Versions of CMUD (current)

[v1.x] [v2.x] [current]

Here is a list of changes made to each version of CMUD. The most current version of CMUD is listed first.

3.34 20-Apr-11 (Public)
  • Fixed buffer overflow with large scrollback buffer that could mess up ANSI colors
  • Fixed packet boundry issue with multi-byte ANSI color changes
  • The default style background color is no longer "baked" into the text on the screen. Changing the style (#STYLE 0 ...) now properly effects existing screen text
  • Fixed problem with flashing screen using #STYLE causing wrong background colors to be set
  • Fixed capture of unknown MXP tags to not add extra closing tags
  • No longer expands the & character for DB views with the #SHOW and #MXP commands
  • Fixed entity expansion within MXP tags. Note that & is now expanded to & within a MXP link again
  • Fixed xterm 256 color mode so the first 16 colors properly map to ANSI colors
  • Keypad no longer echoes numbers to command line when window is undocked
  • Fixed problems with %url Params and PostParams objects
  • Fixed problem with multiple COM properties, such as @ComVar.Prop1.Prop2 not working
  • Nested keys now get created with #ADDITEM, #ADDKEY, etc (e.g. #ADDITEM list.key1.key2.key3 value)
  • Color Picker now uses $RRGGBB color values for un-named colors
  • Fixed crash with scrollbar not in range in Help system when collapsing some help topics
  • Removed "Clear Host Cache" command from Session window menu since it is no longer needed and would corrupt session files
  • Fixed Send Line Delay in the "Send File to server" command to properly add delay between lines
  • Fixed bug when renaming a folder in the session window that was removing the first and last characters of the folder name
  • GMCP mapper data ( is now ignored if the mapper is turned off (or the location object is disabled)
  • Fixed some rare crashes when closing the main application window
  • Added second argument to %round function to determine the number of decimal places to round to
3.33a 15-Dec-10 (Public)
  • Fixed display of new Line Delay option in Scripting Preferences screen
  • No longer crashes if corrupt images are assigned to a session icon (image is ignored)
3.33 14-Dec-10 (Public)
  • Fixed small but common memory leak when accessing fields of database/table variables (such as GMCP data)
  • Fixed memory overwrite bug when using GMCP package negotiation
  • Fixed small memory leak with global preferences
  • Updated Buy Now buttons to add new products to cart instead of old v2 products
  • Updated Buy Now for TeSSH to point to new site
  • Calling an alias from within a function works properly now
  • Prevents dragging a trigger state into another trigger state
  • Prevents dragging a button state to a class/module
  • Fixed crash when dragging trigger state to class/module
  • Fixed crash when dragging a normal trigger into the state of another trigger
  • Fixed expanding MXP entities like < within a MXP command
  • Fixed errors when clicking on More Help for functions
  • Fixed help link for #makewindow
  • Aliases now support local variables for alias name followed by argument list
  • Calling #exec from a function within a button no longer causes reverse execution order
  • Fixed parse error with ?$ at end of trigger pattern
  • Cancelling from Master Password prompt no longer causes crash
  • Added Line Delay and fixed Send Delay so it only applies to speedwalking (Line Delay applies to Send File and Editor Send functions)
  • Fixed crash when opening a session while the Preferences were still open
  • Fixed scrolling option in MXP FRAME and #MAKEWINDOW
  • Disabled paths no longer are displayed in speedwalk popup list
  • Fixed parenthesis after a COM function call within a zScript %function from messing up parser
  • #showp, #sayp, #echop now properly fire Prompt triggers when EOR/GA option enabled
3.32 12-Nov-10 (Public)
  • Opening files in FTP using Edit option now properly loads the language syntax based upon the file extension
  • Fixed right-click Insert Row in String List editor to not corrupt the string list
  • Fixed %sqldb function to comply with documentation (first argument is now local connection name rather than remote database name)
  • Fixed LoginPrompt (and other Boolean COM functions) with SQL connections
  • Fixed Enable checkbox in Package Editor to not disappear when using Large Fonts DPI settings
  • Fixed problem with Data Dir not always getting added to crash dump reports
  • Right-click on Status window and select Close no longer causes crash on exit
  • Using loop variables (%i, etc) and calling #RAISE properly resets the loop variable scope
  • Fixed SendDelay to not use 100% CPU time
  • Fixed hang when closing CMUD while in the middle of a Send Delay
  • Lua functions now properly return their intended data type instead of always returning a string. Fixed "return true/false" functions to properly return 1/0
  • Fixed Room Properties window getting hidden behind map window and not coming to front when Room properties button is clicked
  • Docked Editor now properly scrolls with mousewheel
  • Right-clicking in the Session window and selecting Connect/Offline now works properly when session has Notes enabled
  • Searching for Room Key in map when there are multiple matches in other zones gives proper precedence to room with Real vNum flag set
  • #log command now reports if there is an error creating the log file
  • Find Room no longer crashes when searching for Room Notes field
  • Room Notes in Room Properties now has scrollbar
  • Updated TeSSH Help window to properly use new index values from new web site
  • Fixed problems using | character to build a string list when mixed with other variables and functions
  • Fixed misc rare crashes from submitted crash dumps
3.31 15-Oct-10 (Public)
  • Fixed serious bug in %replaceitem and other potential list/table complex functions that could cause a lockup or memory leak
  • Map Off button now properly stops tracking
  • Disabling Location object will stop tracking and prevent location marker from being displayed
  • Fixed saving #pick/%pick dialog screen position
  • Fixed "open door" string to work properly with Other exits (uses exit command for direction name)
  • Added %f pattern to match numbers containing commas and decimal point (floating)
  • Fixed string list parsing within <send> MXP tag
  • Fixed crash in displaying connect time in rare situations (integer overflow)
  • Added Data Dir to crash dump output to detect support cases where data files are stored to Program Files incorrectly
  • Mapper now uses default Key field if there is no primary key for a table
  • Updated TeSSH help file
3.30 1-Oct-10 (Public RC4)
  • Added confirmation window the first time the script wizard is opened (only displayed first time if Use Wizards is enabled)
  • Fixed mousewheel in package editor causing mapper to zoom
  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts in mapper to work properly when mapper is focused
  • Added default room Hint command to Map Properties/Interface
  • Added option to Room Configuration in mapper to match a partial room name. Room matches if the name from the server (or via GMCP) matches the first part of the name already stored in the mapper. For example, allows "Roomname" to match "Roomname (G)" already stored in map.
  • Moving rooms to a different zone no longer causes the rooms to disapear from display
  • Editing a nested list/table variable in Variable editor no longer corrupts the nested data
  • Fixed Editor to properly highlight the syntax of a file that is opened based upon the file extension language
  • Fixed #button command to allow a Panel number of zero for floating button
  • Fixed using #sub within a trigger with Repeat Within Line option enabled
  • Macros bound to right-arrow key will work again
  • Fixed problem with Lock Layout preventing F1 help reference and other windows from displaying
  • Fixed problem with #trigger not recognizing first option in option list argument
  • Fixed problem with constructing string lists that contain a mix of literal numbers and local variables
  • Fixed problem with Editor window not closing when closing session
  • Fixed problems closing docked room properties window
  • Fixed issues with additional color names save in INI file that caused errors when running the previous 2.37 public version
  • Improved memory usage of GMCP processing
  • Fixed rare crash when opening a session and clicking window before it was fully loaded
  • Fixed rare crash calling room function when mapper not open
  • Fixed rare crash when saving settings to background at same time Save Changes is clicked in settings editor
  • Updated help files
  • Updated mud listing
3.29b 24-Sep-10 (Beta RC3)
  • Fixed problem with #OK not firing OnRoomEnter in Slow walk mode
  • Fixed Reformat so single commands within a #switch do not cause multiline formatting
3.29a 23-Sep-10 (Beta RC3)
  • Fixed problem using @db.key within a regular expression patterns
  • Fixed slow walking so GMCP confirmations do not occur when Auto Confirmation is disabled
  • Fixed display of walk queue in lower-right mapper corner to update properly when step is confirmed via GMCP
  • Fixed Reformat when command occurs right after {
  • #SLOW no longer moves first step automatically when Auto Confirmation is disabled
3.29 22-Sep-10 (Beta RC3)
  • Fixed problem using @db.key within a {} trigger pattern
  • Fixed docked Room Properties not being updated
  • Fixed serious problem in View/Directions (also Locations) when clicking New, entering data, clicking Apply, then clicking on a new setting in the list on left
  • Fixed problems in Tab Completion dialog that could cause rare crashes
  • Removed extraneous call to OnRoomCreate when a room was updated rather than created
  • Internal #OK is no longer done for GMCP in Slow walk mode if Automatic Confirmations setting is disabled
  • Fixed problem with slow walking creating a room when an existing matching room already exists
  • Trapped error when loading an invalid image file into a session and give error message telling which filename is corrupted
  • Fixed problem with "open door" commands in mapper not calling aliases properly
3.28 20-Sep-10 (Beta RC2)
  • Fixed major problem with rooms not being created in correct zone
  • Fixed onRoomEnter not firing in certain speedwalk modes
  • Fixed %roomportal (and %roomexit) to properly return nil when a non-standard direction doesn't exist
  • Fixed %roomportal to only create one-way links to destination
  • Added color option for the rooms that do not have a correct vNum to Map Properties
  • Added option to Room config properties to ignore upper/lower case when matching room name
  • Fixed problem not setting correct current room when fast walking
  • Fixed Reformat issue with // comments not getting indented
  • Fixed Reformat bug where an extra } was getting added in some cases
  • Fixed Reformat bug where an extra blank line was added at the beginning of some blocks
  • Fixed Reformat bug that was not "unindenting" lines with the incorrect indent value
  • Room Properties now properly updated when deleting a link via %roomlink
3.27 17-Sep-10 (Beta RC1)
  • Added: %bittest function to test a specific bit of a numeric value
  • Added: %bitset function to set/reset a specific bit of a numeric value
  • Added: #ZONE "zonename" command to switch to the given zone or create a new zone with the given name
  • Fixed creating new rooms so they are created in the currently selected zone (or set by #ZONE)
  • Fixed problem with Reformat when extra whitespace is at end of { line
  • Fixed Reformat when blank lines follow a {
  • Fixed Reformat causing ;comments to be indented
  • Improved how Reformat handles nested #IF and other block statements. It doesn't try to cram stuff all on one line anymore.
  • Fixed ANSI Bold-off (and other x-off) attributes that were not working
  • Added bit 4 of the %roomload flags to be the "Real vNum" flag
  • Removed use of
  • Fixed problem loading background image into map when full path is given to the image
  • Fixed problem with using commas in database variable keys
  • Fixed Fast speedwalk to not overwrite rooms with incorrect GMCP data in Map mode
  • Fixed #slow command to not fire onWalkEnd for each room
  • Fixed various other problems with Fast, Safe, Slow walk in various modes with GMCP data
  • Fixed infinite loop in #SUB and #CW and Repeat triggers matching .* at the end of the line
  • Fixed crash when trying to open the Editor after it was closed
  • Fixed problem with #FIND not handling new vNums properly
  • Fixed #TELEPORT and handling vNums
  • Fixed #WALK/%walk with vNums
  • Fixed %roomkey and handling vNums
  • Fixed problem with #LOOP command not always working in Fast mode
  • Disabling a parent class to a Room class now prevents onEnable and onDisable scripts from running
  • Using //module/class/var = value in Script Wizard no longer gets treated as a // comment
  • Fixed crash when unable to load gif image of session icon
  • Fixed several rare crashes when closing a map
  • Fixed a rare crash when updating an old package format and trying to update buttons that don't exist yet
  • Fixed rare crash when disconnecting session
  • Added Passive option in FTP window
  • Gives proper message when trying to use PASV on a FTP server that doesn't support Passive mode
  • Added SQL drivers to CMUDPro for Interbase, Firebird, MSSQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL, and Oracle
  • Removed zMapper Edit button from mapper
3.26 10-Sep-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed extra blank lines added when using mapper
  • Fixed problem with Editor window causing text to be duplicated when docked and switching tabs
  • IRE.Composer GMCP module properly added to default module list
  • Fixed bug in IRE.Composer still sending ATCP message
  • Fixed problems with speedwalking in Fast mode using GMCP
  • Fixed Slowwalking with GMCP
  • Speedwalking in Map mode in Safe mode now properly updates the vNum of each room in the path
  • GMCP Triggers now have a "Prompt" version that fires before CMUD takes action, and a "Trigger on Newline" version that fires after CMUD has taken action
  • GMCP now creates the new room before the Newline trigger fires allowing the GMCP trigger to set the properties of the new room via the %room functions
  • Using #LOOK command to update room name when using GMCP now works again
  • Room Name at the bottom of the mapper is now updated properly when adding a new room via GMCP
  • Fixed problem with not recentering the map window when moving to a room just off the edge of the map window
  • Fixed bug when removing a package in the package editor not updating the session package list
  • Classes shown in package editor now use / instead of \ for consistency with scripting
  • Fixed rare crash setting a long room name in the toolbar at the bottom of the mapper
  • Fixed MXP DEST tag to properly clean up the attribute table to prevent overflow and corruption issues
  • MXP DEST no longer causes window focus to change
  • Fixed rare crash in Mapper Wizard configuration
  • Fixed rare crash when setting the connection time in the status bar
  • Fixed several rare crashes when closing a session
  • Fixed rare crash when accessing preferences
  • Fixed rare crash updating toolbar buttons
  • %db function no longer retrieves the nth index of a table. Must use %item to return the nth value
  • Added support for GMCP room.wrongdir message
  • Mapper should no longer overwrite a room with incorrect data from another room
  • Fixed rare crash when cancelling from a session Save As
  • Fixed %{i}.key to concat the "key" string instead of doing a database key lookup. %i.key still performs a key lookup
  • GMCP no longer uses Room.Info.Brief as room description. Room.Info.Desc is now used.
  • If GMCP Room.Info.Name data is missing, it will use Room.Info.Brief instead. (This will be removed from CMUD when Aardwolf removes it)
3.25 1-Sep-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed problem with mapper not updating vNum when moving around map
  • Also fixed related problem where mapper would not update name/desc/exits even when setting TempName, TempDesc, TempExit if the data was being supplied by Tags/MXP/GMCP
  • Added option to Map Properties (Appearance) to display rooms without a "real vNUM" in the dimmed color
  • Mapper will create a proper full configuration even when using GMCP (was previously skipping this step, causing problems with new configurations on old maps)
  • GMCP Room.Info.Brief message is now recognized and will set the Description field of the room
  • XML Import/Export of trigger substates now ignores the Enabled property
  • Fixed MXP IMG/IMAGE tags to allow / instead of \ file path characters. Also, these characters are no longer stripped from the name, fixing problems with relative path names
  • Changing a variable to Temp no longer sets the Use Defaults flag
  • Fixed rare crash when opening a new session after closing a previous one
  • Fixed rare crash when changing a preference null string value
  • Fixed rare crash when running an alias on a corrupted internal lookup table
3.24 30-Aug-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed major problems with new RoomNum mapper features on existing maps
  • Added new "RealNum" flag to each Room in the map. When Enabled it indicates the vNum was set by the server. Available in the Room Properties and can be set or reset for multiple selected rooms as needed. Set automatically when the Room vNum is set by the server via GMCP/MXP/#TAG
  • Added new "Use vNUM to match rooms" option to the Speedwalking Configuration in the mapper properties. When enabled, rooms with the RealNum flag set that match the Room Num sent via GMCP/MXP/#TAG are used to set your current room position on the map. Enabled by default when doing a Config on a MUD using GMCP and Room.Info
  • Fixed @{var_%1}.key syntax
  • Fixed problems assigning GMCP values to normal autotype variables
  • Fixed problem loading HTML files into Editor
  • Downloading images now removed invalid characters from URL when creating filename
  • Added TYPE option to MXP IMG and IMAGE tags to specify the default file extension for the image
  • Updated the PCRE library to v8.10
  • Fixed %push not handling by-reference properly
  • Fixed crash when closing some windows that have shared buttons
3.23a 28-Aug-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed problem with GMCP data not overwriting existing key values.
  • Fixed crash when deleting a window
3.23 27-Aug-10 (Beta)
  • New v3 License Key required for this version. See Upgrade instructions in the forum.
  • Added: Server-based tab completion (for linux shell connections)
  • Added: %url function to return a zApp zWeb component (Params and PostParams properties are a bit different though). More documention coming soon.
  • Added: Command History window has Export/Import buttons to save/restore history to files
  • Added: Option for preserving command history across sessions (enabled by default in TeSSH)
  • Added: GMCP support for mapper and IRE composer (updated default GMCP modules to enable)
  • Added: %ref function to access list/table "by reference" (for fast assignment when copy is not needed)
  • Added: %parsenumbers to return a list of all numbers used within a string (for easier parsing of prompt lines)
  • Added: #TEMPVAR command to create temporary variables (normal global variables, but not saved to disk or across sessions)
  • #update now works on an entire class
  • Fixed bug with clicking a link causing scrollback to freeze
  • Fixed bug importing XML with "enabled=false" settings
  • %delnitem no longer corrupts the internal table index
  • %replaceitem handles numeric values properly now
  • Fixed bug with COM function reference as argument to other functions
  • Fixed indirect function calls
  • Passing stringlist/table to COM object now works properly
  • List assignment properly makes a copy to avoid recursive lists
  • Fixed issue with using '.' after a function reference. Now only works with functions that can return list/tables
  • Fixed bug when using multiple '.' dots
  • Fixed bug when no key follows a dot.
  • Added support for multi-word keys in tables
  • %sort properly returns a table when sorting a table instead of forcing it to convert to a list
  • %item properly returns a null value when list is passed as an argument to a user function
  • String values containing numbers are properly respected as strings in lists/tables. Leading zeros in string are preserved.
  • Deleting row in Variable Editor now works properly
  • Added Search/Replace for syntax-enabled language windows within the Text Editor
  • Remove syntax checking option for Text windows (non language specific) in the Text Editor. Prevents ANSI colors in loaded text from being lost.
  • Fixed rare Integer Overlow in preferences
  • Fixed rare crash in Term.Blink
  • A line starting with ANSI %e[37m is no longer stripped from ANSI trigger pattern
  • Changing default session color no longer effects the %ansi(7) results
  • Showing the Column Number on command line no longer causes hang when resizing window
  • Fixed Help Topics display for TeSSH (HTML issues with help file format)
  • Fixed missing %json and other functions in TeSSH
  • Added %gmcp.olddata to see previous data values in GMCP triggers
  • GMCP data is now "merged" with previous data so the server only needs to send data that changes
  • GMCP is disabled if a session using an ATCP trigger is loaded
  • GMCP and ATCP emulation are now mutually exclusive
  • Improved mapper configuration when using Tags or GMCP/MXP
  • Improved mapper movement when room number data is sent via GMCP
  • Improved room creation when room number data is sent via GMCP
  • Mapper border colors now use new string list properly
  • Mapper location now updates even if map window is not open
  • Fixed crash when adding a new room (primary key not unique)
  • Loading map files with corrupted primary keys are fixed automatically
  • Removed more color names from INI file for v2.37 backwards compatibility
  • Trigger Pattern editor now shows the beginning of a long trigger pattern instead of the end
  • #window command no longer allows abbreviated window names
  • #update no longer causes multistate button menus to stop working
  • Fixed #ALL command and windowref: within command input triggers
  • Fixed #EXECWIN within command input trigger
  • Using #SEND within a command trigger no longer corrupts the last command typed
  • Fixed bug when using #break after #continue
  • Fixed crash when opening multiple sessions of same name and then closing one of them
  • onExit event now only fires for the window being closed
  • Fixed onConnect and onDisconnect triggers to work properly in Local/External/Published modules
  • Importing XML with multistate buttons now preserves the state order properly
  • Clickable URLs triggers are now set to Repeat within a line
  • Added VarType and Sorted properties to VarObject in Lua API
  • Pressing the Right-arrow key at the end of the command line will activate local tab completion (used when server-based tab completion is enabled)
  • Pressing Shift-Tab will toggle between main session window and command line when using Telnet character mode
  • Fixed bug with location of cursor in telnet character mode when the scrollback splitscreen is active
  • Fixed various tooltips and options in TeSSH preferences
  • Fixed Help button in Preferences window to locate proper topics
  • Added rule to Compatibility Report to look for "item1|item2..." string lists that should be converted to {item1|item2...} syntax
  • Package Library login window no longer hides behind main window
  • Changed name of file used to save Editor contents across sessions to use same name as PKG file instead of using window caption
  • Updated SQLite DLL to v3.7.0.1
3.22 2-Jul-10 (Beta)
  • Added: Initial GMCP (Generic MUD Communications Protocol) (ATCP2) support
  • Added: Scintilla editor component added to main Editor window. Added Language menu to select language syntax
  • File/Open in main Editor picks the proper language file based upon file extension
  • Added the Languages.ini file to determine which languages are added to Editor and Script Editor
  • Added support for individual *.lang language files (same format as languages.ini) for adding custom languages without disturbing the main languages file.
  • Added %gmcp variable to retrieve GMCP data. E.g.: #SHOW
  • Added %gmcp_errors variable to retrieve any GMCP data received that failed the JSON parser
  • Added GMCP tab to Preferences in Protocols page (renamed from the previous Simutronics page)
  • Added GMCP Trigger type to fire triggers on matching Module.Package.Message strings. %gmcp.module, %gmcp.package, %gmcp.message,, %gmcp.olddata variables available within trigger.
  • Added #SENDGMCP command to send GMCP data back to the server: #SENDGMCP Module.Package.Message @table
  • Added #SHOWTABLE command to display internal json table structure with each item on a separate line
  • Fixed problems in Variable Editor when switching JSON tabs causing wrong tabs to be displayed
  • Fixed bug with sorting tables causing case sensitivity to be selected
  • Fixed crash when deleting a row in the Variables Editor
  • Fixed issues with inserting and drag/drop list reorder in Variables Editor
  • #VARFUNC no longer treats argument as stringlist/table
  • Fixed infinite loop when using #DELITEM with string values instead of lists
  • Fixed problem with %int and db variables
  • Fixed problem with Use Default option getting set on new tables
  • Fixed %dbkey to return key of correct index value
  • Fixed bug with %item({a|b|c},1) giving syntax error
  • Fixed problem with #PSUB deleting color of next character on line
  • Fixed problem with Window Caption not being displayed when session loaded (Window name was being used instead of caption)
  • Editing the drop-down Pattern field now properly enables the Save/Cancel buttons in Trigger editor
  • Boolean COM values are now handled properly as 1/0 instead of -1/0
  • Fixed problem with Opt field for settings not initially loaded in some cases
  • Fixed problem accessing table value when session first loaded before cache was initialized
  • Spaces before values in functions that are not within " or {} quotes are now properly stripped
  • %case and %switch are now set to use expression arguments instead of string arguments
  • Fixed arguments being passed to MXP DEST and FRAME commands
  • Fixed %1.key syntax to work again
  • Fixed problem with local variables and string list functions not working in some cases
  • Exit speed tremendously improved when using multiple windows (removed redundant saves)
  • Fixed so it is not truncated by %ansi values
  • %ansi(default) and %ansi(reset) no longer terminate MXP links
  • %min and %max now accept list arguments again
  • onExit is now properly called when windows close and when CMUD exits
  • Color names values are no longer used in INI files to prevent "limegreen" error when running 2.37 after using the beta version
  • Fixed "SQL called out of sequence" error when trying to open a new map file
  • When opening a map file, any subdirectories needed are automatically created
  • Fixed error with %replaceitem not updating internal index properly
  • %numitems on a null string now properly returns zero
  • Added option to Script Wizard to Hide Wizard by default to turn off the Use Wizard option and switch to the normal editor panel
3.21 25-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed Variable Editor to allow adding and editing string list and record variables again
  • Added XML and Compiled code tabs to Variable Editor when type is not String (with Show Advanced Tabs option enabled)
  • Added JSON tab to Variable editor to inspect or change the raw JSON data value for lists and records
  • Changing variable type in editor no longer forces new value to be saved. Save/Cancel buttons can still be used to restore original copy
  • Changing sort options no longer forces new value to be saved.
  • Fixed problem with Windows and Modules not being shown when the Filter In Tree View option is disabled
  • Fixed issues with %additem and #ADDITEM causing nulls and other values to be added to list when used with #ADDKEY
  • Null values no longer added when first adding an item to a list or table
  • Fixed several issues with "by reference" variables and made it more consistent across various functions
  • Using @list for commands the do not modify the list (%numitems, %db, %item, etc) works the same as "by reference" for better performance
  • What a copy of a list has already been made by a function, a second copy is not made when assigning to a variable to improve performance
  • Made extensive changes to how Preference values are stored internally to improve performance
  • Fixed problem with lists/records not being saved when closing the settings editor
  • Added "Minimum Backup time" option to specify the minimum amount of time between automatic backups
  • Added %dbkey(dbvar,index) to return the "key" string of the Nth item in a database variable
  • Fixed crash with %list() being empty
  • Fixed %dbkeys(var).1 to work properly
  • Fixed %if function so arguments are treated properly as expressions instead of strings
  • Fixed a bug in the parser that could cause arguments after the first comma to not get parsed in the correct mode (expression/string/etc)
  • Added "Nested" option to Variable Editor to determine if values in a list are treated as nested lists/tables
  • Fixed some issues with #FORALL and #LOOPDB not handling string lists and database variables consistently
  • Fixed problem with local variables getting treated as string values instead of autotype
  • Fixed trigger pattern fields in editor so they don't wrap
  • Trigger pattern now uses font from script editor instead of command line style
  • Updated Scintilla editor component to latest v2.12 (scilexer.dll) to fix various bugs
  • Shared Package Library no longer requires a registered version...will work with trial version now
  • Fixed crash when deleting a session with child windows
  • Fixed crash in MXP when outputing text during a prompt MXP trigger
  • Improved parser to allow {} strings within () expressions
  • Fixed Find/Replace in editor to work when in XML tab
  • Improved performance of low-level string-integer conversion routines
3.20 18-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed problem with nested string lists in trigger patterns causing extra quotes to be added and not matching pattern
  • Fixed hang with #SUB in rare cases
  • Added new sorting options in Variable Editor for lists/tables. Added None/Alphabetic/Numeric and added Reverse option
  • Added Case Sensitive option to Variable Editor for lists/tables
  • Fixed problem in Variable Editor when sorting a list and then trying to set it back to unsorted
  • Using $local variables in list functions no longer creates a bunch of variables with the names of the items in the list
  • Changing a value in an Integer or Floating point field in the Editor now properly activates the Save Changes button
  • Loading variable with default blank value now works with tables/lists
  • %additem (and other functions) now properly marks a newly created variable as a string list
  • Fixed problem with variables in other packages getting assigned to null values (causing gauge flicker)
  • Fixed syntax error in #SWITCH when using @list.key references
  • Added new "AllowNulls" argument to %numwords, %words (3rd argument after the delimiter value). If set to non-zero, then multiple delimiters will be merged into one. Useful for handling words separated by multiple spaces.
  • Added the Delimiter and AllowNulls arguments to the %list function
  • Fixed the call "by reference" feature for several functions, such as %ismember
  • Fixed problem with #ADD not handling auto-typed numbers properly and doing concat instead of addition on numbers
  • Fixed some functions that started with a null list to prevent an actual null item from being added to beginning of list
3.19f 16-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed serious low-level issue with #DELITEM and %delitem causing hangs and crashes
  • Added support for access "by reference" for %additem, %delitem, %addkey and other table/list %functions where list can be directly manipulated by omitting the @ in front of the list variable reference.
  • Fixed crash with #delitem and sorted lists
  • %delitem no longer removes multiple copies of duplicate values
  • Fixed several problems with numeric values in lists getting treated as strings
  • Fixed problem with floating-point values in XML import
  • Fixed problem with #additem adding dups when using " quotes around item
  • Fixed %item crash when using index of zero
  • Fixed problem with importing variables that have quotes around nested list values
  • Fixed crash when installing certain packaged from shared library
  • Fixed some issues with COM variable assignments
  • Improved speed of floating point check routines
3.19e 15-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed broken #add command for local variables
  • Fixed XML import of variables with numeric values in tables
  • Fixed assignment of variable value that contained a period
  • Fixed problem with adding a null key to a list of an already existing table
  • #delitem (and many other commands) now properly handle the %key variable, as in "#delitem var.%key value"
  • Fixed several problems with functions like %delitem returning a direct reference to a variable rather than a copy of a table
  • Fixed table support in indirect variable assignment
  • Another small performance improvement in the background package saving routine
3.19d 14-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed low-level problem with overwriting an existing key in a database variable with a new value
  • Fixed low-level problem with #DELKEY
  • Fixed %expanddb to properly allow different delimiter values
  • Fixed %expandlist to use new tables
  • Fixed crash when sometimes removing a setting
3.19c 11-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed new bug with {@list} in trigger pattern not working
  • Fixed memory corruption when using #delkey
  • Fixed various problems with nested lists and database variables
  • MXP will no longer try to create nested lists, fixing crash with MudBot MXP
  • Use Default checkbox in Variables screen now works again
3.19b 11-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed crash with #VAR var.key %additem
  • Fixed crash with using local variable keys, such as $local.$key=value
  • Fixed problem with COM variables not being assigned with #VAR
  • Fixed crash when using %session, %map, etc in #VAR assignments
  • Fixed list/table data corruption when converting a list to a table implicitly, like when using %addkey on a list
  • Fixed problem when assigning a value to a local variable when a normal variable of the same name existed
  • Better handling of special characters such as = in imported string list items
  • Improved handling of quotes during implicit concat so quotes are removed when they should be (but not removed within {} quotes)
3.19 10-Jun-10 (Alpha)
  • Low level changes to how variables are stored to database for performance improvements
  • Variables will now use stored json string value instead of old string value for tables and lists
  • XML export adds json string value to variable output
  • New option in Scripting preferences determines if compatible string format of tables and lists is added to database and xml output (default is on)
  • Fixed performance issue in background database save that could take a long time if many settings have been deleted from the session
  • using var={key=value} now properly creates a table (previously required a second item to create a table)
  • %additem now properly allows duplicates again
  • stored table/list variables now properly create entire nested table structure when loaded
  • fixed crash when assigning null %db to a variable
  • #delkey now works with multiword key values
  • Fixed problem with json parser treating strings list "1of2" as a numeric value of just "1"
  • Sorting tables and lists no longer sorts nested structures
  • Fixed problem with tables sometimes getting created with case-sensitive key values
  • Buttons no longer flicker when table/list variables are updated
  • Fixed problem where sometimes an edited alias was not getting recompiled
  • #noop is now handled the same as #call (no longer calls compiler)
  • Added "change #noop to #call" to zMUD compatibility report
3.18d 4-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed problem with assigning a list to a new variable not building json table properly
  • Fixed problem with assigning variables within a class folder
  • Fixed problem with collapsed list when using {} around #FORALL variable
  • Fixed problem with arguments to functions using " quotes getting extra spaces (broken %subregex)
  • No longer strips " quotes within {} quotes in scripts
  • Added %list function to take a string value and return the proper json table (forces conversion of old string list to json tables as needed)
  • Lua conversion between Lua tables and CMUD string lists/database records now handles nested tables
  • Variable editor now handles nested tables properly (although nested values are still shown as string lists)
  • XML import/export of variables now uses JSON syntax to properly handle nested tables
3.18c 3-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed problem with var=@list.key
  • Fixed problem with assigning a function with arguments to a list value
  • Fixed problem using #VAR $localvar value
  • Fixed lockup when assigning to list.key when also using list.key in #IF statement
  • Fixed problem with several functions (%additem, %delitem, %addkey, %delkey, etc) causing a nested table structure to collapse
  • Fixed problems with overwriting a list with a new value not always working
  • Spaces with {} in function arguments are now preserved
  • Fixed illegal token errors when using a period (.) in strings
3.18b 2-Jun-10 (Beta)
  • Fixed problems with clearing list variables
  • Added support for nested assignment, such as: list.key.1 = value
  • Added support for nested lists in commands such as #additem: #additem var.key item
  • Fixed problem with comparing a list to %null sometimes returning true
  • Fixed many other misc bugs with the new table and list code
  • Developed testing script for tables and lists for improved ongoing support and stability of future releases
3.18 27-May-10 (Alpha)
  • Added: New low-level JSON tables used for string list and database variables
  • New tables allow for better nested tables and lists
  • Added support for @a.1.2.3... syntax for nested tables
  • %db function now accepts a full path (like "1.key.2", etc) as the key value
  • Added %json function for returning proper json string of existing table, or for creating a new table given a json string
  • Reworked entire CMUD internals to use new json tables, improving overall performance
  • Still issues with editing nested tables in Variable Editor
  • Still issues with converting new tables to and from Lua tables
  • %vartype now returns the NAME of the type and accepts the name instead of the numeric type value when changing types of variables
  • Fixed bug with extra spaces added around @abc text in command line
  • Editor now uses sessionname_editor.txt for saved editor contents instead of using sessionname.txt
  • Added argument to #SAVE command to indicate file to copy the saved *.pkg file to
  • %replaceitem now works with indexes > length of list
  • Fixed hang in trigger pattern syntax checking
  • Fixed bug in #TAG command when using multiple tags on a single line in the wrong order
  • Fixed division by zero in mapper
  • Fixed various tooltips
3.17 7-May-10 (BETA)
  • TeSSH: First version of Help file (just zScript commands)
  • TeSSH: Linked help system to new web site knowledge base articles
  • TeSSH: Changed the icons used for sessions (MUD icons no longer distributed with TeSSH)
  • TeSSH: Removed non-TeSSH commands from F1 Reference help file
  • TeSSH: Created new default toolbar layout with smaller toolbar buttons moved to same line as main menu
  • TeSSH: Replaced CMUDapi.dll with TeSSHapi.dll
  • Added AutoCopy option (Window Option preferences) to determine if highlighted text in output window should be automatically copied to clipboard or whether right-click Copy option should be used. Default is True on CMUD, False on TeSSH
  • Fixed problem with number-pad macros inserting numbers into command line when "Override menu shortcuts" option is disabled
  • Fixed problem with some icons not displaying properly in session screen
  • FTP now supports uploading and downloading folders
  • Fixed problem with Layout not saving when AutoSave is turned off
  • Fixed problem with layout files sometimes getting saved to EXE path instead of Data Files
  • Fixed bug with 64-bit division when using variables
  • Assigning a database variable to a local variable now properly makes a copy
  • Fixed #PSUB issue when using -1 option to insert text at the start of the line
  • Fixed HTML and Capture problem with MXP background colors
  • Fixed color of first character when using %ansi and the #SAY command
  • Fixed crash when adding a space to the end of the session image filename
  • Fixed problems with MCP implementation not properly quoting reference and version fields
  • Fixed problem with MCP handling quotes strings in input data (using \")
  • Fixed several problems with MXP via MCP
  • Fixed problems where *.zfg map configuration files could be saved to current working directory instead of proper MUD directory
  • Fixed problem in Map Conversion routine causing rooms to be deleted after reopening the session
  • Main Editor contents are now saved across sessions
  • Editor File Save defaults to current character folder
  • Fixed Editor background color
  • Session titles can now contain a . character
  • Disabling the Script Debugger now properly disables all messages
  • Added ability to convert certain Script Wizard steps to other step types (like Custom)
  • Fixed problem with Wizard in Macro Editor showing the wrong tab at the bottom
  • Fixed problem with URL style Underline option not being saved
  • Fixed crash with emulators handling Windows 7 taskbar overlay icons
  • Fixed rare issue with updating buttons from background threads causing hang or crash
  • Fixed problem with Pattern field scrolling to end of multiline pattern instead of showing first line
3.16b 29-Mar-10 (BETA)
  • Critical: Fixed problems with Variable editor screen
  • Typing into pattern drop-down multiline editor now properly activates Save/Cancel buttons
  • Fixed bug with changing a wildcard pattern to ? pattern in wizard
  • Properly clears Key and Key Comment field in SSH for new sessions
  • Fixed initial help text for pattern wizard when creating new trigger
  • Added Regular Expression help tips and pattern testing fields to wizard
  • Added Alarm help tips to pattern wizard
3.16 26-Mar-10 (BETA)
  • Added: Scripting Wizard tab in settings editor for creating simple scripts step-by-step
  • Added: Trigger Pattern Wizard tab in trigger editor for creating simple trigger patterns with wildcards
  • Critical: Fixed problem with map conversion routine that was causing many mapper crashes in previous version
  • Fixed problem with changing Special Characters not updating on command line
  • Fixed problem with disabling Line Escape character not working
  • Starting command line with ~ quote character will also now act as a line escape character
  • Fixed problem with OnInput trigger stopping other trigger processing of same pattern
  • Using "#PSUB {text} 0 -1" will now insert the text at the beginning of the line and will only match once per line
  • Fixed limit in String List editor of 256 characters per list item
  • Fixed problem with - returning a large negative number with
  • Fixed problem with %20 characters in Putty session import again
  • Changed default term type for TeSSH from "XTERM" to "xterm" for better compatibility
  • Changed MCCP to ignore additional IAC SB COMPRESS codes when already in compressed mode
  • Fixed problem with activity in child windows taking focus away from command line
  • Fixed ScrollLock key to properly toggle splitscreen
  • Fixed bug where certain key presses could be executed twice on command line
  • Old command line toolbars are no longer loaded from existing saved layout files
  • Converting a *.mud file to CMUD no longer adds the ".mud" to the name of the window
  • Host/ports in the New Connection menu no longer display the related session titles
  • The "Update main icon with status" option is now window-specific instead of global. True by default.
  • Fixed crash in mapper with creating new Portals
  • Mapper now properly recenters when creating a new room off the edge of the map
  • Fixed crash in pattern wizard when entering value into Range field
  • Fixed problem in pattern wizard using ^ and $ for beginning and end anchoring
  • Added support to pattern wizard for "not in list" and "not in range"
  • Fixed problem when clicking Wizard tab and going back to Pattern tab causing blank trigger to be removed
  • Added multiline editor to sample text field in pattern wizard
  • When pasting multiple lines into sample text field in pattern wizard, only first line is accepted
  • Undo/Redo buttons in pattern wizard are now properly cleared when switching to another trigger
  • Added new "Show Advanced tabs" option which will show or hide the advanced "Compiled Code" tabs
  • Added support to pattern wizard to highlight text in the pattern instead of just the sample text field
  • Adding a new blank step in script wizard, then switching to Script view, then back to Wizard no longer keeps Add button enabled
3.15a 20-Mar-10 (Private Alpha)
  • Initial release of Trigger Pattern Wizard for internal testing
  • Fixed crash in Script Wizard when changing themes
  • Fixed problem with Gag step in wizard disappearing
  • Added Play sound file step to wizard
  • Fixed crash when deleting text on command line while text is colored (like with spellchecker or syntax highlighting)
  • When "Use Wizard" is enabled, the settings editor will always display the root window record instead of the first setting to allow help text to be viewed
  • Changed "stack frame corrupted" error message to "Runtime error in script. Use the script debugger to find problem"
  • Add Step button in wizard now enables the "Save changes" button properly
  • Fixed problem where current tab shown in editor doesn't match the actual page (Wizard instead of Script)
3.15 12-Mar-10 (Private Alpha)
  • Initial release of Script Wizard for internal testing
3.14a 5-Feb-10 (BETA)
  • Quick fix to allow child windows to be selected and scrolled properly even when they do not have a command line
3.14 5-Feb-10 (BETA)
  • Critical: Fixed database components to allow adding rooms to map and to fix various other SQLite database errors
  • Critical: Fixed serious bug in ANSI color processing that was causing random colors
  • Removed dockable command line and replaced it with a fixed command line to fix various docking corruption problems and to fix the "ComPanel has no parent" errors
  • Fixed crash in MXP System Elements tab (list now allows more than 64 elements)
  • Check for New Version now runs in background thread to prevent hanging of session when there are proxy problems. Also updated proxy help message.
  • %ansi(textcolor) no longer also returns the string for a black background color
  • Fixed ansi color codes within MXP SEND tag
  • Importing from Putty sessions converts %20 to spaces
  • Importing from Putty now imports any saved user names
  • Opening a session to an IP address no longer strips the numbers from the window caption
  • Fixed crash problem when opening multiple windows on same host
  • Added option to Window Option preferences for adding a close X button to each window tab
  • Added option for setting terminal type to lowercase (enabled by default)
  • Removed blank session names from session toolbar dropdown list
  • Fixed problem with #TEMP command when using an ID name
  • Fixed the Enter key on an SSH connection to send CR instead of LF
  • Fixed installer to remember "Other" data files location
3.13 29-Jan-10 (BETA)
  • Added: Windows 7 Jump List support. Right-click on pinned icon to see list of sessions with session id values
  • Added: Windows 7 Icon support. Status of text received from server is now shown as the background color of the taskbar icon
  • Added: Windows 7 Thumbnail support. Misc fixes to the screen thumbnails
  • Added: MXP version is now v1.2
  • Added: MXP REPORT tag (as described in MXP Developers Forum)
  • Added: MXP via Telnet SB channel (as described in MXP Developers Forum)
  • Added: Window Caption can now contain variables and functions (like button captions)
  • Added: #UNEVENT command to remove an event given it's ID name
  • Added: #UNPATH command to remove a path
  • Fixed many critical display issues on Windows 7 when resizing dialogs and windows
  • MXP: RoomNum flag now supported in EMPTY tag and tags ending in /> with the first argument of the tag passed as the room number. E.g. <RoomNum 123/>
  • MXP: <!ELEMENT> tag no longer fires routines for processing mapper tags
  • Mapper will now use the vNum (RoomNum) when trying to match rooms during map creation
  • SFTP: Fixed problem when trying to enter a manual directory change
  • SFTP: Fixed problem double-clicking on .. and . folders
  • SFTP: Fixed problem uploading large files
  • #SQLDB will now properly reuse an existing database of the same name already in memory
  • Fixed the eof() function of the COM object returned by %sql
  • Fixed access violation in %sql
  • The name of the database can now be used with or without the file extension in %sql
  • Local variables can now be used with %sql
  • Improved error handling of invalid COM objects
  • Imrpoved error handling of script runtime errors
  • The drop-down boxes in the Edit Session screen no longer automatically choose the first value in the list
  • A New Session should no longer have any auto-filled values from previous sessions
  • Added routine to detect uncompressed data being sent via a compressed MCCP session
  • MCCP Errors no longer cause the client to tell the server to turn off MCCP mode (prevents infinite MCCP error loops)
  • Assigning COM objects to variables via the var=value syntax now works
  • Fixed infinite loop/freeze in some COM processing when using local variables
  • The variable now contains the proper full text between MXP tags
  • Fixed problem with expressions not using 64-bit integers when optimized by the compiler at compile-time
  • Added Telnet Option negotiation messages to the Tools/Message Log
  • Tools/Message Log now truncated at 1000 lines
  • Message Log properly updates when new messages are added if the window is left open
  • Added Terminal Type value of "Auto". When in "Auto", client will negotiate all possible terminal values with server. When set to a fixed value, only that terminal type will be sent to server
  • Disabling a class or other setting using the *.enabled property in Lua now works properly
  • Sessions imported from PuTTY now read the entire host value instead of just the first 20 characters
  • Gauge buttons are now displayed as full properly. Fixed various display issues with gauges
  • Gauge colors are no longer lost when copy/paste a gauge
  • When creating a button, selecting the Gauge type now properly displays the Gauge tab
  • Moved advanced window options to a new tab
  • Added some help text to the Window settings screen (since it is the first screen seen by new users in the settings editor)
  • Fixed problem with zs.getevent not returning a proper event record
  • Fixed problem with zs.execfunc not properly passing arguments to other Lua functions
  • Enabling events via Lua now works
  • Added %portalenabled to match help files (retained %portalenable for backward compatibility)
  • Paths that start with a number no longer get the number stripped from the beginning
  • Fixed crash in ClearLineAttr
  • Fixed problem with #TEMP command when used via Lua
  • CMUD is now using the same algorithm to convert old maps as the stand-along Map Converter program
  • #UPDATE command now works with Triggers (or any script) to force it to recompile
  • When using Character Mode (TeSSH), it now remembers if the command line last had focus or if the main window last had focus
  • MCCP is no longer disabled the first time ATCP is enabled (for IRE fix)
  • Session IDs containing spaces will work now
  • Installer: Should now default to %DOCUMENTS% option on Windows 7
  • Fixed Last Connected and Total time displays when editing a session
  • TeSSH: Fixed a couple of places that still mentioned CMUD
3.12 30-Oct-09 (BETA)
  • Fixed crash in mapper when creating a new room with tagging exits that contains certain characters
  • Changed how stubs for Other exit directions are created so that only custom defined direction commands are recognized (instead of creating a bunch of other exits based upon all of the words in the exit tag)
  • Other Exit stubs now works even if exit tag doesn't contain a normal string list
  • onWalkEnd event now fires properly in Safe and Slow speedwalk modes
  • No longer prompts to import from PuTTY each time Session window is opened
3.11 22-Oct-09 (BETA)
  • Added: New #SQLDB command for defining an SQL database connection. Documentation to come. CMUD limited to SQLite databases. CMUDPro and TeSSH can specify a wide range of database driver types for remote databases.
  • Added: New %sqldb function returns a database COM object as with #SQLDB but allows properties to be changed before connecting. Returns a zApp zConnection object.
  • Added: New %sql function performs an SQL query and returns the resulting "row object". Returns a zApp zQuery object. Documentation to come.
  • Added: Importing of PuTTY sessions for TeSSH and CMUDPro
  • Fixed serious crash in Map.GetGrid caused by hidden or missing map windows
  • Fixed serious problem with fetching settings that have duplicate names in different class folders
  • Fixed serious crash when fetching the last setting in the internal database
  • Fixed system menu (upper-left corner) for floating windows
  • Fixed MCCP bug that caused garbage characters to be shown upon connection
  • Creating a Session/New Connection Window no longer stores window in existing package but properly creates a new package instead. Connection packages are now stored in the "hosts" subdirectory of the Data Directory to avoid conflicting with sessions with the same name. Allows "quick connection" windows to have saved settings separate from full sessions
  • COM variable assignment now works with arguments, such as: row.Item("title")=value
  • Fixed crash when editing a Numeric variable that had Use Default option set
  • Fixed bugs in %arrset
  • %array now properly sets variable as an Array type instead of Autotype
  • Added %array editing to the settings editor
  • #SHOWARR now works properly the first time in a session
  • Fixed problem with a closing MXP FONT tag clearing the 256-color Xterm color
  • MXP SEND tag no longer parses ! and . characters for history and speedwalking
  • Fixed problem with clearing the screen when the cursor is not at the end of the text buffer
  • Fixed crash when importing an old *.MDB map database
  • Fixed %roomlink so multiple null links are not added with -3 option
  • #FIND command (and button) now works properly in Follow mode
  • #LOOK command (and button) now works properly in Follow mode
  • Using File/SaveAs in mapper and selecting the same file as the currently open map no longer corrupts the map file
  • Mapper will now use an exit stub for an "Other" direction as needed
  • Exit stubs for Other directions should now be shown properly
  • Mapper no longer sends the longest direction for doors. The first direction in the direction Command string list is now sent instead.
  • Fixed problem with "Only Send Door Command" option not working
  • Fixed onWalkEnd event so that it fires properly
  • Fixed "#OK 1" to force a room confirmation without waiting for MUD prompt, regardless of mapper settings
  • Fixed #LMAP command
  • Fixed reverse paths that contain .(commands)
  • Fixed problem with opening Room Properties window when layout is locked
  • Fixed problem with creating Map windows when layout is locked
  • The #SAVE command will now properly save the layout even if AutoSave is turned off
  • The #LOG command now properly closes the previous log file if it is already open
  • Fixed some text that was cut off in the mapper Strings and Doors config sreen
3.10a 28-Jul-09 (BETA)
  • Fixed crash when opening CMUD when converting an old DEFAULT.PKG file
  • Fixed "database driver not found" error (related to the above)
  • Fixed hard crash with #FIND command in mapper
  • Fixed crash when using the mousewheel in some cases in main MUD window
  • Fixed DEL key in Settings Editor triggering the delete function in the docked mapper window
3.10 27-Jul-09 (BETA)
  • Greatly improved speed of package file conversion from SQLitev2 to SQLitev3
  • Added a progress bar showing the package conversion
  • Updated treeview component used in map Zone and Favorite list to use DevExpress tree to allow better drag/drop usability
  • Loading a package with an empty map file name no longer crashes
  • Fixed problem with not converting old *.MDB ADO/MDAC map files in some cases
  • Fixed problem with duplicate map objects being created in some cases
  • Fixed crash when opening and closing the map window multiple times
  • Fixed crash when closing CMUD after the Room Properties window had been opened and closed
  • Fixed crash when opening a new map using the mapper File/Open command
  • Fixed crash when deleting the Map Object while the map window is open
  • Importing XML no longer creates a duplicate map object
  • Fixed default directory shown when using map File/Open command
  • The %pref(MapFile) value is now set properly after converting to new map format
  • Removed Map Script UI from Map Properties (map scripts are now set within the Map Object in the settings editor)
  • Removed Zone Script UI from the Map Properties
  • Added Zone Script command to Zone menu to open Settings editor to edit/create scripts for the current zone
  • Fixed crash caused by new code to clear VT100 attributes at the end of a line caused when closing window that is wordwrapped
  • Fixed crash with #QUERY command
  • %maplocked now synchronizes the buttons on the map window with the locked field of the Location object
  • Fixed crash with using #MAKEROOM in a new map
  • Fixed problems creating initial new map files
  • Fixed bug causing full exit commands to appear in exit name field
  • Fixed crash when using Close All with room properties window open
  • Added Room Properties command to mapper Tools menu to open the room properties window when the map window isn't open
  • Enabling a class containing a button now properly restores button toggle state
  • Fixed HTML logging bug when using #PCOL with non-ANSI color values
  • Fixed HTML logging duplicate color tags when using command style color
  • Fixed problem with not following the map when the map window wasn't open
  • Options for Zone Tree sorting and panel size are now saved properly across sessions
  • Cancelling from Save Session As no longer shows file prompt
  • Cancelling from #AFK command no longer shows prompt
  • Cancelling from New Package command in settings editor no longer shows file prompt
  • Fixed Show Caption checkbox in Layout menu
  • Map object now properly exports its AutoLoad and MapFile XML fields
  • Added onZoneEnter event with %1 as new zone and %2 as previous zone
  • Added room number as %1 argument to onRoomXXX events
3.09 17-Jul-09 (BETA)
  • Added: CMUDPro/TeSSH: ported FTP module from zMUD to CMUD and improved user interface for CMUD
  • Added: CMUDPro/TeSSH: SFTP support. Auto connects via SFTP when opening FTP window in a current SSH session
  • Added: SO_KEEPALIVE socket option to keep telnet sessions from timing out in routers (enabled by default). This does not circumvent MUD-specific idle timeout code. It is only used to prevent routers from dropping idle telnet socket connections.
  • Added: %input returns command line text
  • Added: %colorsyntax function translates ANSI codes to color syntax codes
  • Converted all databases from SQLite v2.8 to SQLite v3.3. Old packages are automatically converted to new format. Old v2 packages saved in backup files
  • Added Horizontal/Vertical layout options for FTP window
  • FTP module properly handled downloading multiple selected files
  • OnConnect event created by autologin wizard no longer stored in hidden System class folder (now stored in AutoLog class folder)
  • Fixed ANSI color in capture windows (problem with ANSI reset code)
  • Fixed problem with VT100 clear line codes that were not resetting the style buffer, causing eventual overflow of style data on a line
  • Fixed problems with HTML color logging not closing SPAN tags properly
  • Fixed problem with HTML color logging handling certain MXP colors
  • Fixed problem with #PCOL and HTML color logging
  • Fixed the #nnn command within blocks (such as within #IF, #LOOP, etc)
  • Fixed settings editor New/Style was creating a window instead of a style
  • Added support for each session to have it's own FTP window
  • Added support for each session to have it's own Mapper window
  • Added support for each session to have it's own Room Properties window
  • %isnumber no longer returns True for null values
  • %vartype now expands it's argument
  • Improved tab captions in Editor to indicate files being modified via FTP or MCP.
  • Fixed problem with parser not expanding a system variable (such as %host) if it was at the beginning of a line (like in the Telnet Proxy Command string)
  • Fixed bug with & character in URLs causing Clickable URL package to mess up the link
  • #LOCAL command now supports commas between variable names
  • Mapper configuration wizard now properly creates the initial Tracking location
  • Mapper configuration wizard now property creates the first room on the map after a successful configuration
  • Fixed problem with mapper configuration not getting saved
  • Fixed problem with mapper not creating initial map database in correct directory
  • Fixed problem with mapper not creating the initial zone of a new map
  • Selecting the <none> option for the Room Properties tracking location now works properly
  • Switching rooms while editing exits of a previous room now properly saves the changes before switching rooms
  • #STYLE command now accepts a numeric argument for the style name to change system styles (0 is default text style)
  • Menu item with an ID Name was showing the ID name instead of the Caption in the popup menu
  • Fixed crash with #MAPQUERY
  • Fixed crash when using Close/All with Room Properties window open in some cases
  • Fixed problem with Moving rooms to another zone not refreshing the map display
  • The Zone/Refresh command will now reload the internal database cache (fixing display problems without needing to restart)
  • Fixed crash when using package Save As with an apostrophe in the filename
  • Zones now save their last location (Z level and X/Y origin) when switching zones
  • Default CMUD.WIZ trigger wizards included with CMUD now
  • Fixed display issue with Last Connection and Total Connection time when editing a session
  • Fixed Do Not Enter in Room Properties to set the Cost value. Manually changing the Cost value will also turn off the Do Not Enter checkbox
  • Reduced window docking flickering
  • TeSSH: fixed icon in Session window
  • TeSSH: fixed graphics in installer to show TeSSH icon
  • SSH: improved performance
  • SSH: improved compatibility with some buggy servers
  • SSH: improved compatibility with OpenSSH servers
  • SSH: Fixed compatibility of re-keying operation with some SSH/SFTP servers
  • SSH: Fixed issue where an error could be reported when sending data after a connection was closed.
  • SSH: Added support for multiline server identification strings
3.08 22-May-09 (BETA)
  • Fixed major bug causing button and trigger state properties to get reset when loaded
  • Added: %hexstr to convert integer into a hex string
  • Added: %hexnum to convert a hex string into an integer
  • Added: %rgb to return a Windows color value based upon red,green,blue values
  • Added: %hexcolor to return a hex/html color string from a Windows color value
  • Fixed various problems with button toolbar getting changed to zero
  • Fixed crash when accessing Styles preferences page
  • Fixed problem with button editor tab showing script text instead of options
  • Fixed error "button with that name already exists" when editing a button state with same caption as another setting
  • Added syntax for button commands/functions of "Buttonname:state" where "state" is the state number of the button you wish to fetch or modify
  • Fixed problem with trying to drag/drop a button with a popup menu
  • Fixed various problems with Mouse button properties on multistate buttons that could still popup menu in some cases
  • Fixed problem with toolbar background color boxes not updating
  • Fixed problem with changing toolbar number not updating button properly
  • Multistate buttons in another module now display menu correctly
  • Make Button option in menu now creates a new button
  • Improved button alignment options in editor. Instead of using negative values, there are now radio options for setting the button alignment.
  • Removed the old Right Align checkbox that is no longer needed because of above feature
  • Buttons on toolbars can be aligned like floating buttons now
  • Importing right-aligned buttons from old settings will set the button to the far right and may overwrite other right aligned buttons until they are edited
  • Improved performance of string/number conversion routines
  • Fixed problems with changing or clearing the image property of buttons
  • Updated %btncol to work with new color properties. A 4th argument has been added to change the border color of a button: %btncol(name,text,background,border)
3.07 16-May-09 (BETA)
  • Added: Drag/drop for moving buttons (toggle the Lock Buttons option in Layout menu)
  • Added: Button text colors for button states
  • Added: Button border colors for all states
  • Added: Background colors for button panels
  • Rewrote how setting properties are cached in memory and written to database to fix corruption of Options database field
  • Rewrote how database access is handled to prevent un-necessary database updates
  • Rewrote how button states are handled to make the code more similar to how trigger states are handled, allowing for more properties for button states (like text color and border)
  • Fixed major bug preventing #NNN syntax from working in previous version
  • Fixed problem with map database object being duplicated in some cases
  • Fixed problem with button state color sometimes being black
  • Replaced color boxes for buttons with more modern color selector
  • Fixed problem with transparency of buttons. Transparency checkboxes removed in favor of new color selection boxes
  • Fixed hang in settings editor when inserting a { character in certain places
  • Optimized the button refresh code to minimize un-necessary updates
  • Fixed crash when selecting map database in Location editor
  • Fixed problem with buttons flickering when enabling/disabling other classes
  • Fixed problem with accessing button via Lua causing button to disappear
3.06 17-Apr-09 (BETA)
  • Added: Free-floating buttons. Set the Toolbar number to zero to place buttons over the main MUD window instead of docked to a button panel
  • Added: Mouse button triggers for buttons. Cause different button states to be executed with different mouse button and shift/ctrl/alt click combinations
  • Added: User-defined styles via #STYLE and #NOSTYLE command. Color commands (#CW, #COLOR, #PCOL) recognize the name of a style in place of a color name. Styles edited in the Preferences dialog, or by adding View/Show/Styles in package editor.
  • Added: Ported simple trigger wizard from zMUD
  • Added: Default menu item. Executed when double-right clicking the MUD window
  • Added: Right-click menu option for making trigger from selected MUD text
  • Added: xterm mouse support
  • Added: options in Editor menu of package editor to disable the CodeCompletion and FunctionTip popup windows
  • Fixed parser problem with statements following a #LOCAL command not working
  • Fixed parser problems with leading spaces being sent sometimes when command starts with a ~ character
  • Fixed several problems with colors (#CW, etc) and capturing. When MXP Capture is enabled (the default), capture windows should now reflect the same colors as the main window
  • Fixed XML export of variables containing control codes
  • Fixed xterm emulation problem when using command line recall and editing the previous shell command (was adding extra spaces)
  • #teleport no longer executes onRoomEnter twice
  • Mapper no longer loads zone-specific configuration files. Should prevent unwanted configuration changes or loss of configuration. The #config command can still be used to load alternate configuration files from within a script.
  • Fixed problem with changing font name or size in styles
  • Fixed problem with "Use default font" not working properly with styles
  • The #say command no longer forces the background color to black
  • Added "key=keywords" option to #class command
  • Class keywords will now properly match multiple classes with the same key (however, classes can still only have a single keyword value)
  • Creating new button in package editor wasn't setting some defaults (like toolbar number) correctly
  • Down-arrow now properly saves command line text after using tab-completion
  • Added option to preferences to specify the minimum size of commands to save to the command history
  • Added WWW Host/Port proxy data to Help updates and Package Library updates
  • Fixed %ansi(,white) and %ansi(,yellow) to use dim background colors as in zMUD instead of being ignored
  • #pathfrom now allows the second argument to contain a room name
  • All functions and commands that use a short room name are now case insensitive
  • Fixed problem when using #prompt from a #menu creating variables in the wrong module
  • Fixed problem with xml import when id value matched an existing setting with a different setting type
  • Fixed problem with editing the xml directly causing settings to appear in the root level or in a different package (like Default settings)
  • The Exit grid in the Room Properties can now be edited directly (double-click on a cell)
  • Fixed problem with changing a room property and then clicking on a room on the map before saving causing all room properties to be overwritten with previous room
  • Exit properties are now saved when you click a different row in the exit grid
  • Fixed problem with room notes not getting saved in room properties
  • Changing room label from right-click menu on map now refreshes the map to show the label properly
  • Room Properties window is now properly updated when creating a new room on the map
  • Fixed problem where #state and #cond commands might not access the correct trigger when no ID is given
  • Fixed problem with Config/Export/File not working in mapper
  • #print and #mxp should now be properly ignoring the Remote MXP option
  • Fixed problem with MXP foreground color after a prompt
  • Fixed problem with accessing correct alias from zone and room scripts
  • The Check Syntax command in the editor now works properly again after switching to the xml tab and back to the script
  • Fixed the Check Syntax command to work properly in the XML tab to detect XML syntax errors
  • Fixed the #FIND command to work when the map window isn't visible
  • Fixed hang when using a zero-width pattern in a trigger marked with the Repeat option, or with the #CW and #SUB commands (which internally repeat)
  • Fixed problem in package editor where enable and disable scripts in a Class could be corrupted by clicking a different class without saving first
  • Fixed several crashes when exiting the program
  • TeSSH: Removed more references to MUDs. Removed path and directions from various menus
3.05 11-Mar-09 (BETA)
  • Fixed problem with IAC EOR/GA not adding line breaks on correct places
  • Added internal EOR/GA flag. When EOR/GA is detected from server and the EOR/GA preference is enabled, prompt triggers will only fire on lines that end in EOR/GA.
  • zs.numparam now works within Execute Script option of package editor
  • Using (?:pattern) and ($varname:pattern) in same regular expression now assigns correct subpattern to $varname
  • %vartype now accepts literal string values properly
  • #LOCAL no longer requires $ character for variable names (wasn't fixed properly in 3.04)
  • Fixed several more cases where duplicate Map Objects or Location Objects could be created
  • If map file not found in default DataFiles location, CMUD will search directory containing session *.PKG file
  • Fixed problem with syntax color highlighting of trigger patterns not working
  • Fixed problem with zone selection in mapper not always loading correct zone
  • Fixed crash when resizing the command line upon program entry in some layouts (System Error 1400)
  • Fixed F3 problem when using Ctrl-G to load settings editor
  • Fixed crash when deleting buttons in room scripts
  • Fixed packet boundary problem with new MXP locking code
  • Fixed crash on closing CMUD when map object assigned to map window was deleted
  • Pasting color syntax data into command line no longer highlights the text
  • Fixed problem with changing the name of an event not updating internal cache
  • Selecting the Exits tab in the Room Properties window now properly selects the first exit in the list
  • Fixed problem with "white" and "yellow" ANSI background colors
  • Fixed problem importing XML settings with windows that would prevent the layout of the windows from being saved
  • Selecting a database variable in the settings editor no longer takes keyboard focus away from tree view
  • Added different icon for Unlicense option in Start menu
  • Added proper icons to TeSSH for state icons (icons used when new text is received from server, server disconnected, etc)
3.04 6-Mar-09 (BETA)
  • Added: Keyboard mapping preferences for telnet character mode. Can be used to determine which control characters are sent to the server, and which are used for local macros or menu shortcuts. For example, you can enable Ctrl-V to paste instead of sending Ctrl-V to the server, and can control if this is done all the time, or only when not in VT100 keypad mode
  • Added: xterm 256 color emulation
  • Added: Color syntax support for pasting ANSI colors into command line
  • Added: Automatic package backup option causes packages to be backed up when loaded, unloaded, or changed in settings editor
  • Added: Backup depth to specify number of package backup files to save
  • Added: #UNLOAD command to remove a package from the session.
  • Added: #UNLOC command for deleting locations
  • Added: #UPDATE command to force a button or status bar item to update
  • Critical: Fixed serious bug causing some deleted settings from not actually getting deleted, causing duplicate settings to appear upon reload
  • Critical: Fixed serious bug causing the #CW and other color commands to not work properly for certain colors
  • Lua: Fixed problem using zs.param and zs.numparam
  • Lua: Fixed threading access bug that causes some Lua threads to get crosslinked with the wrong MUD window
  • Lua: zs.send properly adds newline
  • Lua: zs.send now processes oninput triggers
  • Lua: fixed problem with button states
  • Lua: fixed problem accessing %i in zs.forall and other loops
  • Lua: isvalid property now returns the proper value for undefined settings
  • Lua: fixed problem with a thread getting stuck in Lua mode
  • Lua: zs.param now returns nil if a parameter doesn't exist, instead of zero.
  • Lua: print(zs.sys) no longer causes crash
  • MXP: Separated the MXP Telnet option (causing CMUD to respond to the telnet option), from the Enable MXP/HTML which enables MXP parsing locally for scripts
  • MXP: Added new "Force remote MXP" option to determine if MXP is enabled for the remote server even if the remote server does not negotiate MXP. This option is now DISABLED by default to prevent CMUD from parsing MXP by mistake from MUDs without MXP support. To restore the previous operation of CMUD, turn this option on. Having this option disabled makes CMUD more compliant with other MXP clients
  • MXP: IMAGE tag no longer strips ? and * from filename URL
  • MXP: Fixed crash when using MXP COLOR tag with invalid # character and no valid color text after it
  • MXP: The Capture MXP option is now enabled by default for child capture windows
  • Mapper: Fixed jerky panning of map using left mouse button
  • Mapper: Fixed problem with AutoCenter option not keeping current room centered in map
  • Mapper: Map now scrolls properly when moving into a room outside the edge of the current map view
  • Mapper: Fixed problem with horizontal scrollbar disappearing when resizing the map window
  • Mapper: Fixed problems with using a shared map in a separate package
  • Mapper: Mapper triggers stored in a map object in another package now fire properly
  • Mapper: Fixed several problems with map configuration not getting saved
  • Mapper: Accessing session variables from within mapper room scripts should work properly now
  • Mapper: changing zones no longer resets map configuration
  • Mapper: double-clicking on a zone link now opens the zone again
  • Mapper: updating %roomdesc and other map functions now properly updates Room Properties window
  • Mapper: Opening map window no longer causes main session right-click menu to fail
  • Mapper: Fixed crash causes by flushing map changes when mapper is no longer open (or when opening a session before mapper window is active)
  • Mapper: Fixed problem with mapper not following movement even when mapper window is closed
  • Mapper: Fixed bug causing room description to be shown all the time when the mapper window was closed
  • Mapper: %zonenum now returns a -1 for invalid zone names instead of returning current zone number
  • Mapper: Fixed crash with mouse-ver mapper hints when creating a new map window
  • Mapper: Jump to link button in Room Properties now saves current changes first
  • Mapper: %roomkind(,0) now resets the Do Not Enter flag properly
  • Mapper: %roomflags(,"") now clears the room flags properly
  • Mapper: The disable all portals option is now saved across sessions properly
  • Mapper: Fixed problems with speedwalking and %pathfrom now working in some cases
  • Mapper: Right-clicking a room and selecting Execute Room Script will now always re-execute the room script each time (Room class is disabled, then enabled)
  • Telnet: Telnet options now use a separate client and server state information to make the telnet option negotiation process more standards compliant.
  • Telnet: In Telnet character mode, added a Paste option to the right-click menu
  • Telnet: Fixed VT100 emulation bug with ESC[L code when scrolling region is active
  • Telnet: By default, using new key mapping feature, PgUp and PgDn send control codes to the server to scroll when in VT100 keypad mode (like when using the vim editor)
  • Telnet: Scrollback buffer is properly preserved when clearing the screen (such as when loading the vim editor), allowing you to scrollback and properly see the text that was received before the editor cleared the screen.
  • Telnet: TESSH now defaults to xterm emulation mode instead of vt100.
  • Fixed problem with HTML logging with non-ANSI colors
  • Syntax highlighting in settings editor now maintains proper language selection when switching between scripts in different languages
  • Settings editor undo stack is now cleared when selecting a different setting to edit
  • Settings editor icons in class selection drop-down now show windows, modules, map icons properly
  • Fixed problem in settings editor where the colors in the editor were sometimes reset to black
  • Right-clicking a package tab in the settings editor and selecting Properties now shows correct package properties
  • Fixed Load and Save file buttons in Variable editor page
  • #SEND command now properly sends command to oninput trigger, even if already executing within an oninput trigger
  • Fixed problem where the default module was not getting set properly for a new window
  • Fixed import/export problem for Events causing name and event attributes to get interchanged
  • Using Copy/Paste in settings editor now preserves the script language properly
  • The Event ID is properly incremented when copying and pasting in the settings editor
  • Fixed #LOAD command to properly add the loaded package to the session
  • Close/All now saves window layout properly
  • Fixed problem with extra blank lines appearing after using #PRINT after the MUD has sent an IAC GA MUD prompt
  • #KILLALL command now forces a backup of package settings to be created
  • #KILLALL properly removes all settings now
  • #SAVE command forces a backup of the package settings to be created before saving
  • #LOCAL command now accepts local variable names without the $ in front of them
  • When searching for a window name (used in #WINDOW or #CAPTURE commands for example), windows defined in the current package are tested first
  • Window names can now be specified with the syntax: "PackageName//WindowName" to access windows in other packages
  • Fixed problem with changing package loading order in Edit session screen
  • Fixed problem causes by some sessions getting their username/password fields crosslinked so changing the name/password for one session was also changing it for other sessions.
  • Fixed minor problem when pressing Tab key from menu item name where it wasn't focusing the script field next.
  • %vartype now accepts a full //module/class/varname path
3.03a 16-Dec-08 (BETA)
  • Quick fix for new bug that was preventing all speedwalking from working
3.03 12-Dec-08 (BETA)
  • Fixed problem with still using PCRE76.DLL. Now it only needs PCRE78.DLL
  • Added Find/Replace dialogs to script editor
  • Added Room border color and width to Room Properties
  • Mapper toolbar customization is now saved
  • Converted map color is no longer gray background
  • Fixed crash when closing a session with a map sometimes
  • Fixed creation of duplicate Map objects when deleting *.DBM files
  • Fixed problem causing Map object to be created during conversion even if map is turned off
  • Map object no longer as sensitive to changes in map path and uses relative path internally
  • Speedwalk mode is now saved with location object
  • Map no longer reverts to previous room whenever it is opened (it used the proper location object)
  • Using the #LOC command with just a number argument sets the current location to the specified room number
  • Using the #LOC command with "#LOC 0 color" changes the color of the current location to the specified color
  • Improved speedwalk performance significantly
  • Fixed problem in Portal list where clicking on a different portal wasn't saving the previous portal changes
  • #TEMP triggers no longer get saved into the package (and converted to permanent triggers)
  • Added "temp" attribute to XML export of #TEMP triggers
  • Added %track variable to return name of current tracking location
  • Added %location variable to return name of current session location
  • Added :location syntax to %roomXXX functions (such as #SHOW %roomname(:myloc))
  • Added %roomint function to set/retrieve the UserInt field of a room
  • Clicking and dragging with left mouse button now pans the map instead of selecting multiple rooms (unless in Map mode). Can be changed with new option in the mapper View menu
  • Fixed several problems with %cmud application COM objects
  • The %session.windowname property now returns the proper window name
  • Fixed problem with changing mapper properties via COM interface, such as %map.curroom.userint=123
  • Fixed problem with COM references that contain parenthesis and function arguments
  • Fixed problem with spaces getting stripped when using multiple variables at the beginning of the command line. Such as "@cmd @target"
  • Syntax highlighter now recognizes valid variable names in var=value assignment statements
  • Syntax highlighting now updates entire line properly instead of just changing the color after the cursor position
  • Fixed autocompletion so it works for uppercase commands/functions instead of just for lowercase
  • Fixed label alignment in many different dialog screen
  • Added word wrap option to Editor menu and added word wrap visual indicator to the beginning of a wrapped line, and added an indent to wrapped lines
  • Using the syntax #IF {a=whatever} {...} now generates a syntax error
  • Fixed Window icon shown at the top of the main package editor screen (was showing the Style icon instead of Window icon)
  • Improved spellchecker to not flag valid variables or aliases as being mispelled
  • Compatibility report now flags any @var=value statements as potential problems
  • Updated SQLITE.DLL to v 2.8.17 to try and fix some SQLITE loading problems
3.02 26-Nov-08 (BETA)
  • Fixed many crashes dealing with creating new, blank maps
  • Fixed crash when docking the room properties to bottom of mapper
  • Improved speed of various map functions. Mapper now only updates disk file every minute (or when the mapper is closed)
  • No longer creates extra Map objects in settings (but you'll need to delete any existing extra map objects manually)
  • Fixed problem with mapper not saving changes when dragging rooms
  • Redesigned the Portal edit screen
  • Redesigned the Map Spreadsheet view screen
  • Fixed infinite loop when opening the Spreadsheet view
  • Fixed crash when opening View/Locations menu in CMUDPro
  • The %portalenable function can now be used to enable/disable the "All Portals" option by just not including any portal name. For example, #CALL %portalenable(0) will disable all portals for the current location object
  • Tracking menus in mapper no longer hide options that have not been accessed in a while
  • Fixed speedwalking when all portals are disabled to not use portals
  • Fixed %maplocked for location objects
  • Fixed crashes caused by deleting last location object
  • The #LOCATION command now works properly when no location objects exist
  • Fixed problem with #LOCATION objects getting corrupted and not pointing to any map object
  • Modified output of #LOCATION to show the name of the map object assigned to it
  • Fixed crashes from executing %roomXXX functions in background thread and causing a map update
  • Fixed problem deleting rooms on a blank map
  • Fixed parsing issue with IP addresses
3.01 21-Nov-08 (BETA)
  • New mapper architecture
  • New mapper uses SQLITE 3.x database (*.dbm) instead of Microsoft MDAC/ADO database (*.mdb)
  • Mapper can now track multiple locations markers within same map. See the #LOCATION command for creating new location items or listing all known locations
  • Location markers can have their own color
  • Added View/Locations menu to edit location objects
  • Added menu to status bar at bottom of mapper to select what location to track on the map
  • Added menu to Set Current Position toolbar button to set a different marker to the current selected location
  • Changed Zone panel into a Toolbar to allow moving it to another position or to turn if off/on
  • Moved the current Room Name from the status bar into it's own toolbar to allow more flexibility
  • Mapper toolbars are now locked in place unless they are unlocked with the command in the View menu
  • Main MUD window toolbars are also now locked when the Layout/Lock Layout menu option is enabled
  • Added map Level indicator to the Zone panel/toolbar. Click on the Level to enter a level number, or click on the Up/Down buttons to change level. When the mouse is moved over this panel (and when the mapper window has the focus), you can use the scrollwheel on the mouse to change levels instead of zooming the map in/out
  • New re-designed Room Properties window. Room Properties window can now be DOCKED and is saved with your window layout
  • Added menu to status bar of Room Properties to select what location is tracked, or which map selection is tracked
  • Moved Room Property toolbar buttons into the status bar to save screen space
  • Added compass to Room Property window to allow you click on arrow buttons to move the tracking location in the designed direction. The buttons are enabled/disabled based upon the known exits from the room. Other non-standard exits in the room are listed below the compass and can be clicked to send the other direction command to the MUD
  • Added right-click menu to the new Compass buttons to add, remove, edit the links in the different directions.
  • Moved page tabs in the Room Property window to the right edge to save screen space
  • Added Tested checkbox to Link page of the Room Properties to help better determine what links are testing and which are not
  • Added #TRACK command to set which location object is currently tracked by the map window
  • Added #WITHLOC command to set which location object is used for map scripting within the command block of the script
  • Updated Configuration Wizard with new graphics and replaced old button components with new ones
  • Added an Enable and Disable script to Class folders. These scripts are executed when the class is enabled or disabled
  • Added a Keyword field to Class folders. This is used to enable/disable groups of classes that share the same keyword. Use "key" as the name of the settings type in the #T+ and #T- commands
  • Room Scripts are now stored in your package settings. Each room containing a script is converted to a Class folder within the new Map object in your settings
  • The Map object specifies the map database loaded with your session. If this is set to AutoLoad, then you can script the map database even if no map window is open
  • You can have the Room Properties window open without any corresponding map window
  • Fixed problem that prevented you from right-clicking on a link to select it
  • Fixed problem with the Delete key on the command line causing the room in the mapper to be deleted
  • Fixed crashes with the Relink exit option in the Room Properties window
  • The speedwalk #OK triggers are now created within the new Map object in the session package. Each Location object has it's own #OK speedwalk trigger, which is enabled and disabled as you speedwalk. The old mapper deleted and re-created the trigger, so this is a big speedwalk speed improvement.
  • Fixed various mapper scaling issues that caused scripts to get really slow when using a large number of rooms
  • Fixed problem with mapper background color not working
  • Added right-click menu for map Labels to allow deleting a label or changing it's text
  • Updated PCRE from v7.6 to v7.8 with Vijilante's latest changes
  • Fixed crash when no primary monitor can be found
  • Logging A hyperlink tags now in MXP/HTML log mode now adds the HREF attribute properly

[Older versions]