zmud.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:26 pm   
#TRIGGER {^{a|an} (*) is dead ~!~!$} {}
#COND {^you recieve %d experience points~.$} {#ad killmoblog 1;#ad killmobdt 1;#ad killmobmth 1;#ad killmobwk 1;#ad killmobyr 1;#ad killmobtotal 1;#echo That's %ansi(high,red)@killmoblog %ansi(cyan)This log.} {skip|param=1}

And if you receive no experience?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:01 am   
I kind of did say ths script was made for Realms of dispair.....
If you recieve no exp points it reads: You have recieved 0 experience points.

If you ment your mud then you will have to change the capture trigger to tailer your needs.
I based it off of what happens after you successfully kill a mob.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:45 am   
I play on Realms of Despair, just so ya know.

Here are a few examples of when I didn't see any experience message.
Your pierce DISFIGURES Llewythin Nimenor!
Your pierce DISFIGURES Llewythin Nimenor!

Llewythin Nimenor is DEAD!!
Llewythin Nimenor gasps his last breath and blood spurts out of his mouth and ears.

You can't carry that much weight.
You can't carry that much weight.

You MUTILATE the street peddler!
The street peddler is DEAD!!
The street peddler gasps his last breath and blood spurts out of his mouth and ears.

I see nothing like that in the corpse.
The corpse of the street peddler holds:

the corpse of the street peddler

Your pierce *** ANNIHILATES *** a lonesome straggler!
A lonesome straggler is DEAD!!
A lonesome straggler catches its guts in its hands as they pour through its fatal wound!

You get 1000 gold coins from the corpse of a lonesome straggler.
The corpse of a lonesome straggler holds:



Your pierce GUTS the guard!
Your pierce EVISCERATES the guard!

The guard is DEAD!!
The guard's heart is torn from his chest.

You get 500 gold coins from the corpse of the guard.
The corpse of the guard holds:

the key to Darkguard
(Glowing) a signet of the Darkhaven Guard
a steel neck guard
a shirt of chain mail
a steel helm
some chain mail leggings
some black boots
some chain mail sleeves
some chain gloves
a chain bracer
a steel visor
a steel longsword
a torch

You might check out Zistrosks website, he has a Kills Log script if I remember correctly that you might be able to use to fix this.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:26 am   
I will check this out, It might be that the mud has changed. It has been awhile since I have been there.

However, The capture I used was a trig with a cond
simply cut the text in the cond and past it in the trig, then delet thr cond.

This will probably create unwanted results as the mud sometimes shows others fighting and has the same script when there opponent dies.

For every one else, I am currently rescripting this whole thing and adding some new fetures due to a request made by a zmud member.

Things to come:
hit miss ratio's
totals for hits and misses and other
better count file system
stw window displays (optional)

and just fixing some known bugs.

If Anyone has anything they want to see be added please email me, Thank you.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:35 am   
hey i have a few questions about this script mainly does it record the names of mobs u kill and then how many times uv killed them or just that uv killed say 300 indescriminate mobs on such n such a date
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:19 pm   
Currently this version does not do that.

However thanks to some good feed back and acouple of requests I have chosen to re-write this script to include that as a feature, other options would be:
ratio's hits to misses
stats on hits and on spells/by name or as a whole

After reviewing my script I noticed a few bugs in it that I have to fix as well
But after that It will be posted. Probably by the end of this month.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:32 am   Just started using this
1st off, nice job!
Tho i DID have to make a few changes.
1) You had receive mis-spelt as recieve
2) #ALIAS repstart had #ALIAS delrepall right after it rather than on a new line which made a whole new class
3) I am using zmud 6.15 and I don't seem to have a #COND so i just made it a trigger and got rid of the #TRIGGER {^{a|an} (*) is dead ~!~!$} {} WHICH my mud don't even show anyways so it didn't matter - Note: had to get rid of the {skip|param=1} ending of the #COND once i made it a trigger cause it also made a new class

The prob that I have so far is that i log off the mud, quit zmud and restart it, and my current log kill is still set to the # that I last killed.

That's 6 This log.
log off, quit, restart, kill a mob
That's 7 This log.
not reset to 0
I haven't played with it long enuf to know if it will work on a new date yet. so I'll check that out tomorrow or maybe monday. Not sure what the wife had planned for the weekend.
Also, would the new date be set automatically? or do i need to type report or startdate? Tried both of them in case that might also reset the current log count. neither worked.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:18 am   UPDATE
Well, it is now 1am for me.
logged off and closed zmud for about an hour.
log back in and kill

That's 129 this log.

typed report:
The time is: Saturday August 7, 2004 1:10:53 am
129 This log.
129 Today.
129 This month.
129 This year.
129 In all.
That is not a command. Type 'Commands' for a complete list.

1) the log still hasnt cleared
2) still says it's today
3) thought there was a weekly part to this report?
4) I have no clue where that error is coming from, but its from the script for sure. But I am sure that it wasnt there before now.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:00 am   
deathdealer, I am sorry to report that yes you are correct the LOG count does not work.
I found this as a bug but seeing as it was not hurting anything did nothing about it.
Some people have requested an updated one, so I am currently making a better more efficiant one.
However due to little time and the complexedy of the things I am adding,
it is taking more time than I would like.

I see you have found a new bug though.
I am curious as to how it happend, and what mud you are on.
Did you change the capture command to be compatible?

the log should be the same as the grand total, because of the bug being that I was unable to find a universal way of knowing when a log has ended.

In the new version it is a feature and if one was to select it, they would have to previde a log on capture on log off capture for it to work properly.

I streamed lined this process by making it automatically write the script after you provide it wiht some info.

Please note that I have made a grreat deal of progress but due to features and testing I do not know when I will be releasing it.
I do know when I do it will be BETA because I want time to find bugs.
megamog75 Smile
I will do this.Nothing in my life matters except this.No moment in my life exists except this moment.I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. Raistlin Majere
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:09 am   
megamog75 Smile
I will do this.Nothing in my life matters except this.No moment in my life exists except this moment.I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. Raistlin Majere
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:31 pm   
If you want a variable to start at 0 each time you logon, just give that variable a default value of 0.
#VAR killmoblog {0} {0}
Senior member

Most scripts in this forum are written for Command Line entry.
Don't even open the Settings Editor unless its use is specified or obvious.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:06 pm   
Sorry to say also that the week part is also broken.
It's Monday, and I still have Friday's info :(
Not sure, but since part of the code says: #if %1=Sunday but u DON'T log in on sunday does it not flip?
I don't usually mud on weekends, but I could just as easily change that to ;#if %1=Monday
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:16 pm   
Meh. I changed it to Monday and ran into a loop that I had to cut triggers to get it to stop:
136 This log.
136 Today.
136 This month.
136 This year.
136 In all.
This is a new week and the report has been modified.
That is not a command. Type 'Commands' for a complete list.
650/650H 491/491M 486/621V 2043x 0Q ESD>
The time is: Monday August 9, 2004 11:15:16 am
136 This log.
136 Today.
136 This month.
136 This year.
136 In all.
This is a new week and the report has been modified.
That is not a command. Type 'Commands' for a complete list.
650/650H 491/491M 486/621V 2043x 0Q ESD>
The time is: Monday August 9, 2004 11:15:18 am
136 This log.
136 Today.
136 This month.
136 This year.
136 In all.
This is a new week and the report has been modified.
Sorry you can't do that.
650/650H 491/491M 486/621V 2043x 0Q ESD>
The time is: Monday August 9, 2004 11:15:20 am
136 This log.
136 Today.
136 This month.
136 This year.
136 In all.
This is a new week and the report has been modified.
Sorry you can't do that.
--> TICK <--
650/650H 491/491M 502/621V 2043x 0Q ESD>
The time is: Monday August 9, 2004 11:15:23 am
136 This log.
136 Today.
136 This month.
136 This year.
136 In all.
This is a new week and the report has been modified.
Sorry you can't do that.
650/650H 491/491M 502/621V 2043x 0Q ESD>
The time is: Monday August 9, 2004 11:15:25 am

The mob kills for the week is now missing.
And if i type report the whole loops starts again
Guess I'll be eagerly waiting for the new version.
Btw, I'd be more than happy to be a beta tester :-)
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 4:31 am   
I have never herd of the week problem, but will look into it.
Again I am sorry for the delay in the new one, I promis it will be here in a few weekends.

Thanks Lightbulb.
megamog75 Smile
I will do this.Nothing in my life matters except this.No moment in my life exists except this moment.I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. Raistlin Majere

Last edited by megamog75 on Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
Posts: 268

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:08 pm   
First off NEVER aploligize for not having time to do a script or fix a script up.
I ain't desperate for it, and if someone was they can frigging do it themselves :-)
I'll tinker around with it and given that I suck i'll prolly find a way to crash my jobs network after sending the entire internet the database :-)
When ya get to it, ya get to it ;-)
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:18 pm   
I have done some new work to this and fixed acouple of bugs the newversion is in its testing stages.
Some of the things I fixed.

Better tracking
comfirming if the kill is yours and not anothers or a stray (this happend in RoD when you would be looking at someone when they killed a mob.)
day month year log totals
I took out the week, because it was giving me to much probles, but I am working on it and expect to be adding it soon.
I am thinking about adding hour
I am thinking about adding a status display for either the status line or window
I am working on haveing the sub menu so that you can choose wich details you want to see in the report.

I have started testing in my mud and at the end of the month IF no bugs pop up I will release it.

Thank you for being patiant.
megamog75 Smile
I will do this.Nothing in my life matters except this.No moment in my life exists except this moment.I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. Raistlin Majere
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Joined: 20 Jul 2004
Posts: 268

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:30 pm   
Just wondering how this was coming along since "end of the month" was 2 months ago :-)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:17 pm   
actually I fixed it, but I seemed to have lost the update somewhere then on the way to posting it, I got side tracked making a web site for my wife.
Then I got a new dog and my son was born. My birthday came and went my hot watet tank broke and I had to learn how to install one and how to solder copper pipeing. my wife need a shelf for her endless amount of ebay stuff and to top it all of I found out I have been using the wrong Social secruity num for my oldest son for about 1 year and have to go and fix my taxes and every emportant paper.

But I will definatly look back into this later tonight and see what I can if it's not there I will make a knew one and post it in acouple of days.

Thanks for the reminder I'll give you a ring when I post it.
megamog75 Smile
I will do this.Nothing in my life matters except this.No moment in my life exists except this moment.I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. Raistlin Majere
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