Virus Wanderer
Joined: 29 Jun 2002 Posts: 69 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 5:22 pm
Trigger Help |
Ok, I have a trigger:
^You have been hit for (%d) points of damage in the ({Head|Center Torso|Center Torso ~(rear~)|Left Torso|Left Torso ~(rear~)|Right Torso|Right Torso ~(rear~)|Right Arm|Left Arm|Left Leg|Right Leg}){~(transfer~)|}$
Whats its set up to do is:
loc = %replace(%2,"(","")
loc = %replace($loc,")","")
loc = %replace($loc," ",_)
#SH %ansi(high,red)DAMAGE!!%ansi(high,white) %1 to %2
damage_taken = %eval($damage_taken + %1)
#VAR $loc %eval(${$loc} - %1)
When I get a damage emit it works fine. But when I get several it mixed them up due to the variable loc that I created. (Oh, bear in mind that I change @ to $). Is there an easier way to do the replacements that I need done then what I did? I need to make ( and ) turn into nothing "" and I need spaces " " turned into _. Ok.
Richard Powell
Mux Alias: Virus
2796 Wizard Staff port 2796
Rich@gigdev.com |
Virus Wanderer
Joined: 29 Jun 2002 Posts: 69 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:32 pm |
Ok, the problem I was having is I was writing to then claling the same variable 3 times in that script. I fixed it by simply typing %replace(%replace(%replace(%2,"(",""),")","")," ",_)
Also, instead of writing to a variable I used it right inside the code I needed.
Heres what I used:
#SH %ansi(high,red)DAMAGE!!%ansi(high,white) %1 to %2
damage_taken = %eval($damage_taken + %1)
#VAR %replace(%replace(%replace(%2," ",_),"(",""),")","") %eval(${%replace(%replace(%replace(%2," ",_),"(",""),")","")} - %1)
Richard Powell
Mux Alias: Virus
2796 Wizard Staff port 2796
Rich@gigdev.com |
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