PHLN Adept
Joined: 30 Dec 2001 Posts: 220 Location: Canada
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:29 am
Walking around in zMUD's mapper... |
Is it possible to walk around offline on a map? Where, you can see room description, exits and the like? And like if you walk north, the mapper will refresh and display the room's name description, exits that is on the mapping? ... Ohh, I hope someone understand me here =)
zMUD General Discussion: All the power you'll ever need. |
Vijilante SubAdmin

Joined: 18 Nov 2001 Posts: 5182
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:23 am |
Yes it is very possible. I am sure you have noticed that the mapper by default will display information about the current room in offline mode. So the next step is to simply have a script detect whether your offline or online, and use commands appropiate to the situation.
I will assume you are used to walking with the number pad, it setup by default for that purpose.
#KEY KEY1 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO sw;#MOVE sw} {sw}}
#KEY KEY2 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO s;#MOVE s} {s}}
#KEY KEY3 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO se;#MOVE se} {se}}
#KEY KEY4 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO w;#MOVE w} {w}}
#KEY KEY5 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO look;#TELEPORT %roomnum()} {#IF (%trigger(AutoMapper)) {#LOOK} {look}}}
#KEY KEY6 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO e;#MOVE e} {e}}
#KEY KEY7 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO nw;#MOVE nw} {nw}}
#KEY KEY8 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO n;#MOVE n} {n}}
#KEY KEY9 {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO ne;#MOVE ne} {ne}}
#KEY SUB {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO u;#MOVE u} {u}}
#KEY ADD {#IF (%ctime=0) {#ECHO d;#MOVE d} {d}} |
PHLN Adept
Joined: 30 Dec 2001 Posts: 220 Location: Canada
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:53 am |
you know what, I don't think I need those triggers, (I'm not even sure what they do =p)all I do is click offline at the start screen and open up the mapper, and BOOM, there is what I was looking for, thank you for your help, =)
zMUD General Discussion: All the power you'll ever need. |
wilh Wanderer
Joined: 08 Feb 2001 Posts: 89 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 1:40 pm |
That's what he was saying.. those aliases (not triggers.. ;) ) are in place by default providing the functionality you just described. Neat, huh? :)
Wil Hunt |
Charbal GURU
Joined: 15 Jun 2001 Posts: 654 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:42 pm |
When the "Output map info when offline" setting is checked in Edit, Map Properties, Interface, zMUD uses its direction commands in the same way it does when you are on the MUD to keep track of your position. Make sure the map is in follow mode and not map mode, however.
- Charbal |